‘Have You Been Looking for God in all the Wrong Places?' If so, where can Human beings find God?
To begin, Dr. Ben Witherington, III, who is an expert's expert, knows the History of Jesus. Witherington's research concludes that there are 7 valid references for the history of Jesus. Most students only have access to the Holy Bible. Only academicians have access to all according to Dr. Ben Witherington, III, one of the few legitimate experts about the history of Jesus.
“Jesus spoke Aramaic. The letters of Paul, in Acts were written ~49 years (49AD, 43-63AD end of Paul’s 1stimprisonment) after Jesus’ death. The gospels were written ~70 years (70AD) after his death. The Bible was written by Jews in Greek and translated to Latin and has been retranslated and republished with word and sentence changes several times.”
"So the exact circumstances or context about the life of Jesus are not exactly known by me and probably all other humans on earth.," said Witherington. “For the best known history of Jesus, though subject to the circumstances above researchers should have context for the text they read, otherwise the history becomes pretext, alleged reasons, or whatever you want his history to be.” [Witherington]
Conversely, many scientific investigators knows with certainty that there was a sudden change in the chemical environment during our universe formation when the chemical elements for life, CHNOPS, were formed or created. There was a sudden, precise, change from the usual progression of chemical events following the supernova in our universe, resulting in the etiology of life and our solar system, a teleological intervention by our Creator.
Where there is an etiology and reason, there is a causative Agent, an Intervention. God, our Creator was the Cause and Intervenor.
Therefore, many Scientific Literate Christian investigators practice a scientific evidenced based Christian Religion, with an allegorical, non-literal, non-supernatural, but natural, interpretation of the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Jesus taught the Holy meaning of human life. Jesus disseminated the blueprint, a guide for obedient performance for us Christians. Jesus was a hero, physician, messiah, savior for the needy, sinners, outcasts and lost souls.
Most religions have blueprints. Human beings are intended to upload a blueprint for obedience, as if it were stored for transfer on a memory stick, onto our brains’ computer, the vast neuron networks for faith and belief in God and Spiritual, Religious and Meditation Thinking and Mindfulness, the engagement which is DNA hardwired (inherited).
Humans can interpret the history in the Bible about the life of Jesus as they so desire to uncover the meaning and purpose of life and worship our Creator God.
[Dr. Ben Witherington III, born December 30, 1951, is an American New Testament scholar. Witherington is Professor of New Testament Interpretation at Asbury Theological Seminary in Wilmore, Kentucky, and an ordained pastor in the United Methodist Church. He has written over 30 books and made many appearances on radio and television programs and frequently featured on the History Channel, Discovery Channel, and other major networks. He also blogs on Patheos. From High Point, North Carolina, Witherington attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and graduated in 1974 with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English, along with minors in Philosophy and Religious Studies. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. from the Durham University in England. He is an elected member of Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas, a society dedicated to New Testament studies.]
Scientifically Literate Christians, therefore, worship God and praise Jesus for teaching how to worship God, the Creator, who intervened during the first 2 to 20 minutes after the Big Bang for Creation of the the not so repetitive Universe in the Multi-Universe and Creation life on earth.
In the second place, it’s true that our God is permanently in the Heavens above, which Dr Bernard d 'Espagnat recently announced was the ‘Hypercosmos’ and for his research was awarded the 2009 Templeton Prize for “an exceptional contribution to affirming life’s spiritual dimension”.
The beginning of organized Imperial Christianity was just before 325 AD, when Constantine and the Nicene Council's interpretations and implementations of Christianity began the Roman Empire's Christian doctrines and creeds and began the first organized permanent Imperial Christian Religion, which has survived for centuries.
Constantine and the Nicene Council decreed that all Humans should look at Jesus as the place to find God on Earth. Constantine and the Nicene Council decreed Jesus was Divine and a 1/3 part of God on earth, while a 1/3 part of God remained in Heaven and a 1/3 part, the Holy Spirit, was elsewhere and decreed the Roman Empire citizens should look at Jesus to find God.
Let us examine JESUSNESS, JESUSISATION AND JESUSANITY MORE CLOSELY for the definition of our Jesus and the beginnings of Christianity. Naturally, the search for God by Scientifically Literate Christians begins and ends with the Scientific Method.
The search for God is Initiated by first moving the Human ‘Thinking Mind’s Cursor’ (pointer or index finger tip) to the Human nose. Then secondly directing the ‘Thinking Mind’s Cursor’ upwards, just above the Human nose between the eyebrows. Next turn the ‘Cursor’ between the eyebrows and direct it deep into the Human Brain. There will be found a myriad of God’s Neuronetworks, (which were formerly called God’s Spots, God’s Genes and other God terms), now called ‘God’s Brain Module’ (mbmsrmd) which encompasses all the mechanisms that signal-to and receive-from specified sections of the 55 interconnected Neuroanatomical brain regions.
God’s sensory processing Human Brain switchboard ‘monitors’, which receive the Holy Spirit and other communiques, are directly connected-to and controlled-by God, the ‘Controller’ for reciprocal, cybernetic reception, transmission and feedback of all Blessings, Grace, Mercy, Holiness, messages, requests and other interactions.
Our God also directs and controls Universe Modules, Black Hole Modules, Intelligent Design Creation Modules, Consciousness Modules, Soul Modules, Adaptation and Evolution Modules and all other ‘Interconnectedness’ (‘Oneness’) Modules for ‘Wholeness’ within this and every Universe.
Every time Human beings willfully pray, worship and perform their spiritual, religious and/or meditation works and purposes these specific ‘God Module’ parts of their Brain forensically light-up. The term, forensically, in this disertation is applied to the investigation and establishment of facts and evidence in the court of public debate and opinon, but, who knows, possibly in future medical-legal arguments and opinions. Sections of the following information might someday be used in the court of law, because more and more legislation and legal opinions depend on medical and scientific facts and evidence and testified by expert medical and scientific witnesses.
Continuing, scientists have simply stated that Human brain NeuroNetworks are like Christmas Tree lights. Human Brains and Minds NeuroNetworks have many crisscrossing network wires ready to be activated and like Christmas Trees, turned-on to display their colors. More accurately, NeuroNetworks turned-on to perform their Neurophysiological purposes.
Because the ‘God Module’ instruments and functions, aka Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology, have been discovered in laboratory experiments by scientists, the Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology are both like fingerprints, which are indelible permanent ‘biological markers’ and like God's Holy authentic signature. Therefore, the ‘God Module’ Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology are fact based scientific proof and legitimate evidence for the Existence of God and His intentions, located in the Brain.
Similar to Human beings' fingerprints, God's genetically encoded Human Brain ‘God Module’ Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology are figerprints, recorded from EEG, MEG, PET, SPECT, MRI, fMRI, neurotransmitters, hormones and other laboratory findings and, similar to Human beings' wet signatures, different Human beings' intracellular DNAs and Sulfur intercellular coordinators are wet signature biological markers.
God’s signature (CHNOPS) is distributed intracellularly in all forms of life. While 5 of these 6 elements (CHNOP) comprise the polypeptide chemical components of DNA, Sulfur (S) is an essential component of all living cells and coordinates the intercellular directions of DNA.
In 1968, Dr. Harold Morowitz, per citation and work with Dr. Armstrong, was referring to humans, other animals, plants, and bacteria as “CHNOPS organisms”. CHNOPS atomic elements with atomic numbers equal-to or less-than 16 are essential for all animal, plant and unicellular life.
- References:
- [In 1968, Dr Harold Joseph Morowitz per citation referred to Earth-Based Humans, Animals, Plants, and Bacteria as “CHNOPS Organisms”.
- [Energy Flow in Biology: Biological Organization as a Problem in Thermal Physics. Academic Press, Harold Joseph Morowitz, (1968)].
- [Harold Joseph Morowitz (December 4, 1927 – March 22, 2016) was an American biophysicist, Yale University, NASA consultant]
The 3 organism categories, animals (which includes Humans), plants, and bacteria don’t use these 6 CHNOPS atomic elements in equal amounts. All life forms require certain core chemical elements needed for biochemical functioning, which are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur(CHNOPS), the elemental macronutrients for all organisms.[167]
Together these make up nucleic acids, proteins and lipids, the bulk of living matter. 5 of these 6 elements (CHNOP) comprise the chemical components of DNA, the exception being sulfur.
Nucleotides are molecular units for forming the nucleic acid polymers deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and ribonucleic acid (RNA) molecules for all life organisms on Earth. Nucleotides are the building blocks of nucleic acids.["Nucleotides". IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology. IUPAC Gold Book. International Union of Pure and Applied Chemists. 2009. doi:10.1351/goldbook.N04255. ISBN 978-0-9678550-9-7.]
“Structure of DNA Molecules is a very long chain polymer made up of thousands of repeating units called nucleotides. Each Nucleotide Unit is composed of a phosphate group, a pentose sugar, and a nitrogenous base. The Nitrogenous Bases are; adenine (A) thymine (T) guanine (G) cytosine (C).
Watson and Crick (early 1950's) determined the structure of the DNA molecule, which consists of 2 chains of nucleotide units in a twisted ladder-like structure. (resembles a spiral staircase). This spiral staircase is called an alpha helix. [https:www.tonawandacsd.org]
Sulfur is equally important. “Sulfur is a component of proteins, some of the amino acids. polypeptides, proteins, and enzymes. However, except for the vitamins biotin and thiamine, cysteine and all sulfur-containing compounds in the human body can be synthesized from methionine. The enzyme sulfite oxidase is needed for the metabolism of methionine and cysteine in humans and animals.
In intracellular chemistry, sulfur operates as a carrier of reducing hydrogen and its electrons for cellular repair of oxidation. “Reduced glutathione, a sulfur-containing tripeptide, is a reducing agent through its sulfhydryl (-SH) moiety derived from cysteine. The thioredoxins, a class of small proteins essential to all known life, use neighboring pairs of reduced cysteines to work as general protein reducing agents, with similar effect.
God’s signature (CHNOPS) is distributed intracellularly in all forms of life. While the 5 of these 6 elements (CHNOP) comprise the chemical components of DNA, Sulfur (S) is an essential component of all living cells, coordinating the intercellular directions of DNA.
“Many important cellular enzymes have groups ending with -SH, hydrogen bond moieties (parts) to handle reactions involving acyl-containing biochemicals: two common examples from basic metabolism are coenzyme A and alpha-lipoic acid.[76] Two of the 13 classical vitamins, biotin, and thiamine, contain sulfur, with the latter being named for its sulfur content.
“In intracellular chemistry, sulfur operates as a carrier of reducing hydrogen and its electrons for cellular repair of oxidation.Inorganic sulfur forms a part of iron–sulfur clusters as well as many copper, nickel, and iron proteins. Most pervasive are the ferrodoxins, which serve as electron shuttles in cells. Sulfur has other important functions supporting all forms of life.
76. [Nelson, D. L.; Cox, M. M. (2000). Lehninger, Principles of Biochemistry (3rd ed.). New York: Worth Publishing. ISBN 978-1-57259-153-0.] [Wikipedia]
Please see photo above Figure 1. Ancient Energy Conservation from Ferredoxin to ATP in the Acetyl CoA Pathwa for the following description of the ancient ATP pathway: "The chemically simpler, and probably older (ancient), biochemical mechanism to generate ATP is substrate-level phosphorylation (SLP).
In SLP, exergonic chemical reactions of carbon compounds generate intermediates with high energy phosphate bonds that can phosphorylate ADP in a subsequent energy releasing reaction. The enzymes involved are typically soluble with a simple subunit composition. There are about a dozen compounds in metabolism that directly phosphorylate ADP, they were known 50 years ago (Decker et al., 1970) and the list has not grown since.
In SLP, phosphate enters metabolism via acyl phosphate or phosphoenolate bonds through energy releasing reactions of carbon compounds. Although there are many reactions in nature that harbor enough energy to support SLP, the reactions that are used by metabolism for the purpose of SLP involve changes in the oxidation state of carbon.
In SLP, the energy to phosphorylate ADP resides in carbon chemistry.
Phosphate bonds are used as an energy currency because they have a high free energy of hydrolysis. That, in turn, is because phosphorus, in contrast to carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, possesses a third, more open, shell with d orbitals available for further combination, which can readily accept lone pairs of electrons (Wald 1964).
In chemistry thioesters are compounds with the functional group R–S–CO–R'. They are the product of esterification between a carboxylic acid and a thiol. In biochemistry, the best-known thioesters are derivatives of coenzyme A, e.g., acetyl-CoA. [ Matthys J. Janssen "Carboxylic Acids and Esters" in PATAI's Chemistry of Functional Groups: Carboxylic Acids and Esters, Saul Patai, Ed. John Wiley, 1969, New York: pp. 705–764. doi:10.1002/9780470771099.ch15]
Sulfur also has d orbitals and is also involved in biological energy conservation. Sulfur functions as a biological energy currency in thioesters. Thioesters also have a high free energy of hydrolysis, making them chemically reactive. Goldford et al. (2017) found a prevalence of thioester-linked reactions in their phosphate-free network, suggesting an ancient role for thioesters in metabolism.
In line with that, Semenov et al. (2016) recently showed that thioesters can spontaneously generate autocatalytic chemical reaction networks with oscillating properties. Both studies point to a role for thioesters as simple carriers of chemical energy in the assembly of early metabolic networks. Can metabolic energy get even simpler than thioesters? Yes, but that brings us all the way back to FeS clusters and H2, which in terms of chemical simplicity are hard to underbid.
H2 is a rich source of chemical energy for microbes. Under anaerobic conditions, the reaction of CO2 with H2, releases energy—a reason why biologists have always thought that anaerobic autotrophs are ancient (Decker et al., 1970, Fuchs, 2011). Both H2 and CO2 were abundant on the early Earth (Sleep et al., 2011). Their exergonic reaction to form a thioester is the basis of the most ancient CO2 fixation pathway, the acetyl-CoA pathway (Fuchs 2011).
Among the six CO2 fixation pathways known, the acetyl-CoA pathway (Figure 1) stands out from an energetic standpoint. It provides carbon backbones while releasing energy that cells harness to make ATP. The other five pathways fix CO2 at ATP expense (Fuchs 2011), a reason why Goldford et al. (2017) included acetate among their starting compounds. The electrons that flow to CO2 in the acetyl-CoA pathway (Figure 1) flow through FeS (Ferrous {iron ²} + sulfide {Sulfur¯² }) clusters of ferredoxins, which are ancient electron carriers and, like H2, an energy currency in their own right (Herrmann et al., 2008).
[ Energy in Ancient Metabolism William F. Martin1,* and Rudolf K. Thauer2 1Institute for Molecular Evolution, University of Du¨ sseldorf, 40225 Du¨ sseldorf, Germany 2Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Microbiology, 35043 Marburg, Germany *Correspondence: bill@hhu.de http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2017.02.032 ]
The most biologically abundant of these elements is carbon, which has the desirable attribute of forming multiple, stable covalent bonds. This allows carbon-based (organic) molecules to form an immense variety of chemical arrangements.[168]
- 167. Hotz, Robert Lee (3 December 2010). "New link in chain of life". Wall Street Journal. Dow Jones & Company, Inc. Archived from the original on 17 August 2017. Until now, however, they were all thought to share the same biochemistry, based on the Big Six, to build proteins, fats and DNA.
- 168. Neuhaus, Scott (2005). Handbook for the Deep Ecologist: What Everyone Should Know About Self, the Environment, And the Planet. iUniverse. pp. 23–50. ISBN 978-0-521-83113-0. Archived from the original on 4 September 2016.
- [Wikipedia]
Humans simply have to choose to dial-God-up, because our ‘God Module’ satellite connections, located in Human Brains and Minds are always ready for Willful Blessings, Grace, Mercy, Holiness, messages, requests and other interactions' feedback activations. Human beings sincerely need to be-plugged-in and logged-on to fulfill God’s intentions.
The Human brain can think and execute a motor action like eating and think about what it is eating at the same time and pray and think about what it is praying about at the same time. The Human brain can think of more than 2 different thoughts at the same time. But can the Human brain Multitask or execute 2 different thoughts?
- “Scientists found that the volume of the rostral (anterior or superior / front or top) part of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) predicted an individual's response to training.
- “And discovered that not only the function, but also the structure of the DLPFC determines the degree to which performance improvements can be accrued by multitasking training.
- “And concludes that linking brain structure to behavior may be the key to unlocking the extent to which an individual's multitasking skills would improve after undergoing cognitive (thinking) training using a multitasking training protocol.
- “The results highlight the facts that cognitive (thinking) potential is constrained or inhibited by underlying brain structure.
- Elucidating the bounds (capacity of Human anatomical brain structure) and functional relationship will be informative for understanding how and to what degree we can expand our cognitive (thinking) potential. [Prefrontal Cortex Structure Predicts Training-Induced Improvements in Multitasking Performance Ashika Verghese, K.G. Garner, Jason B. Mattingley and Paul E. Dux, Journal of Neuroscience 2 March 2016, 36 (9) 2638-2645; DOI: https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.3410-15.2016]
“A French fMRI study published in 2010 indicated preliminary support for the hypothesis that the brain can pursue at most two goals simultaneously, one for each frontal lobe (which has a goal-oriented area). ["Multitasking Brain Divides And Conquers, To A Point". April 15, 2010, from All Things Considered, by Jon Hamilton reported in Science]
“The average power consumption of a typical adult is 100 Watts and the brain consumes 20% of this making the power of the brain 20 W. The Human brain accounts for about 20% of the total oxygen consumption when a person is at rest.
- [Yang, Eric. Think Dinner. Mac Evolution. 13 February 1998]
- [Drubach, Daniel. The Brain Explained. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, 2000]
- [Body, Physics of." Macmillan Encyclopedia of Physics. New York: Macmillan, 1996]
- [Brown, Guy. The Energy of Life. New York: Free Press, 1999]
There are considerable acceptable and objectionable criticisms about the ‘Jesus Christ myth theory’ (aka Jesus myth theory, Jesus mythicism, and Jesus a historicity theory) [Earl Doherty (2009), Jesus: Neither God nor Man: The Case for a mythical Jesus (Ottawa, ON: Age of Reason Publications), vii–viii.]
Pelé suggested a reasonable answer in his following quote: “Wherever you go, there are 3 icons that everyone knows: Jesus Christ, Pelé and Coca-Cola.”[Pelé quote, brainyquote.com/topics/jesus_christ]
No flippance is intended. There are (a.) realistic and naturalistic explanations and (b.) supernatural explanations about (1.) Jesus' history, (2.) Pele’s astounding soccer accomplishments and (3.) the magnificent taste of Coca-Cola. All 3 legends have grown with passing time.
One’s conclusions about either are according to the individual’s tastes or otherwise stated, the magnitude of the indelible impression the icon makes on an individual's Brain and Mind. The debate about Jesus, for many of us, our spiritual and religious icon, will rage-on beyond the end of time.
For certain, there is no one correct answer, (a.) or (b.), for the explanation of the Jesus history. 'One size does not fit all'. Human beings are exceptionally different and have different circumstances and requirements.
There are enough people who Doubt and are uncertain about their faith to preach about Doubt. Humans hear controversies and wax and wane in and out of belief, but should not despair. The diversity of Christianity is not to loath and cause despair but celebrate. [Rev Paul Prather] Scientifically Literate Christians are a minority with a traditional Christian Religion scientific language and perspective and certainly not for everyone.
“Doubt is universal. Maybe Humans doubt their faith or doubt that their prayer is being heard.” Doubting Thomas in scripture said, “Unless I can place my hand in his side, I will never believe.” [Jesus and Our Doubt Series: Entering the Crucible of Unbelief Sermon byDavid Felker on Mar 25, 2018, John 20:24-29, 2019 First Presbyterian Church, Jackson, Mississippi]
"The percentage of people who Doubt their faith in religion or God at one or another time is commonplace for most American adults who self-identify as Christian. The percentage who have had Doubts is ~ 65%.
“Experiencing spiritual and religious Doubt according to a new study from Barna, is much more common than people think. Most Christians have at some point experienced a time of spiritual and religious Doubt when they were questioned about what they believed about their religion or God.
“Just over one-quarter (26%) say they still experience spiritual Doubt, while 40% say they have experienced it in the past but have worked through it. Only about 35% claim to have never experienced it at all. The key is to never stop trying and keep working through the phase of Doubt. It too will pass. Humans should find their own spiritual, religious and/or meditative comfort zones. [Research Releases in Faith & Christianity, July 25, 2017 Barna Research Group]
Scientific Literate Christians doubted their faith when practicing their conventional Christian teachings early in life because of questions. Since researching DIVINE INTELLIGENT DESIGNED CHRISTIANITY, they have no doubt and are100% certain in their belief in God. That is as it should be.
Remarkably there are no current published definitions for JESUSISATION , except this publication, which should suggest an extroidinarity. Jesusisation is a noun formed from the noun Jesus. Jesusisation is the noun Jesus plus the suffix -isation denoting the transition to 'Jesusness', having the philosophy of Jesus.
Jesuit is a noun for a person who behaves like Jesus. Jesuits are an organized Catholic religious order of persons who behave like Jesus behaved during his time on earth.
- Jesusanity is a noun for the description of the behavior of Jesus.
- Jesus (IPA: /ˈdʒiːzəs/) is a masculine given name derived from the name Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua (Hebrew: ישוע).
- + Latin -anus which is the first suffix meaning “of, related to”
- + Latin "ity" which is the second suffix makes the final Jesusanity a noun
Sanity is the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner and manifest sound mental health. [Merriam-Webster Dictionary] Was Judus Iscarot insane when he betrayed Jesus?
- Mar 3:19 And Judas Iscariot, which also betrayed him: and they went into an house.
- Mar 3:20 ¶And the multitude cometh together again, so that they could not so much as eat bread.
- Mar 3:21 And when his friends heard of it, they went out to lay hold on him: for they said, 'He is beside himself'.
- Scientifically Literate Christians believe humans, who worship Jesus as a 1/3 part of our monotheistic God, have betrayed God, Abraham and monotheism for worshiping a Divine Jesus.
- Jesus himself said in scripture writings, "Thou shalt worship the LORD thy God and him only shalt thou serve.” [Luke 4:8] That scripture translaion is straight forward to Scientifically Literate Christians.
Another example, when searching Merriam-Webster Dictionary for the definition of God: "When Capitalized : the supreme or ultimate reality: the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped as creator and ruler of the universe."
Monotheism is the view that there is only one God. The 3 Abrahamic Monotheisms are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Theists believe that reality’s ultimate principle is God, an omnipotent, omniscient, goodness that Created everything other than God's self. [Wainwright, William, "Monotheism", The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2018 Edition), Edward N. Zalta (ed.), URL = <https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/fall2018/entries/monotheism/>.
- ‘Christianisation’(Christianization) definition "is to convert a human to Christian." [Mirriam-Webster Dictionary]
- The etymology of Christianity is derived from 3 parts i.e. a stem name and 2 suffixes
- The stem name is derived from Middle English Cristiente, Cristente, borrowed from Old French Crestienté, from Medieval Latin stem of Chrīstiānitās, from Latin Shristianus, Christianus, from Ancient Greek Χριστιανός (Khristianós), from Χριστός (Khristós, “Christ, anointed one”)
- + Latin -anus which is the first suffix meaning “of, related to”
- + Latin "ity" which is the second suffix makes the final Christiana noun
- Jesus (IPA: /ˈdʒiːzəs/) is a masculine given name derived from the name Iēsous (Greek: Ἰησοῦς), the Greek form of the Hebrew name Yeshua (Hebrew: ישוע).
When searching for the definition of Christ: "the Messiah, Middle English Crist, from Old English, from Latin Christus, from Greek Christos, literally, anointed, from chriein."
Searching Merriam-Webster for the definition of Jesusisation: "The word you've entered isn't in the dictionary."
It seems only plausible, reasonable and worthy of belief that the definition for the noun Jesusisation, following suit, should be: "to convert a Human being to Jesus' religious philosophy.
However in doing so, Jesus would have to be fully Human, with fully Human parents and have been born following a natural Human conception and have lived a regular, reasonable Human life and died a usual and non-supernatural death. But that would have defied Constanisation aka Constantine Christianisation aka "Emperor Constantine and the Christianization of the Roman State." [ 2019 Ancient Faith Ministries, Inc.]
Christianisation originally was conceived as a socio-historical term to explain the mechanisms behind the Christian conversion of humans who lived in the Roman Empire.
“Initially, Christianisation was regarded as the process in which people were converted to the new religion. Gibbon painted the rise of Christianity as a religion of ‘conquest’ or ‘triumph’. The Christianity and the nature of ‘Christian triumphalism’ was faced with various controversies in the 4th and 5th centuries. An article in the European Journal of Political Economy examined the triumph of Christianity in relation to the late Roman economy (Ferrero 2008).
“It has been a policy to make other countries colonies and dependent countries by military power. Expansionism and conquestism began ages ago and then spread to the world.”
Jesus' religious philosophy, shocking death by crucifixion and martyrdom sparked the embryonic beginning of unorganized Christianity.
Constantine and the Nicene Council's interpretations and implementations of Christianity were the Roman Empire's beginning Christian doctrines and creeds and the first organized permanent Imperial Christian Religion which has survived for centuries.
Let's be clear. Constantine’s beginning Imperial Christianity, "mother's milk of the Word", has led the narrow, sometimes difficult way to God and that's what is important.
- 1Co 3:2 I have fed you with milk, and not with meat (of discernment): for hitherto ye were not able to bear it, neither yet now are ye able.
- Heb 5:12 For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of God; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat (of discernment).
- Heb 5:13 For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe.
- 1Pe 2:2 As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby:
"In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan, legalizing Christian worship. Christianity was accepted and Constantine became the "Christian Monarch". 10 years later, 323 AD, Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Holy Bible was canonized and printed by the Constantinites in 325 AD." Thereafter, as Christianisation moved forward, multiple Christian and Protestant Religion splits resulted.
“Discovery of the new world, earth's Western Hemisphere, specifically the Americas(including nearby islands such as those of the Caribbean and Bermuda), sparked a resurgence of expansionism, conquestism, imperialism and Evangelicalism, evangelical Christianity, or evangelical Protestantism.
Constantine’s beginning Imperial Christianity was and continues to be the "mother's milk of the Word" and continues to lead the narrow, sometimes difficult way to God and has served and continues to serve a vital introduction to Christianity and many beginners remain on that wrung up the ladder of Christian learning. That wrung is perfect for those with that educational frame of reference, with which they are most comfortable. [Educational frame of reference: an additional model for rehabilitation medicine.Anderson TP. Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 1978 May;59(5):203-6]
However, Scientifically Literate Christians have observed the departure from religiousness of many college-aged youth to Godlessness, because an increasing percentage of college-aged youth do not believe and have serious doubts from their viewpoint about supernatural, unreasonable, animistic religions.
Scientific Literate Christians are passionate concerning their curiosities. For example, Scientists turn clocks over and peer inside to discern how clocks work. Scientific Literate Christians' passionate curiosities elicit scientific discernment, perception, a state of intuition and becoming aware through the senses and realization, understanding and sagacious interpretations.
Discernment is concentrated Mindfulness, a dynamic mental state perceiving spiritual guidance and understanding. Discernment provides the "strong meat" for worship and belief in God and for Creation of our Universe in a scientific language, that college-aged students and other eager learners can understand. with none of the supernatural powers, the unreasonable and animism. Discernment increases with age and experience.
- 2Sa 19:35 I am this day fourscore years old: and can I discern between good and evil?
- Mal 3:18 Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not.
- Mat 16:3 And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times?
- Luk 12:56 Ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky and of the earth; but how is it that ye do not discern this time?
- Heb 5:14 But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
Unfortunately, some religions are now again preaching ‘conquest and triumph’, hate and discrimination, dominion based on wealth, race, angloshpere, utilizing derogatory names i.e. deplorables, libtards, fagets etc. to disparage and control the vulnerable, which is similar to Christianisation of the Roman Empire's pagans in the Old World and the new found Native American Indian 'savages' in the New World, in the name of religion.
Imagine, during his era, when as a Human being he walked on earth, what Jesus would say if an LGBTQ Human being was murdered, because of their difference, as now shamefully suggested by some religious ministers.
For the Christian record, the natural, demystified 'Jesus Christianisation Model’, hope, faith and love, our hero and savior, Jesus, taught during his moral life and time are more effective and continue to become a legitimate movement, when the message is willfully discerned and enacted from living examples, like Jesus, his teachings and parables, rather than dominating, conquesting, triumphing, beating and fearing Humans into worshiping God, similar to those they denigrate as pagans and savages, which are not legitimate and actually sinful.
Human beings may or may not believe that Jesus of Nazareth was Divine, or 1/3 of a Trinity and/or the reincarnation of God and/or believe mythological, unrealistic, supernatural creeds, traditions of some Christian religions.
There were other human opinions than the mythological, unrealistic, supernatural, animistic traditions among the Christians in the 1st century. but Roman Emperor Constantine and the Nicine Council did not have the availability of Science and established Constantine's beginning Christianity around ~325 AD, which codified morality, civility and religiousness within the Roman Empire, which worked then, as it works now for those who are comfortale with it.
Opinions in psychological research that resounded and echoed loudest, were opinions preserved for 100s of years and were object of research; while non-mysterious, realistic, scientific opinions had fallen by way side” [Psychological method and the historical Jesus psychobiography Bas van Os, HTS 63(1) 2007 (Groningen, the Netherlands) 1 Research Associate: Department of New Testament Studies University of Pretoria]
Faith and trust based on years of oral traditions, memes aka cultures, systems of behavior, passed one individual and generation to next were beliefs and mental networks, established from oralities and verbal Christian religion communications, when there was scarce learning technology.
“Data Lack about Jesus’ family and his childhood development and scientifically acceptable information were not available, despite psychobiographers reports.”
Research. There had been a “number of psychologically informed studies about Jesus which concluded different stories about Jesus due to lack of data. Some who reported data were questionable sources”
“The New Testament implied assumptions about questionable sources and people” [Psychological method and the historical Jesus psychobiography Bas van Os, HTS 63(1) 2007 (Groningen, the Netherlands) 1 Research Associate: Department of New Testament Studies University of Pretoria]
There were many historical and psychological methods of Religious and Spiritual non-Evidence Based Belief and Faith in God. Renowned Jesus expert, Dr. Ben Witherington III, Asbury Theological Seminary, accurately describes Jesus' historicity.
No matter the resources there was “No denying Jesus had unparalleled impact on billions of humans and cultural multitudes. ”Because Jesus was a Hero, a savior for the needy, sinners, outcasts and lost souls.
Conversely scientists understand the Laws of Nature and about 20% believe in DIVINE INTELLIGENT DESIGNED CHRISTIANITY, who understand scientific truth about Creation of universe and human life, which was carefully created by God
Again, there is one thing that is certain, there is “no denying Jesus had and continues to have an unparalleled impact on billions of humans and a multitude of cultures” because, again, Jesus was a Hero, a savior for the needy, sinners, outcasts and lost souls. Jesus practiced the 10 Commandments, was not a murderer and not prejudiced.
There are many reasons for the enduring power and reputation of Jesus’ Heroism which has persisted many centuries.” The reasons follow:
- “Jesus was ‘Born Hero’: he was born in pure, perfect union with Word of God.
- “Jesus was a Revolutionary: he was a polarizing figure; followers witnessed miracles and believed the new morality he preached i.e. love, gentleness, generosity, forgiveness
- “Jesus Suffered on the cross. Jesus suffered horrifically and atrociously
- Jesus was a martyr.
- Paul said in Hebrews:
- Heb 9:16 KJV For where a testament is, there must also of necessity be the death of the testator
- Heb 9:17 KJV For a testament is of force after men are dead: otherwise it is of no strength at all while the testator liveth.
- “Jesus died and saved others.
- Jesus’ death circumstances were responsible for Christianity.
- Christianity inspired millions to practice Jesus’ the faith for over past 2000 years
- “Jesus Transformed Society: Jesus was a transforming leader, inspiring people, civility and morality
As with many transforming heroes Jesus’ legend is compelling. His message is powerful. Many “iconic institutions were and are in place to ensure significant Jesus staying power.”
“Mahatma Gandhi, a Hindu, described Jesus as "a man who was completely innocent, offered himself as a sacrifice for the good of others, including his enemies, and became the ransom of the world. It was a perfect act" an act of obedience [Why Jesus Is A Hero To Billions by Scott T Allison Ph.D. Why We Need Heroes, Dec 23, 2014 Psychology Today]
Scientific Literate Christians believe Jesus was born in 4 BC and died 30-33 AD and was real person with a real history and was a Jewish preacher. a messiah, meaning teacher, and was a religious leader, and the beginning of unorganized, non-Imperial simple, pure, non-supernatural, resonable, rational, demystified Christianity [Vermes, Geza (1981). Jesus the Jew: A Historian's Reading of the Gospels. Philadelphia: First Fortress. pp. 20, 26, 27, 29]
There were “40 years between death of Jesus and writing the 1st teachings of Jesus from oral traditions”, 70 years between the death of Jesus and the 1st Gospels and “little time for oral traditions to explain his life.” Jesus “grew up in Nazareth, which was a poor, simple Jewish community with 50 dwellings, 4 acres and no prosperity. Nazareth was a not sought after community and was a desolate community most wanted to abandon” 88.
- Children of Abraham are models, who understood the blessings from God
- and ‘Obedience to Him alone’.
- Abraham was the father of monotheism’s 3 religions: Judaism (began 1st millennium BCE), Christianity (began 1st cent CE) and Islam (began 7th cent CE)[Gen 17: 9] 85.
- Abraham born about ± 1500 to 2000 years before Jesus. Mathew 1: 17 suggests 42 generations.
- Anatomically modern human, who first stood-up on 2 feet aka Homo sapien, were Created and evolved 200,000 years ago; about ~198,000 years before Jesus and ~196,000 years before Abraham.
- "Homo sapiens, (Latin: “wise man”) are the species to which all modern human beings belong. Homo sapiens is one of several species grouped into the genus Homo, but it is the only one that is not extinct." [Encyclopedia Britannica]
- Anatomically modern, cognitive humans, who could think, Homo sapien-sapiens, were Created and evolved in ‘His likeness’ in Southern Africa about 50,000-70,000 years ago, were 'All God's Children', allegorically Adam and Eve, ~58,000 years before Jesus and ~56,000 years before Abraham.
- Cognition was the only difference in Homo sapien and Homo sapien-sapiens. No mention was made, in our species definitions, about skin color, sexual orientation, LGBT, republican, democrat, religion, Christian etc. which were not relevant for Creation of Homo sapien-sapiens with Cognition.
Humility was and is the cornerstone of Jesusisation and Jesusness. And should be the cornerstone of all Christianity. “Whosoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; he that shall humble himself shall be exalted” [Mat 23:12]
JESUSISATION is the noun Jesus plus the suffix -isation denoting the transition to Jesusness' noun form and is a sensible, resonable, rational noun formed from the noun Jesus denoting 'Jesusness'. the philosophy of Jesus.
JESUSISATION is Not a philosophy of Roman Empire Constantine Christianity with ‘conquest’ and ‘triumph’, expansionism and conquestism over other countries, colonies and dependent regions by military power followed by Christianity and or Protestantism and then the 'church state' and then spread to the rest of the world.”
JESUSISATION is not a throw-back to Germanic 'Völkerwanderung' characterized by 4 steps (1.) military force, ‘conquest’ and ‘triumph’ (2.) followed by spread of Christianity and/or Protestantism and (3.) establishment of commercialism, business organizations and (4.) Christian and or Protestant affiliated government and 'church states'.
Many scientists are careful to worship God alone, not the supernatural Trinity, because Jesus said, “Thou shalt worship the LORD thy God and him only shalt thou serve.” [Luke 4:8] That scripture is straight forward.
Rather than worship Jesus as 1/3 of the Trinity, instead Scientifically Literate Christians praise Jesus for teaching human beings how to worship God alone and how to embrace Jesusness and practice faith, hope, love, humility, gentleness, generosity and forgiveness.
The most important facts that Scientific Literate Christians understand are that
“People believe supernatural explanations when they lack the knowledge and have a deficient understanding of science and an inadequate education concerning natural causes for events and assert mythical explanations when they don't understand God's scientific intelligent design of the Universe.
"Human beings are more likely to rely on miracles and animistic thinking when they lack scientific knowledge, understanding and education” and are Scientifically Illiterate. In fact, 70% to 80% of Americans were found Scientifically Illiterate, when recently investigated. [(1724/1824: 295, De Cruz translation) Bernard de Fontenelle’s De l’Origine des Fables (1724)]
Scientific facts reveal that belief in God arises naturally from workings of Human Brains and Minds i.e. permanent DNA encoded neuroanatomy and neurophysiology,
Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Phosphorus and Sulfa (CHNOPS) are the atomic elements necessary for all living entities, including Human beings. The intervention by our Creator was the Blessing, which produced the special Nucleosynthesis circumstances for the unusual formation of the isotope H² (heavy Hydrogen) necessary for CHNOPS Creation, the light atomic elements with atomic numbers equal-to-or-less than 16, during the first 2 minutes to 20 minutes of our Universe formation, after the Big Bang.
CHNOPS, the atomic elements for life, are God's Holy authentic DNA signature. God's Holy authentic CHNOPS signature certifi