Goodness. Einstein never said Gravity is a “consequence of space-time-curvature”
- 'Ethical’ popular Physicists championed the incorrect interpretation of Einstein for many years since Einstein Relativity Theory.
- 'Curvature of space-time’ is reported in many research projects and publications.
- Physicists will have to reconcile those errors.
- 'Curvature of space-time’ allows “mathematical equivalence” A = B 0 = 0
- Numbers and equations are vulnerable; can be ‘crunched’ unmercifully until equivalent
- Rest assured the ‘Theory of Everything’ remains a “Mathematical Paradise Lost”. (mbmsrmd) ( by James Cranwell )
- Everyone knows our solar system sun, moon and #planets are held together in their respective positions by #gravitational #forces. (,,-202094,00.html)
- Apples fall from trees as consequence of gravitational forces.
- Superposition partners attract and preserve coherence as consequences of gravitational forces. Call them what you might.
- None of these and Planets are the ‘curvature of Space-time’ consequences.
- A theory of gravity consistent with quantum mechanics, a quantum gravity theory, which would allow gravity to be united in a common mathematical framework (a theory of “everything) with the other 3 fundamental forces of physics, are a current area of research.”
- There should be: 5. Einstein Gravitational Forces of Nature:
- Gravitational Force
- Electromagnetism Gravitational Force
- Weak Gravitational Force
- Nuclear Gravitational Force
- Strong Nuclear Gravitational Force.[Aug 20, 2016 Voice of America]
- Our Universe is comprised of Static Energy Fields, when challenged, they become Kinetic Forces.
- Our Universe is comprised of Static Energy Fields and when the designated are challenged, they become Einstein’s 5 Kinetic GRAVITATIONAL FORCES.
- Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, E = mc², remains the prominent descriptions of the Natural Forces of our Universe; not ‘spacetime curvature’; forget that.
Albert Einstein lived in Bern, Switzerland from 1902 to 1909, where he developed his Theory of Relativity.
“Einstein’s first thought experiment has to do with time and stems from a thought Einstein had while often riding home in a streetcar in Bern.
Einstein saw the (Zytglogge) clock tower passing behind him and wondered how the clock would appear when the streetcar moved faster and faster,” [writes Chris Impey of Teach Astronomy.]
“At 300,000 kilometers per second, the streetcar would be moving away as fast as the light wave that showed the time as 6 pm i.e. time was frozen!
More correctly, an observer should remember all stationary observers see light traveling past at the same rate.
If an observer flies along a light beam, the only way you can see it traveling at the same rate that a stationary person sees it traveling is if your watch ticks slow or time passes more slowly for the flying observer (i.e. just like a stationary person will observe a passing car going 60 miles per hour north, while a driver going 50 mph north will only see the passing car as going so fast relative to them if their watch is running really really slow.)”
[The Swiss (Zytglogge) Clocktower That Inspired Einstein’s Revolutionary Experiment & Changed History Forever, by Brent Lambert, Sept 8, 2016, Physics, Space, Travel.]
Einstein was brilliant and conducted his thought experiments, within his Mind, not the laboratory, which he later illustrated with publications, which then became classic. He sought help with complicated mathmatics at first and became very proficient mathmatically.
Additional observers, 2 men and 2 women, are added to Einstein’s standard experiment, with 1 man and 1 woman, for this author’s addendum to the thought experiment for the purpose of taking Einstein’s brilliance to another level.
Imagine an 2 men observers are standing still, not moving, on a railway platform, “as a train goes roaring by and each end of the train is struck by a lightning strike just as the train’s midpoint is passing” the 2 men. “Because both lightning strikes on each end of the train are the same distance from the (2 men) observers, the light reaches their eyes at the same instant.
So they correctly says that they happened simultaneously.” “Meanwhile, 2 women observers are on the train sitting at the train’s exact midpoint. From their perspective, the light from the 2 lightning strikes also has to travel equal distances, and the 2 women will likewise observe the speed of light to be the same in either direction.
“But if the train and the 2 women begin moving forward at the speed of light, the lightning strike coming from the rear of the train has to travel farther to be seen by the 2 women, so the light reaches their eyes a few seconds later than the light coming from the front of the train and the light from the front of the train reaches their eyes a few seconds sooner than the light from the rear of the train. Since the light pulses arrived at different times, the 2 women can only conclude the strikes were not simultaneous and that the one in front actually happened first.
“In short, Einstein realized, simultaneity is what’s relative. Once you accept that, all the strange effects we now associate with Relativity are a matter of simple algebra. “Einstein published his paper a few weeks after his thought experiments, titled: ‘On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies’, which offered his counter for the reconciliation of Maxwell’s equations with the Principle of Relativity.
“The revolutionary physicist used his imagination rather than fancy math to come up with his most famous and elegant equation.[Einstein’s Relativity Explained in 4 Simple Steps by Mitch Waldrop, May 16, 2017 National Geographic]
Simultaneity and the flow of time itself depend on how people are moving versus not moving.
Time and Space are therefore Relative. Einstein termed the phenomenon Special Relativity, which led to E = mc² and other physics laws and discoveries. Einstein with the aid of his colleagues perfected the mathematics. If woman 1a of the 2 women on the moving train, willfully and regularly practiced her Belief, neuroplasticity growing her brain’s e-Soul neuronetworks,
· while traveling the speed of light on the train,
· seeing, processing and integrating the lightning strike,
· which turned out to be the Holy Spirit,
· woman 1a would is subject to the laws and mathematics of Einstein’s Relativity and Quantum Mechanics,
· and also subject to the laws for her developed e-Soul’s meaning and purpose at physical death, ascension to Eternity,
· since all energy types never die and only can be changed from one form of energy to another, according to Einstein.
Scientists have quantified and defined the e-Soul while it egresses the deceased Human physical body described in the [the ‘Orch OR’ theory by Stuart Hameroff a1 Roger Penroseb2 Physics of Life Reviews Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 39-78], which has survived peer review test and scrutiny, even with documented EEG recordings.
The train traveling woman 2b, who theoretically, unlike woman 1a, did not practice a Belief and did not willfully activate her Belief and Faith brain neuronetworks and neuroplasticity, when she viewed the Holy Spirit light, is subject to the same laws of Physics and mathematics, but not subject to the laws of ORCH OR quantum entangled e-Soul and EEG processed by the brain neuronetworks’ microtubules.
Woman 1a’s train ride illustrates
· the meaning and purpose of Creation,
· the meaning and purpose of the resonant symphony of consciousness
· and the resonant symphony of the Universe and meaning and purpose of Human life.
· Human perseverance conquering life’s challenges with adaptation
· and illustrates the living breathing genuine ‘Theory of All Things’
· and begs for the yet-to-be biophysics computations necessary for the reconciliation of General Relativity, Quantum Mechanics, Biochemistry, mathematical paradoxes and Stephen Hawking’s black hole paradoxes lost.
But not so fast. Referencing the Orch OR Theory of Penrose and Hameroff, most of the important Neuronetwork neurophysiology, biomolecular processes, occurs within the Brain Neuron microtubules. “There is a connection (probably non-computational) between the brain’s biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe.” [Consciousness in the universe: a review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Physics of life reviews, by Hameroff, Stuart and Penrose, Roger ISSN: 1873-1457, Vol: 11, Issue: 1, Page: 39-78, 2014]
Physics computations, alone, cannot provide a 'Theory of Everything', without including computations or non-computational thought matriculations of Human and all life, i.e. Orch OR Theory of Penrose and Hamerofff.