Human ‘Triune Brain” has 3 distinct developmental structures, representing three evolutionary periods.
Cerebral Cortex
- Reptilian Brain aka the Hindbrain aka is the oldest, deepest, and smallest area of the brain: controls the heart, lungs, and other vital organs. It enables aggression, mating, and reaction to immediate danger.
• Located at the rear of the skull lowest portion of the brain, includes the medulla, cerebellum and pons.
• The Brain Stem, composed of the hindbrain, plus the midbrain, minus the cerebellum evolved 500 million years ago, most ancient part of the brain and involved in alertness and in monitoring basic survival functions: breathing, heartbeat, and blood pressure. “reptilian brain” because it is considered the entire brain of reptiles.
- Limbic system, Love Brain evolved in Mammals. This is the middle layer of our brains, surrounding the reptilian brain. The physiological features unique to mammals are in the limbic brain, e.g., the hypothalamus system for keeping us warm, limbic system also produces emotions that facilitate relationships. Mammals, unlike reptiles, care for their young. Mammals evolved brains hardwired for mother-child and other relationships.
- Neocortex aka cerebral cortex is the newest, outermost area of our brains. Only humans have an enormous cerebral cortex: learns new things. Can find new foods, survive in new environments, or change their mating tactics to improve reproductive success. Our brains can think in abstractions. We communicate via symbols (e.g., language), consider the past and future, and sacrifice our personal interests not only for our families (as other mammals do) but also for ideas (e.g., honor and country). [MacLean, Paul. The Triune Brain in Evolution: Role in Paleocerebral Functions (Plenum, 1990, ISBN 0306431688). [Panksepp, Jaak. Affective Neuroscience: The Foundations of Human and Animal Emotions (Oxford, 1998, p. 42.] [Lewis, T., Amini, F., Lannon, R. A General Theory of Love (Random House, 2000, 25-26.]
Limbic System
Scientists advance the hypothesis that human nervous systems are not isolated and self-contained, but rather demonstrably attuned to human, animate and inanimate surroundings and, particularly, human beings, whom are closely associated. A “mating signal” has been suggested that allows potential mates to judge reproductive fitness.
“This responsiveness, limbic resonance, is a capacity which humans share with the anatomical characteristics of the limbic areas of all other mammalian brains, which are important when associated with physical contact and affection in social and cognitive development. [Harry Harlow].
Limbic systems appear to be similar to a second grand piano, resonating with the play of a note on a first grand piano’s key board, when both are in resonant range, when located in different areas and rooms of a building. Brains of different people and animals, and inanimate matter abiding Entanglement Area Law (EAL) communicate with similar resonance.
The Infinite vibrating, resonating and oscillating fields’ rhapsody apply to “everything” in this universe; more later.
Brains communicate and “resonate” together through the limbic system, limbic resonance energy communications. Energy notes played in one brain are received by energy notes in the second brain in close proximity, like the grand pianos, and they resonate.
“This interaction releases large amounts of brain neurochemicals, which are necessary for emotional and physical well-being. So limbic resonance is a good mechanism and, in addition, good medicine.” 134.
- So it should not surprise readers to discover that heavenly, power plant-like energy sources, God and the Holy Spirit, resonate with animate brain and inanimate systems. Resent study results reveal:
• possible impact of electromagnetic resonant radiations (EMR), energy that travels through space in the form of magnetic and electric waves in the form of a stream of photons,
• aka radiation consisting of electromagnetic waves, including rays, and gamma (G, g) rays,
• when generated in ionospheric Alfv’en maser, a simulator for ionosphere modes at the frequencies f = 0.2 – 10 Hz,
• which are important for the lithosphere-ionosphere coupling,
• clearly demonstrated that electromagnetic resonant radiations (EMR) affect human brain biorhythms, such as delta-rhythms and, partially, theta-rhythms. 135. 136.
If ionosphere EMGs affect brain biorhythms, then readers should not be surprised, when studies in the future suggest that EMG energy, and other energies, from our Creator, Higher Power, like a Power Plant, affect the biorhythms of the brain.
“Brain scanning techniques such as functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have been used to investigate brain regions that seem to be involved in producing the human experience of love. Foci in the media insula, which the brain associates with instinct, and part of the anterior cingulate cortex, which is associated with feelings of euphoria were implicated (Semir Zeki and Andreas Bartels).
“Ortigue et al research found that an unconscious love prime, or mention of the name of a romantic partner activated similar brain regions i.e. when subjects were consciously aware of seeing partners’ faces.”
“Subliminal priming with either a beloved’s name or face activated emotion and motivational brain regions: caudate nucleus, insula, bilateral fusiform regions, para-hippocampal gyrus, right angular gyrus, occipital cortex, and cerebellum.”
The love prime evoked more activation in bilateral angular gyri and bilateral fusiform regions.
It follows, that love prime activation of brain areas associated, with the name prime or vision of God, during prayer, meditation and worship made perfect sense.The following summarizes the love categories and their neurochemicals. 89.
- The following summarizes the love categories and their neurochemicals. 89.
- Love Categories:
1. Attachment ← oxytocin, vasopressin
2. Lust ← Testosterone, Estrogen
3. Attraction, Loss of appetite and sleep ← Dopamine, Norepinephrine, Serotonin,Nerve Growth Factor89.
4. The Dopamine system, in all probability, is neurochemically responsible for the pursuit of the existential meaning of our lives and our God Attachment: why we believe, act and feel the way we feel about God. 143.
Dr. Helen Fisher Rutgers University believes that attachments formed between individuals “in love” are caused by changes in the brain involving a group of neurotransmitters called mono-amines, i.e. dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Lust is governed by testosterone and estrogen. Attachment is governed by the neurotransmitters oxytocin and vasopressin. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111.112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123.
Humans possess a neurophysiologically based mechanism that compels humans to believe in a spiritual reality when willfully activated. Environmental trials and tribulations induced the natural selection of new adaptations of spiritual cognition within the human sub-species.
“If humans close their eyes and focus concentration on some high power like God, human neurochemistry is altered and transforms the conscious experience in an unusual manner, which compels humans to Believe that our Beliefs in a spiritual realm are genuine.”
Further, with faith reinforced by the experiences, mortal fears are significantly relieved and sometimes totally diminished. 124. 125
Ernest Emery ‘Shine’ Richards, retired University of Maine System Engineer of Telecommunications Transmission, has been researching bioenergetics and exploring the universe throughout his life.
He presented his theories on instantaneous communications links with the Earth, its life-forms, the Galaxy and the whole Cosmos, from experiments on vibration measurement experiments that he found formed an image of human intimate connections to all of creation.
Richards discovered that humans are vibrant, living, dancing holograms, 3 dimensional images of light with light vibrations of all known and measurable electromagnetic spectrum, including eye light reception.
“Humans radiate the ultra-violet and higher energies; streams of infrared waves flow between human bodies. The complexities of microwave information resonate and chat within the molecular and cellular structures of human bodies.
The cellular chemical messengers circulate and form; dissipate to reform anew the delicate holographic instructions.” Interestingly, human body energy chats with other human body energies.
“Radio waves of ancient galaxies, neighboring stars and solar family planets rain and dance upon the Earth’s umbrella-like energy belts, altering the intensity, selectively protecting the delicate organic forms. Slower and ever more powerful rhythms of planetary turnings, solar sprinklings, starry pulses, galactic tides and universal songs sweep through and around you every instant.
The holographic body reverberates with the wind of electromagnetic light; every cell listens to the drum-beats, attunes its spiral DNA structure to the composition, and sings its own unique chord; inducing resonant vibrations throughout the cellular molecules.”
These radiations of electrical and magnetic waves of information move through space and our atmospheric environment. Some of our body structures exhibit a resonance matching the Earth’s natural magnetic field, allowing certain rhythmic behavior as seen in human and other life-forms. 137. 138. 139.
“Billions of nerve impulses travel throughout the human brain and nervous system. A nerve impulse is a wave of electrical activity that passes from the dendrite ends of nerve cell, across the cell body, to the other axon ends to other dendrites of neighboring connecting neurons, aligned with the specific neuronetworks for a specific mental, mind, task.
For human body emanating energy example, one energy frequency, the human body produces is infra-red radiation that, with night vision equipment, can be seen from miles away.” 141. **
“Human brains produce electromagnetic waves of energy, when a person is awake or sleeping. These waves reflect the behavior and thoughts of the brain. A person’s brain waves can be detected and analyzed as they are emitted from the scalp. The EEG (electroencephalogram) is the objective measurement and description of this brain activity.” These are scientific facts, not mysteries, practiced daily by medical doctors. 142.
Other nearby human brains can detect the emitted waves, akin to an EEG, from another person’s brains. Homo sapien-sapiens, anatomical modern cognitive human, AMCH, have EEG like receptive abilities. AMCH are energy creatures, who appear to only have physical experiences, while on earth.
Scientists discovered that Homo sapien-sapiens spiritual energy is another frequency of electromagnetic human energy.
Scientists discovered AMCH were created, equipped and have the capabilities:
• receiving multitudes of positive spiritual energies in the form multiple electromagnetic waveforms similar to an EEG
• converting the wave forms to neurochemicals
• then to micro-electrical nerve energy
• then resultant reinforced waves of energy charged particles are conducted by human nerves to other parts of the brain and body
• which are subsequently transformed to transmitting electromagnetic energy waves
AMCH (Homo sapien-sapiens) are analogous to “3 dimensional vibrant, living, dancing holograms (three dimensional image) of light with light vibrations of all known and measurable electromagnetic spectrum, including eye light reception, capturing and emitting electromagnetic energy waves like strobe lights.
“Humans radiate ultra-violet and higher energies; streams of infrared waves flow between human bodies. Night detection devices are examples. The complexities of microwave information resonate and chat within the molecular and cellular structures of human bodies. The cellular chemical messengers circulate, form, and dissipate to reform anew the delicate holographic instructions.”
Positive spiritual energy waves are other forms of electromagnetic waveforms, which can be transmitted from one human to other humans. Interestingly, “human body energies chat with other human body energies.” 137.138.
• resultant positive electromagnetic spiritual energy waves have positive impacts on surrounding humans and their environments.
• positive human beings’ spiritual energy waves improve the lives of other humans and the earth on which Homo sapien-sapiens live.
• conversely, negative human beings’ electromagnetic spiritual energy waves, emitted by humans, who manifest spiritual distress, worsen the lives of other humans and the earth on which Homo sapien-sapiens live.
• Willfully, Stimulating Neural Activity and Growth, SNAGing the brain is a human choice, not a dictate, and requires spiritual exercises i.e. learning about, praying to, worshiping and spending quiet time with God or your other Higher Power. 130.
In another scientific report, the Biology of Life (BOL) was described. The BOL revealed that Homo sapien, anatomically modern humans, non-cognitive, are on earth because of adaptations, mutations and natural selections which gave them survival of the fittest and Homo sapien, who were created 200,000 years ago, outlived and had more offspring and descendants that inhabited the earth than other Homo species.
On the other hand, the Physics of Life detailed that Homo sapien-sapiens are energy creatures, who happen to be housed in physical matter structures.
Humans receive an external contact with body sources of energy from the universe, galaxy, sun, other electromagnetic sources and other ambient sources. Humans receive external ingested energy sources from food, drink and other ingested provisions and restructure those and other energy sources internally. Thereafter, humans, most efficiently dissipate increasingly more energy back into their environment.
For example, “when the sun’s UV-B rays hit the skin, a reaction takes place that enables skin cells to manufacture vitamin D intracellularly from a liver precursor. The sunshine vitamin has been reported to protect against a host of diseases, including osteoporosis, heart disease, and cancers of the breast, prostate, and colon. What’s more, sunlight has other hidden benefits i.e. protecting against depression, insomnia, and an overactive immune system. Thus, human matter acquires key physical attributes from external energy sources associated with life.” 174.
“Starting with a random clump of atoms, if light is shined on the atoms for long enough, it should not be surprising that a plant is formed,” said Jeremy England, a 31-year-old assistant professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who has derived a mathematical formula, he believes explains the capacity for life.
“Particles tend to dissipate more energy, when they resonate with a driving force, or move in the direction which is pushing them. Particles are more likely to move in that direction than any other at any given moment. This means clumps of atoms surrounded by a bath at some temperature, like the atmosphere or the ocean, tend over time to arrange themselves to resonate better and better with sources of mechanical, electromagnetic or chemical work in their environments,” England explained.”
Scientists believe the Holy Spirit is a special resonating, energy ‘language’, unlike normal language sounds and human hearing.
Holy Spirit is a rhapsody of the 4: quantum fields, general relativity, biofields and autopoiesis, Conducted by our Creator. The etymology of Rhapsody is from Greek, ‘rhaptein’, to stitch together.
The rhapsody Is broadcast in a special infinite, instantaneous, universe-all energy not perceived by the usual special human sensory cranial nerves or human sense organs like sight and eyes, hearing and ears, taste and tongue, smell and nose, and so forth.
Holy Spirit Communication is a non-verbal, non-sound multifaceted energy similar to the silent sunlight-to-skin-to-vitamin D synthesis biological system.
The human brain and mind are encoded and programed for faith and belief. Homo sapien-sapiens, Anatomical Modern Cognitive Human, AMCH, was naturally selected, beginning 50,000 to 70,000 years ago from AMH and subsequently evolved.
Imagine, the necessary human sensory receptor system for Holy Spirit Communication is located in the brain. It is similar to one of our business and household computer systems, but a mini-computer.
The Holy Spirit does not need language for the Human mini-computer system God created, but a unique Energy.
It turns out that the Human Brain Mini-Computer System has a mini-Wi-Fi and Router System connected to different electronic neuron networks like computers, iPads, iPhones and so forth, but neuroanatomy located deep within human brains.
The Human Brain Mini-Computer System has 100 billion neuron brain cells, neuro-networked for recordings, movie-like picture playing, networks for initiating motor muscular actions, playing basketball, thinking, praying, memorizing and every other mind and mental function possible.
The mammalian Cerebral Cortex represents over 80% of brain mass, and contains about 100 billion neurons and 10 times more glial cells. [Herculano-Houzel S. The Human Brain in Numbers: A Linearly Scaled-up Primate Brain . Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. 2009;3:31. doi:10.3389/neuro.09.031.2009]
The Holy Spirit language is not French, German or English. Instead, it is an atomic and subatomic rhapsody of quantum fields, general relativity, biofields, and autopoiesis, conducted by our Creator and delivered by His Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit Symphony is then displayed on the minicomputer, Created with brain neuron microtubules, that receive, filter, transmit and store our Creator’s special electromagnetic energy field language. Thereafter, the signals are neuro-networked for Human spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences, realities and mindfulness.
The symphony outro, conclusion, is consciousness and most importantly, each conscious Soul.
“Testimonials from prominent physics researchers from institutions such as Cambridge University, Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich claim that quantum mechanics predicts some version of “life after death.” They assert that a person may possess a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles. [The Cosmos News, Published on Dec 24, 2015]
Physicist, Sir Roger Penrose, believes, after death of the physical body, human consciousness lives on as the soul, which is stored in neuron brain cells, as a packet of quantum, subatomic energy.
Dr Hans-Peter Dürr, former head of the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, has said: “What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible….”The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger…. “The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, I am immortal.”
Big Bang Universe beginning was 13.8 billion years ago. Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity Mathematics were born.[NASA, Beginning and Timeline of Universe]

Universe Formation
Noted expert and physicist, Sean M. Carroll, explained that scientists ask about the beginning of our Universe. “If our Universe was the only universe in existence, there would be no reason to ask about its beginning, Carroll said. Our Universe’s beginning was very special and time existed before our Universe was created. Universe inflation serves a purpose from the exploding singularity in the beginning to our current large universe.
Sean Michael Carroll (born October 5, 1966) is a theoretical physicist specializing in quantum mechanics, gravity, and cosmology. He is a research professor in the Department of Physics at the California Institute of Technology.[1]
“The discovery that began Quantum Mechanics as a field of study was when physicists Albert Einstein and Max Planck proved that light and matter can behave *** both as particles and waves, which is basically the physics of the very tiny subatomic.
If particles like electrons can behave as waves, it means that they don’t have an exact position the way we would imagine for traditional particles.
Quantum mechanics tells us that you can’t precisely know both the position and velocity of an electron at the same time.”
Quantum Mechanics Physics Era was born. [The Quantum Mechanical Model: Definition & OverviewChapter 5 / Lesson 2, Transcript,]
Einstein’s theory of General Relativity is concerned with gravity, one of the fundamental forces in the universe. Gravity defines macroscopic (large phenomena) behavior, and so general relativity describes large-scale physical phenomena. [Encyclopedia Britannica]
Einstein’s theory of General Relativity Physics Era was born.
Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity are 2 very different and largely incompatible descriptions of Physics. Scientists have been unable to unify mathematically. They are Mathematical Paradoxes Lost.
The Elements for Life, CHNOPS, began at Universe Age of 2 minutes and lasted 20 minutes after Big Bang. Enter Biology, the study of living organisms.
The Brain Structure, Neuroanatomy and Brain Action, the Mind, Neurophysiology and Brain outcome, consequences of Consciousness are extremely interesting and complicated.
For introduction, a simple Human Consciousness analogy is appropriate. Think of Human Brain and Consciousness or Conscious Mindfulness, like a Christmas tree:
• Decorated Christmas tree with electric lights and ornaments is like the Brain Neuroanatomy
• One source for the electric lights is plugged into the wall circuit
• When the wall switch is turned on the lights are stimulated externally
• Strings of Christmas tree electric lights when triggered might perform (Human Neurophysiology) differently
1. Transmit the electric and illuminate the lights on one or more colored strings as organized
2. Convert, transduce the electricity to another form of energy and trigger a different colored string or ornament
3. Fail to function and not permit the electric conduction
4. Malfunction and release the electric current in heat thermoelectrically
5. Store the electric
• Storage, as Brain memory, like a battery is a second source of electric lights
• Christmas tree electric lights and Brain electric storage and memory can be triggered into action on command and when programed
• Internal and external sources of sensory electric stimuli, triggers and illuminates different colored strings of Christmas Tree lights and ornaments
• Artificial intelligence computers, TV picture tubes + Human Brain NeuroNetworks are similar
• When Human beings willfully activate the Holy Spirit, our Creator’s energy wave source, signals for Human spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences, realities and mindfulness, one of the Human Brain many NeuroNetworks
• The Human brain Wi-Fi and router systems, for the communication and reception of Holy Spirit energy waves are turned on
• When Christmas trees and decorations, TV picture tubes (e-waste graveyard) and Humans are taken down or die, their stored energy and the Human Soul are released
• Universe Consciousness receives and integrates stimuli, acts and reacts the same as Human Consciousness
• Both Human beings and our Universe have multiple networks, ‘heart beats’, Consciousness and resonate with the all other ‘Participants in the Resonant, Rhapsody Symphony’
• More details follow
The following 2 minutes, after death stops the heart, there is a spike in EEG gamma waves. The end-of-life EEG brain activity could represent near death experiences (NDEs) and/or out-of-body experiences (OBEs) phenomenology, or even the Soul leaving the body.
”End-of-life brain activity, gamma (γ) waves, may be a sign of the Soul,” many scientists now believe. Perhaps Shakespeare said is best when Hamlet opined: ‘‘. . . ay, there’s the rub, For in that sleep of death what dreams may come.’’ (Hamlet, Act III, Scene I)
“Hameroff-Penrose Orch-OR research stretches across a considerable range of areas of science, touching upon the foundations of general relativity and quantum mechanics, in unconventional ways, in addition to the more obviously relevant areas such as neuroscience, cognitive science, molecular biology, and philosophy.”
In the early 1990s Stuart Hameroff, suggested to Sir Roger Penrose that tubulin components might be qubits (quantum bits) and the microtubules the human brain quantum computer model.

Following the discovery of biological qubits (quantum tubulin bits) in the brain, with superpositions of neurons both firing and not firing.
Physics’ Mathematical ‘Paradoxes Lost’ were mindfully found with the theoretical unification of Einstein’s General Relativity Model, the Quantum Mechanic Model, the Hamerhoff-Penrose Biofield Model, the heretofore missing Biogenesis piece and Autopoiesis were linked.
“Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) has been acclaimed as the originator of consciousness.”
A Quantum Physics Objective Reduction Process, orchestrated by molecules, called microtubules, in brain neurons, rather than from connections between neurons, which has been the conventional understanding nowadays.
Research found that Objective Reduction is influenced by non-calculable factors embedded in spacetime geometry which may account for the difficulty explaining consciousness mathematically.
The Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) hypothesis was published in the early 1990s by very reputable investigators:
1. Sir Roger Penrose, an English mathematical physicist, mathematician and philosopher of science, OM (awarded the order of merit recognizing distinguished service in the sciences) and FRS, awarded the Fellow of the Royal Society, an award and fellowship granted by the Royal Society of London to individuals the society judges to have made a substantial contribution to the improvement of natural knowledge) and Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics in the University of Oxford and Emeritus Fellow of constituent colleges of the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom and published in association with
2. Dr. Stuart Hameroff, M.D., anesthesiologist, psychologist, as an explanation for consciousness, which is currently being investigated and substantiated by reputable international science investigators. [Hameroff, Stuart; Penrose, Roger (March 2014). “Reply to criticism of the ‘Orch OR qubit’ – ‘Orchestrated objective reduction” Physics of Life Reviews. Elsevier. 11 (1): 94–100] [Penrose, Roger (2014). “On the Gravitization of Quantum Mechanics 1: Quantum State Reduction”. Foundations of Physics. 44: 557–575]
The wave/particle duality is an inherent quantum state phenomena. In Orchestrated objective reduction’ (‘Orch OR’) proposes that consciousness consists of a sequence of discrete events, each being a moment of ‘objective reduction’ (OR) of a memistor filtered quantum state. A memistor is a resistor with memory able to perform logic operations and store information.
“According to the Diósi-Penrose {DP} scheme), these quantum states exist as parts of quantum computations carried on primarily in neuronal microtubules.”
“The DP proposal gives an objective physical threshold, providing a plausible lifetime for quantum-superposed states. Only the DP proposal (in its role within Orch OR) has been suggested as having anything to do with the consciousness issue. The DP proposal is sometimes referred to as a ‘quantum-gravity’ scheme, but it is not part of the normal ideas used in quantum gravity, as will be explained below (Section 4.4).”
“Moreover, the proposed connection between consciousness and quantum measurement is almost opposite, in the Orch OR scheme, to the kind of idea that had frequently been put forward in the early days of quantum mechanics (see, for example Wigner [105]) which suggests that a ‘quantum measurement’ is something that occurs only as a result of the conscious intervention of an observer. Rather, the DP proposal suggests each OR event, which is a purely physical process, is itself a primitive kind of ‘observation’, a moment of ‘proto-conscious experience’.” [Available online at ScienceDirect Physics of Life Reviews 11 (2014) 39–78 Review Consciousness in the universe A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory Stuart Hameroff a,∗,1 , Roger Penrose b,2 a Anesthesiology, Psychology and Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA b Mathematical Institute and Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK Received 23 July 2013; accepted 5 August 2013]
“Such OR events would have to be ‘orchestrated’ in an appropriate way (Orch OR), for genuine consciousness to arise. OR are physical actions, representing the ‘bridge’ between the quantum and classical worlds, General Relativity, where quantum superpositions between particle and wave or other pairs of states get spontaneously resolved into classical alternatives in a timescale ∼τ, calculated from the amount of mass displacement that there is between the two states.”
In our own brains, the OR processes that evoke consciousness, would be actions that connect brain biology (quantum computations in microtubules) with the fine scale structure of space–time geometry, the most basic level of the universe, where tiny quantum space–time displacements are taken to be responsible for OR.
1. Consciousness depends on biologically ‘orchestrated’ coherent quantum processes in networks of microtubules within brain neurons,
2. These quantum processes correlate with, and regulate, neuronal synaptic and membrane activity,
3. The continuous Schrödinger evolution of each such process terminates in accordance with the specific Diósi–Penrose (DP) scheme of ‘objective reduction’ (‘OR’) of the quantum state.
4. This orchestrated OR activity (‘Orch OR’) is taken to result in moments of conscious awareness and/or choice.
5. The Diósi–Penrose form of OR is related to the fundamentals of quantum mechanics and space–time geometry,
6. Orch OR suggests that there is a connection between the brain’s biomolecular processes and the basic structure of the universe.
8. This research also introduces a novel suggestion of ‘beat frequencies’ of faster microtubule vibrations as a possible source of the observed electro-encephalographic (‘EEG’) correlates of consciousness.
9. Vibrations, oscillations, harmonic resonance are inherent. Sympathetic Resonance aka Sympathetic Vibration aka Oscillation are harmonic phenomenon abiding by ‘Entanglement Area Law’
10. Conclusion is that consciousness plays an intrinsic role in the universe and possibly the soul. [Consciousness in the universe: a review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory. Physics of life reviews, by Hameroff, Stuart and Penrose, Roger ISSN: 1873-1457, Vol: 11, Issue: 1, Page: 39-78, 2014]
“The Orch-OR proposal therefore stretches across a considerable range of areas of science, touching upon the foundations of general relativity and quantum mechanics, in unconventional ways, in addition to the more obviously relevant areas such as neuroscience, cognitive science, molecular biology, and philosophy.”
“Nonetheless, the Orch OR scheme has so far stood the test of time better than most other schemes, and it is particularly distinguished from other proposals by the many scientifically tested, and potentially testable, ingredients that it depends upon [Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory by StuartHameroffa1RogerPenroseb2 Physics of Life Reviews Volume 11, Issue 1, March 2014, Pages 39-78]
More follows from research authorities Sir Dr. Roger Penrose, PhD, Dr. Stuart Hamerhoff M.D., Dr. Andrew Newberg M.D., Dr. Deepak Chopra, M.D. and others.
The following is a Dodecahedral Hexagonal Multi-Universe (Multiverse) Model. Note the diminutive Milky Way Galaxy with diminutive Solar System. The hypothesized multi-universe is a series of multiple adjacent 6 sided, hexagonal shaped universes for attaching side by side multiple universes. Hyperbolic 6 sided honeycombs obey Euclidean geometric topological constraints. Hexagons are physical matter and are energy efficient Euclidean geometric shapes.

Andromeda Milky Way Galaxies

Dodecahedral Hexagonal Multi-Universe (Multiverse) Model
Hexagons begin as round bubble shapes 2° to the immense Big Bang explosion, attaching side by side bubble-shaped multiple universes, (like nuclear bomb blast) (Let there be light [Gen 1:3]). The hypothesized multiple bubble shaped universes morph, because of the heat like honey bees’ honey combs morph, forming energy and material efficient 6 sided honey comb cells in side-by-side Euclidean alignment.
Gravity pulled all matter and energy ferociously into a singularity which exploded into an energy blast from hypernova 13.8 billion years ago. 1st exploded into spheres. Then morphed into hexagonally symmetrical universes and galaxies with central black holes and, hypothetically, interconnecting “worm holes” and universes universe began. Our universe, and hypothetically others, rapidly expanded and our Milky Way Galaxy was Created 4.6 Billion years ago.

Milky Way Galaxy

Black Hole Feeding on a Star
References: [Cosmic Topology, by Jean-Pierre Luminet, 2015, Scholoarpedia, 10 (8): 31544 revision #151015 doi:10.4249/scholarpedia.31544,] [Curator: Jean-Pierre Luminet Prof. Jean-Pierre Luminet, Laboratoire d’Astrophysique (LAM) and Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT), Marseille, France]
Previously it was believed that a Newtonian material universe was the foundation of our physical material reality. This all changed when scientists began to recognize that everything in the universe is made from energy.
Physicists have been exploring the relationship between human consciousness and its relationship to the structure of matter.
Previously it was believed that a Newtonian material universe was the foundation of our physical material reality. This all changed when scientists began to recognize that everything in the universe is made from energy.
“Until about thirty years ago, astronomers thought that the universe was composed almost entirely of this “baryonic matter”, ordinary atoms. However, in the past few decades, there has been ever more evidence accumulating that suggests there is something in the universe that we can not see, perhaps some new form of matter. [What is the Universe Made Of? Universe 101, NASA]

Our Universe is comprised with the following measurements:
“4.6% Atoms. More than 95% of the energy density in the universe is in a form that has never been directly detected in the laboratory! The actual density of atoms is equivalent to roughly 1 proton per 4 cubic meters.
“24% Cold Dark Matter. Dark matter is likely to be composed of one or more species of sub-atomic particles that interact very weakly with ordinary matter. Particle physicists have many plausible candidates for the dark matter, and new particle accelerator experiments are likely to bring new insight in the coming years.
“71.4% Dark Energy. The first observational hints of dark energy in the universe date back to the 1980’s when astronomers were trying to understand how clusters of galaxies were formed. In 2003, the first WMAP results came out indicating that the universe was flat (see above) and that the dark matter made up only 24% of the density required to produce a flat universe. If 71.4% of the energy density in the universe is in the form of dark energy, which has a gravitationally repulsive effect, it is just the right amount to explain both the flatness of the universe and the observed accelerated expansion. Thus dark energy explains many cosmological observations at once.
• "The expansion of our Universe can be thought of as a global force that is pulling on all objects.
• However, it is only strong on Very Large Scales.
• At the scale of a galaxy, the gravitational force binding our Milky Way Galaxy together is much stronger than the “expansion force,” so our galaxy does not expand and is not pulled apart.
• Solar System: At the scale of our Solar System, the imbalance is even larger, tighter and stronger, so the gravitational binding of the Solar System easily overwhelms the “expansion force of our Universe.”
• keeping Pluto’s orbital separation from the Sun the same over time.
• [The Implications of Hubble’s Law: An Expanding Universe, by Dr. Christopher Palma, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ASTRO 801: Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe The Pennsylvania State University]

“This is a depiction of a multiverse of seven “bubble” universes, which are separate spacetime continua, each having different physical laws, physical constants, and perhaps even different numbers of dimensions or topologies.
Level II Multiverse: every disk is a bubble universe. Universe 1 to Universe 6 are different bubbles, with distinct physical constants that are different from our universe. Our universe is just one of the bubbles.” Vectorization of Multiverse – level II.GIF by Lokal Profil (by K1234567890y)]
*”Cosmologists distinguish between the observable universe and the global universe. The observable universe consists of the part of the universe that can, in principle, be observed by light reaching Earth within the age of the universe. It encompasses a region of space that currently forms a ball centered at Earth of estimated radius 46.5 billion light-years (4.40×1026 m). This does not mean the universe is 46.5 billion years old; instead the universe is measured to be 13.8 billion years old, but space itself has also expanded, causing the size of the observable universe to be larger than the distance traversable by light over the duration of its current age. Assuming an isotropic nature, the observable universe is similar for all contemporary vantage points.
“The global shape of the universe can be described with three attributes:[1]
· Finite or infinite
· Flat (no curvature), open (negative curvature), or closed (positive curvature)
· Connectivity, how the universe is put together, i.e., simply connected space or multiply connected.
“There are certain logical connections among these properties. For example, a universe with positive curvature is necessarily finite.[2] Although it is usually assumed in the literature that a flat or negatively curved universe is infinite, this need not be the case if the topology is not the trivial one.[2]
“The exact shape is still a matter of debate in physical cosmology, but experimental data from various independent sources (WMAP, BOOMERanG, and Planck for example) confirm that the {observable} universe is flat with only a 0.4% margin of error.[3][4][5] Theorists have been trying to construct a formal mathematical model of the shape of the universe. In formal terms, this is a 3-manifold model corresponding to the spatial section (in comoving coordinates) of the 4-dimensional spacetime of the universe.
“The model most theorists currently use is the Friedmann–Lemaître–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) model. Arguments have been put forward that
· the observational data best fit with the conclusion that the shape of the global universe is infinite and flat,[6]
· but the data are also consistent with other possible shapes,
· such as the so-called Poincaré dodecahedral space[7][8]

When spherical matter warms like a bee honeycomb it then forms the most energy efficient hexagon structure in our Universe., allowing multiple hexagon assembly.
· and the Sokolov–Starobinskii space (quotient of the upper half-space model of hyperbolic space by 2-dimensional lattice).[9]
1. Tegmark, Max (2014). Our Mathematical Universe: My Quest for the Ultimate Nature of Reality (1 ed.). Knopf. ISBN 978-0307599803.
2. G. F. R. Ellis; H. van Elst (1999). "Cosmological models (Cargèse lectures 1998)". In Marc Lachièze-Rey (ed.). Theoretical and Observational Cosmology. NATO Science Series C. 541. p. 22. arXiv:gr-qc/9812046. Bibcode:1999ASIC..541....1E. ISBN 978-0792359463.
3. "Will the Universe expand forever?". NASA. 24 January 2014. Retrieved 16 March 2015.
4. Biron, Lauren (7 April 2015). "Our universe is Flat". FermiLab/SLAC.
5. Marcus Y. Yoo (2011). "Unexpected connections". Engineering & Science. LXXIV1: 30.
6. Demianski, Marek; Sánchez, Norma; Parijskij, Yuri N. (2003). Topology of the universe and the cosmic microwave background radiation. The Early Universe and the Cosmic Microwave Background: Theory and Observations. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute. The early universe and the cosmic microwave background: theory and observations. 130. Springer. p. 161. ISBN 978-1-4020-1800-8.
7. Luminet, Jean-Pierre; Weeks, Jeff; Riazuelo, Alain; Lehoucq, Roland; Uzan, Jean-Phillipe (2003-10-09). "Dodecahedral space topology as an explanation for weak wide-angle temperature correlations in the cosmic microwave background". Nature. 425 (6958): 593–5. arXiv:astro-ph/0310253. Bibcode:2003Natur.425..593L. doi:10.1038/nature01944. PMID 14534579.
8. Roukema, Boudewijn; Zbigniew Buliński; Agnieszka Szaniewska; Nicolas E. Gaudin (2008). "A test of the Poincare dodecahedral space topology hypothesis with the WMAP CMB data". Astronomy and Astrophysics. 482 (3): 747. arXiv:0801.0006. Bibcode:2008A&A...482..747L. doi:10.1051/0004-6361:20078777.
9. Aurich, Ralf; Lustig, S.; Steiner, F.; Then, H. (2004). "Hyperbolic Universes with a Horned Topology and the CMB Anisotropy". Classical and Quantum Gravity. 21 (21): 4901–4926. arXiv:astro-ph/0403597. Bibcode:2004CQGra..21.4901A. doi:10.1088/0264-9381/21/21/010.
10."Density Parameter, Omega". 2015-06-01.
What shape is the Universe, really? [By Mihai Andrei]. The {{{ observable }}} Universe is flat, according to modern research. But what does that mean?
“When you consider the shape of anything, you view it from outside; yet how could you view the universe from outside? When discussing this, astronomers generally approach two concepts:
1. The local geometry. This concerns the geometry of the observable universe, along with its curvature.
2. The global (total) geometry. This concerns the topology, everything that is, as opposed to everything we can observe.
Most people would expect the universe in its entirety to be symmetrically round, a sphere-like shape, sort of like the Earth.

3 possible shapes of the Universe: closed, open and flat from top to bottom. Image credits: NASA.
The Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) telescope gave some very strong evidence that the observable universe is indeed flat, and the implications are puzzling.
“One of the reasons we care is that a flat universe has implications for whether the universe is infinite,” said David Schlegel, a member of the Physics Division of the U.S. Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. “That means – while we can’t say with certainty that it will never come to an end – it’s likely the universe extends forever in space and will go on forever in time. Our results are consistent with an infinite universe.”
“You could say, why don’t we just look in all directions and see how big it is?” but alas, once more; it’s not so simple.

Universe in an expanding sphere. The galaxies farthest away are moving fastest and hence experience length contraction and so become smaller to an observer in the centre. Image credits: Drschawrz
“The diameter of the observable Universe is 91 billion light-years. The distance the light from the edge of the observableuniverse has traveled is very close to the age of the Universe times the speed of light, 13.8 billion light-years, but this does not represent the distance at any given time because the edge of the observable universe and the Earth have since moved further apart. Because we cannot observe space beyond the edge of the observable universe, we can’t know directly whether the Universe is inifinite or not. Modern measurements, including those from the Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE), Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP), and Planck maps of the CMB, suggest that the Universe is infinite in extent, but it’s still an ongoing debate.
No matter how big or little the disturbance, explosion or under water torpedo explosion, the bubble, ripples, gas and nuclear plum will emerge from the disruption or the explosion as spherical.
[Underwater Nuclear Explosions: How Deep Is The Ocean, How High The Sky? A guest post by Joseph Friedlander, February 9, 2016, Next Big Future]
Drops and droplets from water, rain, dew from a flower pedal, sleet, hail, maple sap from a maple tap, rock thrown in pond, all emerge as spherical. [Drippingby Abbie Shores, January 2019]
If an animal farts underwater or burps above ground or a torpedo as an underwater nuclear explosion the ripples, bubble and gas all behave the same.
The global (total) geometry
Quantum physicists discovered that physical atoms are made up of vortices of energy that are constantly spinning and vibrating.
In recent years Eckenhoff and colleagues have found anesthetic action in microtubules, cytoskeletal polymers of the protein tubulin inside brain neurons. ‘Quantum mobility’ in microtubules has been proposed to mediate Consciousness. [Anesthetics Act in Quantum Channels in Brain Microtubules to Prevent Consciousness Travis J. A. Craddock1,2, Stuart R. Hameroff3 , Ahmed T. Ayoub4 , Mariusz Klobukowski4 and Jack A. Tuszynski5,6,* Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 2015, 15, 523-533 523] [1 Center for Psychological Studies Graduate, School of Computer and Information Sciences, and College of Osteopathic Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA; 2 Clinical Systems Biology Group, Institute for Neuro-Immune Medicine, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA; 3 Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology, Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona Health Sciences Center, Tucson, AZ, USA; 4 Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 5 Department of Physics, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; 6 Department of Experimental Oncology, Cross Cancer Institute, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada]
Matter, at it’s tiniest observable level, is energy, and human Consciousness is connected to it, human consciousness can influence it’s behavior and even re-structure it.
The revelation that the universe is not an assembly of physical parts, but instead comes from an entanglement of immaterial energy waves stems from the work of Albert Einstein, Max Planck and Werner Heisenberg, amongst others [Science Proves That Human Consciousness and Our Material World Are Intertwined: See For Yourself March 8, 2014 By Arjun Walia 2018 Collective Evolution.]
“One thing is for certain, ‘consciousness,’ or, factors association with consciousness (observation, measurement, thinking, intention) have a direct correlation with what we perceive to be our physical material world.
“Max Planck, a physicist who originated quantum theory, regarded Consciousness as “fundamental,” and matter as “derivative from consciousness.” He said that “we cannot get behind consciousness. Everything that we talk about, everything that we regard as existing, postulates Consciousness.”
“Eugene Wigner, a physicist and mathematician told the world that “it was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to consciousness.”
R.C. Henry, Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Johns Hopkins University said that: “A fundamental conclusion of the new physics also acknowledges that the observer creates the reality. As observers, we are personally involved with the creation of our own reality. Physicists are being forced to admit that the universe is a “mental” construction. Pioneering physicist Sir James Jeans wrote: “The stream of knowledge is heading toward a non-mechanical reality; the universe begins to look more like a great thought than like a great machine. Mind no longer appears to be an accidental intruder into the realm of matter, we ought rather hail it as the creator and governor of the realm of matter. Get over it and accept the inarguable conclusion. The universe is immaterial-mental and spiritual.” [The Mental Universe; Nature 436:29,2005]
Recently, Australian scientists recreated an experiment that proves reality doesn’t really exist until we are measuring it, observing it, or ‘looking’ at it, at least to on the scale of quantum mechanics.
An experiment devised by the Griffith University’s Centre for Quantum Dynamics, led by Professor Howard Wiseman and his team of researchers at the university of Tokyo, recently published a paper in the journal Nature Communications confirming what Einstein did not believe to be real: the non-local collapse of a particle’s wave function. It’s quantum entanglement, and it basically suggests that space is just the construct that gives us the illusion of separation.
These findings within quantum physics have led to the suggestion that ‘Consciousness Create Reality.’ That is, factors associated with Consciousness, like measurement, are somehow involved with our material world.[Physicists Examine Consciousness & Conclude The Universe Is ‘Spiritual, Immaterial & Mental’ by Arjun Walia, February 7, 2016, Collective Evolution]
“We’re getting closer to incorporate Consciousness as an integral part of the scientific picture of the “physical world”. Not only celebrated physicists of the 20th century such as Max Plank, John Wheeler, David Bohm, Niel Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger argued that consciousness is a fundamental property of our Universe but the new pleiad of scientists such as John Hagelin, Sir Roger Penrose, Stuart Hameroff, Guilio Tononi, Christof Koch, Donald Hoffman, Robert Lanza embarked on their quest to put consciousness on the new solid scientific footing and dimensionality.
“Do we live in 5D conscious observer space-time where the unified field of Consciousness is the 5th dimension, space of all probabilities? Out of trillions first-person experiences available to you in any given moment somehow you get to experience only one of them thus collapsing all other potentialities except one which manifests in a Conscious Observer Moment (COM).
“A series of sequential COMs creates your continuous flow of time and your unitary sensation of “reality”. [The Unified Field and the Quantum Nature of Consciousness, New Science, Transhumanism, Oct 24, 2018, abzu2]
The right theory is Orch OR, a comprehensive integration of molecular and cell biology, {{{ Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics }}} neuroscience, cognitive science, pharmacology, philosophy, quantum physics, cosmology, and spiritual traditions.
Orch OR generates testable predictions, some validated, none significantly refuted, and has withstood 20 years of sceptical criticism without a scratch.
7. Conclusion In 40 years studying consciousness, the last 20 involving JCS, TSC, and Orch OR, I’ve encountered many, many wonderful and famous people, places, and ideas. It seems I’ve found the right people in the right places at the right times to help develop the right theory. I feel like the ‘Forrest Gump’ of the science of consciousness. [Stuart Hameroff M.D., Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology, Center for Consciousness Studies, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724, USA., Journal of Consciousness Studies, 21, No. 3–4, 2014, pp. 126–53 ]
· “We conclude that Consciousness plays an intrinsic role int the Universe”
· “Consciousness defines our existence.”
· “Human views of reality, the Universe, and us scientists depend on Consciousness.”
· “Consciousness is not an independent quality but arose in term of conventional physical processes, as a natural evolutionary consequence of the Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics biological adaptation of brains and nervous systems.
· “Consciousness convers beneficial advantages to a species. [5]’
· “Consciousness is NOT and intrinsic feature of the Universe.?
· ”Consciousness is a separate quality, distinct from physical actions and not controlled by physical laws and always been in the Universe”
· “Descartes dualism, Consciousness has always been in in the Universe, a component of an omnipresent “God” [6]
· In all the above Consciousness lies outside science
[ Consciousness in the universe: A review of the ‘Orch OR’ theory, StuartHameroffa1 Anesthesiology, Psychology and Center for Consciousness Studies, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, USA, Mathematical Institute and Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, RogerPenroseb2. a Mathematical Institute and Wadham College, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, FRS, Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor, Emeritus Fellow,March 2014, Pages 39-78, Physics of Life Reviews, Volume 11, Issue 1]
A.N. Whitehead [9,10] and ‘Orch OR’ ‘Penrose-Hameroff Theory’: “Orch OR In a scientific framework”: Consciousness events are terminations of Quantum Computations in brain Microtubules reducing by Dio’si-Penrose ‘objective reduction’ (OR’) and having experimental qualities.
In this view Consciousness is an intrinsic feature of the action (Neurophysiology, Biophysiology, Biophysicalphysiology, Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Cosmology which draws on the Universe’s astrophysics, general relativity, quantum mechanics, and plasma physics
Physiology is a sub-discipline of biology, the focus of physiology is in how organisms, organ systems, organs, cells, and biomolecules carry out the chemical and physical functions that exist in a living system.[[4] Hall, John (2011). Guyton and Hall textbook of medical physiology (12th ed.). Philadelphia, Pa.: Saunders/Elsevier. p. 3. ISBN 978-1-4160-4574-8.]
Physical cosmology is the study of the largest-scale structures and dynamics of the Universe and is concerned with fundamental questions about its origin, structure, evolution, and ultimate fate.[1]
References: For an overview, see George FR Ellis (2006). “Issues in the Philosophy of Cosmology”. In Jeremy Butterfield & John Earman. Philosophy of Physics (Handbook of the Philosophy of Science) 3 volume set. North Holland. arXiv:astro-ph/0602280. ISBN 978-0-444-51560-5.
“An Open Letter to the Scientific Community as published in New Scientist, May 22, 2004”. 2014-04-01. Archived from the original on 1 April 2014. Retrieved 2017-09-27
Cosmology draws heavily on the work of many disparate areas of research in theoretical and applied physics. Areas relevant to cosmology include particle physics experiments and theory, theoretical and observational astrophysics, general relativity, quantum mechanics, and plasma physics.
Orch Or events with primitive ‘experimental qualities have been occurring in the universe all along in time in the reduction R of quantum superpositions to classical reality.
Orch Or has some commonalties with spiritualist, idealist and panpsychist elements and Orch Or strongly supports Scientific models with neural electrochemical activity, and that Orch Or in microtubules inside neuronal dendrites and soma add a deep level for the Conscious processes, Consciousness
Very large masses can be involved in quantum superpositions, occurring in the universe in quantum-mechanical situations, for example in the cores of neutron stars. One might imagine that τ would then be ridiculously tiny. But EG could still be relatively small if the mass-displacement remains small owing to the uniformity of the material.
But generally, by OR, such large-scale superpositions would reduce extremely quickly, and classically unreasonable superpositions would be rapidly eliminated. Whether such quantum systems could be orchestrated to have meaningful, cognitive Orch OR conscious moments is unknown, but it is certainly conceivable that sentient creatures might have evolved in parts of the universe that would be highly alien to us, for example on neutron-star surfaces, with very large scale superpositions, and presumably very high frequency OR events, an idea that was developed ingeniously and in great detail by Robert Forward in two science-fiction stories (Dragon’s Egg in 1980, Starquake in 1989 [171, 172]).
Such creatures (referred to as ‘cheelas’ in the books), with metabolic processes and presumably Orch OR-like events occurring at rates of around a million times that of a human being, could arguably have intense experiences, but whether or not this would be possible in detail is, of now, a very speculative matter.
Nevertheless, the Orch OR proposal offers a possible route to rational argument, as to whether conscious life of a totally alien kind such as this, or some other form of quantum superposition, might be possible, or even probable, somewhere in the universe.
Such speculations also raise the issue of the ‘anthropic principle’, according to which it is sometimes argued that the particular dimensionless constants of Nature that we happen to find in our universe are apparently ‘fortuitously’ favorable to human existence and consciousness. (A dimensionless physical constant is a pure number, like the ratio of the electric to the gravitational force between the electron and the proton in a hydrogen atom, which in this case is a number of the general order of 1040.)
The key point is not so much to do with human existence, but the existence of conscious, animate, living, perceptive or beings of any kind with the existence of consciousness.
Is there anything coincidental about the dimensionless physical constants being of such a nature that conscious life is possible at all? For example, if the mass of the neutron had been slightly less than that of the proton, rather than slightly larger, then neutrons rather than protons would have been stable, and this would be to the detriment of the whole subject of chemistry. These issues are frequently argued about (see Barrow and Tipler [173]), but the Orch OR proposal provides a little more potential substance to these arguments, since a proposal for the possibility of sentient life is, in principle, provided.
A question becomes, why is the universe favorable to consciousness?
Such speculations also raise the issue of the ‘anthropic principle’, according to which it is sometimes argued that the particular dimensionless constants of Nature that we happen to find in our universe are apparently ‘fortuitously’ favorable to human existence and consciousness. (A dimensionless physical constant is a pure number, like the ratio of the electric to the gravitational force between the electron and the proton in a hydrogen atom, which in this case is a number of the general order of 1040.) The key point is not so much to do with human existence, but the existence of sentient beings of any kind, i.e. the existence of consciousness. Is there anything coincidental about the dimensionless physical constants being of such a nature that conscious life is possible at all? For example, if the mass of the neutron had been slightly less than that of the proton, rather than slightly larger, then neutrons rather than protons would have been stable, and this would be to the detriment of the whole subject of chemistry. These issues are frequently argued about (see Barrow and Tipler [173]), but the Orch OR proposal provides a little more potential substance to these arguments, since a proposal for the possibility of sentient life is, in principle, provided. A question becomes, why is the universe favorable to consciousness?
The recently proposed cosmological scheme of conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC) (Penrose [174], Gurzadyan and Penrose [175]) also has some relevance to these issues.
Conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC) (Penrose [174], Gurzadyan and Penrose [175]) posits that what we presently regard as the entire history of our universe, from its Big-Bang origin (but without inflation) to its indefinitely expanding future, is but one aeon in an unending succession of similar such aeons, where the infinite future of each matches to the big bang of the next via an infinite change of scale.
A question arises whether the dimensionless constants of the aeon prior to ours, in the conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC) (Penrose [174], Gurzadyan and Penrose [175]) scheme, are the same as those in our own aeon, and this relates to the question of whether sentient life could exist in that aeon as well as in our own.
Could the dimensionless constants change with each successive aeon, might they perhaps ‘mutate’ and evolve to optimize consciousness? Could evolution over aeons thereby account for the anthropic principle?
Smolin [176] has suggested an idea that is somewhat similar to this, but in his scheme, the drive of selective advantage would be for more black holes and baby universes, rather than for consciousness or even for life. Nevertheless, the question of the constancy of these numbers is in principle answerable by observation in conformal cyclic cosmology (CCC), and this issue could have a bearing on the extent or validity of the Orch OR proposal.
If Orch OR turns out to be correct, in its essentials, as a physical basis for consciousness, then it opens the possibility that many questions may become answerable, such as whether life and consciousness could have come about in an aeon prior to our own, that would have previously seemed to be far beyond the reaches of science.
Moreover, Orch OR places the phenomenon of consciousness at a very central place in the physical nature of our universe, whether or not this ‘universe’ includes aeons other than just our own.
It is our belief that, quite apart from detailed aspects of the physical mechanisms that are involved in the production of consciousness in human brains, quantum mechanics is an incomplete theory.
Some theory completion is needed, and the Dio’si-Penrose proposal for an Orch OR Penrose-Hameoff scheme underlying quantum theory’s reduction R process would be a definite possibility.
If such a scheme as this is indeed respected by Nature, then there is a fundamental additional ingredient to our presently understood laws of Nature which plays an important role at the Planck-scale level of space–time structure. The Orch OR proposal takes advantage of this, suggesting that Consciousness (conscious experience) itself plays such a role in the operation of the laws of the universe. 7.
Conclusion ‘Orchestrated objective reduction’ (‘Orch OR’) is a theory which proposes:
1) that Consciousness consists of a sequence of discrete events,
2) each being a moment of ‘objective reduction’ (OR) of a quantum state (according to the DP scheme),
3) where it is taken that these quantum states exist as parts of a quantum computations carried on primarily in neuronal microtubules.
4) Such OR events would have to be ‘orchestrated’ in an appropriate way (Orch OR), for genuine consciousness to arise.
5) OR itself is taken to be ubiquitous in physical actions, representing the ‘bridge’ between the quantum and classical worlds, where quantum superpositions between pairs of states get spontaneously resolved into classical alternatives in a timescale ∼ τ ,
6) calculated from the amount of mass displacement that there is between the two states.
In our own brains, the OR process that evoke Consciousness, would be actions that connect brain biology Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics (quantum computations in microtubules) with the fine scale structure of space–time geometry, the most basic level of the universe, where tiny quantum space–time displacements are taken to be responsible for OR.
The Orch-OR proposal therefore stretches across a considerable range of areas of science, touching upon the foundations of general relativity and quantum mechanics, in unconventional ways, in addition to the more obviously relevant areas such as neuroscience, cognitive science, molecular biology, and philosophy.
It is not surprising, therefore, that Orch OR has been persistently criticized from many angles since its introduction in 1994.
Nonetheless, the Orch OR scheme has so. (74. S. Hameroff, R. Penrose / Physics of Life Reviews 11 (2014) 39–78) far stood the test of time better than most other schemes, and it is particularly distinguished from other proposals by the many scientifically tested, and potentially testable, ingredients that it depends upon.
It should be mentioned that various aspects of the Orch OR theory have themselves evolved in response to scientific advances and, in some cases, constructive criticism.
We here list some recent adaptations and developments that we have now incorporated into the Orch OR Theory.
• Cell and molecular biology, {{{Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics }}}
• Tubulin information states in Orch OR quantum and classical computation are now correlated with dipoles, rather than mechanical conformation, avoiding heat and energy issues.
• Tubulin dipoles mediating computation and entanglement may be electric (London force charge separation), or magnetic (electron ‘spin’ states and currents), as presented in this paper.
• Enhanced electronic conductance discovered by Anirban Bandyopadhyay’s group [88,89] in single microtubules at warm temperature at specific alternating current gigahertz, megahertz and kilohertz frequencies (‘Bandyopadhyay coherence’, ‘BC’) strongly supports Orch OR.
• BC and Orch OR may well be mediated through intra-tubulin quantum channels of aromatic rings, like in photosynthesis proteins, plausibly for quantum computing in microtubules.
• Anesthetics bind in these tubulin quantum channels, presumably to disperse quantum dipoles necessary for consciousness. Brain science
• Alzheimer’s disease, brain trauma and other disorders are related to microtubule disturbances; promising therapies are being aimed at BC in the brain. • Scale invariant (1/f, ‘fractal-like’) processes at neuronal and network levels might perhaps extend downward to intra-neuronal BC in microtubules, e.g. megahertz excitations.
• Orch OR conscious moments, e.g. at 40 Hz, are now viewed as ‘beat frequencies’ of BC megahertz in MTs, the slower beat frequencies coupled to neuronal membrane physiology and accounting for EEG correlates of consciousness.
• The Orch OR proposal suggests Consciousness (conscious experience) is intrinsically connected to the fine-scale structure of space– time geometry, and that consciousness could be deeply related to the operation of the laws of the universe.
Consciousness = fine-scale of Spacetime Geometry + Universe operation laws
Stuart Hameroff M.D. – Director of the Center for Consciousness Studies says:
“It means that empty space is not empty. There is something there. If we go down the scale in the emptiness eventually we come to a level “the fundamental level” of space – time geometry. Here we find information – a pattern – “the Planck scale” which has been there since the BIG BANG.”
Another scientist from the movie, John Hagelin, Ph.D, says this:
“It´s like a thought wave – invisible state OR quantum wave function spread over space and time. Not a wave of matter, but a wave in what? In a universal ocean – an ocean of pure potentiality – a unified field – superstring field that of which we are all made of.”
What once was thought to be empty space in the universe – in between stars and planets – is in fact energy in small packets called quarks and leptons surfing on an ocean of pure consciousness. When we go down the scale from the DNA to the molecules to the atom to the sub-atomic particles to the smallest particles we find energy “sitting on top” of the UNIFIED FIELD – an ocean of universal consciousness. [Camillo Loken, One Mine One]
Pluto will not get farther and farther from the Sun as the Universe expands.
For a star to avoid collapse, the outward force of the radiation pressure created by the nuclear fusion in the core balanced the inward pull of gravity.
We can consider all objects and systems of objects in the universe subject to the same kind of balance of forces.
The expansion of the universe can be thought of as a global force that is pulling on all objects. However, it is only strong on very large scales.
At the scale of a galaxy, the gravitational force binding a galaxy together is much stronger than the “expansion force,” so the galaxy does not expand.

Solar System
At the scale of the Solar System, the imbalance is even larger, so the gravitational binding of the Solar System easily overwhelms the “expansion force,” keeping Pluto’s orbital separation from the Sun the same over time. [The Implications of Hubble’s Law: An Expanding Universe, by Dr. Christopher Palma, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Astronomy and Astrophysics, ASTRO 801: Planets, Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe The Pennsylvania State University]
The electromagnetic force, carried by the photon, creates electric and magnetic fields, which are responsible for the attraction between orbital electrons and atomic nuclei which holds atoms together, as well as chemical bonding and electromagnetic waves, including visible light, and forms the basis for electrical technology.
Although the electromagnetic force is far stronger than gravity, it tends to cancel itself out within large objects, so over the largest distances (on the scale of planets and galaxies), gravity tends to be the dominant force.
All 4 fundamental forces are believed to be related, and to unite into a single force at high energies on a minuscule scale, the Planck scale, but particle accelerators cannot produce the enormous energies required to experimentally probe this.
The weak and electromagnetic forces have already been unified with the electroweak theory of Sheldon Glashow, Abdus Salam, and Steven Weinberg for which they received the 1979 Nobel Prize in physics
What do the human mind and the Universe have in common?
The answer: two things.
(1) We know relatively little about them.
(2) Quantum vibrations are found in both.
Read that again. It’s important.
While the phrase “correlation does not imply causation” is played on a loop within the scientific community (for a good reason, BTW), there is no denying the relationship between the human mind and universe. [Science Explains What Happens To Your Soul After Death “I believe that consciousness, or its immediate precursor proto-consciousness, has been in the universe all along, perhaps from the big bang.” ~ Dr. Stuart Hameroff, MD, Power of Positivity] [Is This Proof The Soul Exists? by Darius Copac Nov 29, 2017 Quantum World]
Living cells are organized by the cytoskeleton with a fundamental role of microtubules. The mechanisms of organization are largely unknown. We analyze the vibrations in the microtubules which are polar and are accompanied by polarization waves. Oscillating electric field generated around microtubules can be as high as 105 Vm−1 and may have an important role in information system and mass transport in living cells. Energy from hydrolysis of guanosine triphosphate (GTP) stored in microtubules can excite the vibrations above thermodynamic equilibrium level.
Microtubules act as transducers and convert Electric energy within the Neurons to oscillating electric fields. [Electric field around microtubules, by Jiřı́ Pokorný František Jelı́nek ViktorTrkal Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics, Volume 45, Issue 2, May 1998, Pages 239-245]
Fundamentally, transducers are materials that expand and contract when exposed to an electrical signal, or alternately produce electricity when compressed or pulled in tension.
“The transducer phenomenon was originally observed by Pierre and Jacques Curie with quartz piezo-electroscope which took advantage of the piezo-electric effect for the measurement of rays emitted from Radium.
“The design of the ultrasonic components is very complex and usually requires the use of special programs which can be used to predict the frequency of vibration of a particular design as well as how much stress can be expected.
An electric hand-held vibrator for muscle strain is similar. When the vibrator is turned on the electric current is converted to machine vibrations and vibration waves. [Q & A. answer by Miranda Marcus, Applications Engineer at EWI specializing in Plastic Joining, Dec 28, 2015 Quora]
“Abstract: This report focuses on vibration energy harvesting using electrostatic converters. It synthesizes the various works carried out on electrostatic devices, from concepts, models and up to prototypes, and covers both standard (electret-free) and electret-based electrostatic vibration energy harvesters (VEH).
Vibratory / oscillatory energy must be gathered or harvested for perception, integration and/or transmission after conversion to vibration waves from electric current.
“For commercial vibration energy harvesting in everyday life, there are sensors, vibration energy harvesters (VEH) and electrostatic converters, which are complicated devices with global advantages and drawbacks that convert mechanical power back into electricity, which require power management circuits with power conversion, low consumption electronics, mechanics and so on.
These circuits are extremely important as they are the only way to turn Vibration Energy Harvesting (VEH) output powers into viable supply sources for electronic devices. [Electrostatic Conversion for Vibration Energy Harvesting S. Boisseau, G. Despesse, B. Ahmed Seddik LETI, CEA, Minatec Campus, Grenoble, France]
Imagine how magnificent human brain microtubule transducers are within the human brain first for conversion of electric current to vibratory / oscillatory energetic waves and conversion back again to electric energy current.
Consciousness resides, according to Stuart and British physicist Sir Roger Penrose, in the microtubules of the brain cells, which are the primary sites of quantum processing. Upon death, this information is released from your body, meaning that your consciousness goes with it. They have argued that our experience of consciousness is the result of quantum gravity effects in these microtubules, a theory which they dubbed orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-OR).
Consciousness, or at least proto-consciousness is theorized by them to be a fundamental property of the universe, present even at the first moment of the universe during the Big Bang. “In one such scheme proto-conscious experience is a basic property of physical reality accessible to a quantum process associated with brain activity.”
Our souls are in fact constructed from the very fabric of the universe – and may have existed since the beginning of time. Our brains are just receivers and amplifiers for the proto-consciousness that is intrinsic to the fabric of space-time. So is there really a part of your consciousness that is non-material and will live on after the death of your physical body?
Dr Hameroff told the Science Channel’s Through the Wormhole documentary: “Let’s say the heart stops beating, the blood stops flowing, the microtubules lose their quantum state. The quantum information within the microtubules is not destroyed, it can’t be destroyed, it just distributes and dissipates to the universe at large.
If the patient is resuscitated, revived, this quantum information can go back into the microtubules and the patient says “I had a near death experience”‘
He adds: “If they’re not revived, and the patient dies, it’s possible that this quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”
What is consciousness? Philosophers find “qualia,” or an experiential medium from which consciousness is derived, exists as a fundamental component of reality. Whitehead, for example, described the universe as being composed of “occasions of experience.” To examine this possibility scientifically, the very nature of physical reality must be re‐examined. [Consciousness, the Brain, and Spacetime Geometry by STUART HAMEROFF 25 January 2006 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences “”]
Penrose “OR” objective reductions are thus compatible with Whitehead “occasions of experience” occurring in a “wider field of protoconscious experience” (Hameroff and Penrose, 1996b).
Explanations for consciousness have traditionally fallen along separate lines of either philosophy, neuroscience, psychology or physics.
Whitehead’s philosophical approach is consistent with modern physics, and only such a union of philosophy and science can account for consciousness.
Specifically, Whitehead “occasions” in a “wider field of protoconscious experience” may translate to Penrose “objective reductions” in panprotopsychist fundamental spacetime geometry.
The Penrose-Hameroff “Orch OR” model incorporates neuroscience and psychology along with physics and philosophy to produce a complete theory.
The theory may be wrong, but it is testable and hence falsifiable—the type of comprehensive unified theory which will be required to explain the enigmatic features of consciousness. [Consciousness, Whitehead and quantum computation in the brain: Panprotopsychism meets the physics of fundamental spacetime geometry Stuart Hameroff]
Superficially, many different electromagnetic stimulations are submitted to the Human Brain Neuron Microtubules, which have the ORCH OR ability to select the stimulations required for collaboration and direct them in specific collaborative NeuroNetwork directions for specific Consciousness, neurophysiological functions.
Physiology is the functioning, running, performing, operating, working of a system created to carry-out that function. Neurophysiology is the performance, working function of the Human Brain, the Brain at work.
Universal Energy laws carry-out operating the Universe.
The Holy Spirit is our Creator’s energy wave performance from God, signals for Human spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences, realities and mindfulness.
The following 2 quotes by 2 scientific giants state the same conclusion. [In My Humble Medical and Scientific Opinion, IMHMSO}
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed.” Albert Einstein
“The information paradox”, Quantum Rules: “information is never lost.” Stephen Hawking
I. Consciousness has 2 major components
1. a. Human + other Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Biosensory Stimulus Reception, Integration
b. Human physiological and other Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Biophysiological Response
2. a. Universe Incitement, Recognition
b. Universe Response and Consequences
Examples: Emergent Universe Expansion, Thermodynamic Irreversibility,
‘Maximum Entropy’, Black Hole Creation, Collision, Evaporation Diffeomorphisms Invariant Horizon Structure
II. Consciousness occur in 2 major locations
1. Mental World, Biological Mind,
Neuroanatomy, Soul “Little”
2. Physical World, Physical Mind
Examples: Information Energy, Universe, Black Hole, Radiant Energy, Gravitational Waves, Blaziers. Hypernova, Supernova, Cosmic Energy Waves, Neutrinos, infinitesimal Virasoro Diffeomorphisms, “Big” and ‘Little”
III. Consciousness has 3 major potential unified mathematical computations
1. Mental Bioelectrochemistry and Bioenergetics Biofields, Hameroff-Penrose ORCH OR, “Little”
2. Physics Energy Area Fields
a) Einstein Relativity, ‘Big’ and ‘Little’
b) Quantum Mechanics, ‘Little’
IV. Creation Fundamentals, ‘The Theory of Everything‘ᶾ Part I
Human Consciousness Autopoiesis Cybernetic Neuronetwork:
Precociousness Stimulation + Perception
→ Colustrum Turned-On Stimulation + Integration
→ Consciousness Turned-On Stimulation + Integration
→ Consciousness Turned-On Activation + Memory Storage
→ Colostrum Consciousness Turned-Off Reset
Human Dendrite Neurochemical Reception → Transducer conversion to electric current → Microtubule Memristor Filter → electric current → Electric field transducer → Microtubule Brain Wave Vibrations
Hameroff’s contention, one supported by evidence, was in contrast to conventional wisdom, both memory and consciousness are rooted inside brain neurons, in vibrational states of cytoskeletal protein polymers called microtubules.
Mainstream science considers consciousness to be an emergent product of synaptic computation among brain neurons, the state of each neuron acting as a fundamental unit of information, that is, a “bit”. But computational views about consciousness lack specifics and fail to generate testable predictions. Without having synapses or participating in a network, single-cell organisms such as paramecia exhibit cognitive behaviors—finding food and mates, having sex, and learning, for example—using their internal microtubules for information processing and movement.
These same microtubules are found inside all cells, including brain neurons, as major components of the cytoskeleton.
Self-assembling lattice polymers of the protein “tubulin” (the brain’s most prevalent protein), microtubules grow and shape neurons and form and regulate synapses. Stemming from a suggestion by famed neuroscientist Charles Sherrington in the 1950s, “microtubules have been likened to the “cell’s nervous system”.
Their lattice structure and organizational abilities have prompted suggestions that microtubules process and store information and perform computation (Hameroff & Watt, 1982; Rasmussen, Karampurwala, Vaidyanath, Jensen, & Hameroff, 1990). Microtubule disruption and loss of “tau”, a microtubule-associated protein, correlates with cognitive dysfunction, for example in Alzheimer’s disease.
A maverick theory of consciousness, the Penrose-Hameroff orchestrated objective reduction (Orch OR) theory (see, e.g., Penrose & Hameroff, 1995; Hameroff & Penrose, 2014) suggests
• quantum vibrational computations in microtubules inside brain neurons
(a) produce conscious experience,
(b) regulate neuronal firings, behavior, and synaptic plasticity.
• In Orch OR, microtubule quantum vibrations are
a) “orchestrated” (Orch) by synaptic inputs
b) and memory (encoded in microtubules)
c) and terminated by “objective reduction” (OR)
d) Penrose’s solution to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics (Penrose, 1989).
e) Orch OR has been viewed skeptically and harshly criticized, as the brain has been considered too “warm, wet, and noisy” for seemingly delicate quantum effects. (Quantum Physicists who only have automated cold, dry, quiet computer-like machines at their disposal.
(*mbmsrmd autopoiesis?)
But in recent years, functional quantum biology has been recognized at ambient temperatures in photosynthesis, bird navigation, olfaction, and in microtubules.
Single, isolated microtubules and bundles of microtubules inside active neurons have been shown to have quantum resonant vibrations in megahertz and kilohertz frequencies (Ghosh et al., 2014; Sahu, Ghosh, Ghosh, et al., 2013; Sahu, Ghosh, Hirata, Fujita, & Bandyopadhyay, 2013).
Orch OR further suggests microtubule vibrations (e.g., in megahertz) interfere to cause music-like (electrophysiological) “beats” seen as EEG rhythms (Hameroff & Penrose, 2014).
Indeed, microtubule resonant vibrations, and consciousness, have been said to resemble music more than computation (Ghosh et al., 2014; Hameroff, 2015).
Recent evidence also shows that anesthetics (which selectively erase consciousness) act on microtubules rather than membrane receptors as is generally assumed (Emerson et al., 2013).
The maverick Orch OR theory has far more supportive evidence than any mainstream approaches to consciousness.
The mainstream view of memory is “synaptic plasticity”, in which adjusted strengths of specific synapses guide information in particular pathways through neuronal networks.
But the synaptic membrane proteins that determine synaptic strength are transient— recycled over hours—yet memories can last lifetimes.
• Again, microtubules play key roles, as synapses are formed, maintained, and regulated by microtubules and associated proteins.
• And microtubules may be the actual site for memory encoding.
• In long-term potentiation (LTP, a cellular model for memory), calcium influx activates CaMKII, a hexagonal holoenzyme that then extends sets of 6 kinase domains, with each domain able to phosphorylate a substrate).
• The CaMKIIs rapidly distribute to microtubules throughout dendritic trees and encode memory, presumably by phosphorylation (Lemieux et al., 2012).
• But CaMKII phosphorylation targets and sites of memory encoding remain unknown. It turns out that CaMKII precisely matches microtubule lattice geometry and size.
• The 6 CaMKII kinase domains can bind (and phosphorylate) precisely six tubulins in microtubule hexagonal lattices, and thus encode six “bits” of memory per CaMKII (Craddock, Tuszynski, & Hameroff, 2012) onto dendritic microtubules, which are uniquely stable and ideally positioned to encode memory.
• CaMKII phosphorylation of specific tubulins would modulate microtubule resonant vibrations like frets or nodes in a musical instrument, encoding memory, changing the tune and altering conscious experience.
In a psychotherapy paradigm roughly similar to that proposed for human subjects by Lane et al. (2015), Cao et al. (2008) elicited specific fear memories in mice and then transiently overexpressed CaMKII, erasing (or overwriting) the fear memory. CaMKII overexpression presumably increased memory turnover but required invasive genetic manipulation.
It may be possible to noninvasively stimulate memory turnover (and mood enhancement) by direct effects on brain microtubules. The action of antidepressants, for example, fluoxitene (Prozac), appears to involve restructuring of cytoskeletal microtubules over several weeks (Bianchi et al., 2009).
More immediate effects may be addressed through noninvasive transcranial modalities. Among these are transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), transcranial electrical, direct-current stimulation (TDcS), and transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS), consisting of megahertz mechanical vibrations which, at low intensity, sub-thermal levels, can safely penetrate skull and brain.
As microtubules have megahertz vibrational resonances, transcranial ultrasound stimulation (TUS) with proper settings might be expected to enhance microtubule resonance, and thereby affect cognition and mental states.
In neuronal cell culture, ultrasound increases neuronal growth and synaptic formation (Bocchi et al., 2015).
In mice with genetically-induced Alzheimer’s disease (in which microtubules destabilize and tau protein is released), TUS improves pathology and cognitive function (Leinenga & Götz, 2015).
In humans, focused TUS enhances sensory discrimination (Legon et al., 2014), and unfocused TUS improves mood in chronic pain patients (Hameroff et al., 2013).
To erase or overwrite traumatic memory, to change the music and re-tune the brain’s tubules, combinations of pharmacology, psychotherapy and TUS (e.g., aimed at microtubule vibrations in the amygdala, hippocampus and prefrontal cortex) may be optimal.
As the Beatles sang, “Take a sad song and make it better.” [‘Change the Music’ Psychotherapy and Brain Vibrations Stuart Hameroff] References Bianchi, M., Shah, A. J., Fone, K. C., Atkins, A. R., Dawson, L. A., Heidbreder, C. A., . . . Marsden, C. A. (2009). Fluoxetine administration modulates the cytoskeletal microtubular system in the rat hippocampus. Synapse, 63, 359–364. Bocchi, L., Branca, J. J. V., Pacini, S., Cosentino, A., Morucci, G., & Ruggiero, M. (2015). Effect of ultrasounds on neurons and microglia: Cell viability and automatic analysis of cell morphology. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 22, 44–53. Cao, X., Wang, H., Mei, B., An, S., Yin, L., Wang, P., & Tsien, J. Z. (2008). Inducible and selective erasure of memories in the mouse brain via chemical–genetic manipulation. Neuron, 60, 353–366. Craddock, T. J. A., Hameroff, S. R., Ayoub, A. T., Klobukowski, M., & Tuszynski, J. A. (2015). Anesthetics act in quantum channels in brain microtubules to prevent consciousness. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 523–533. Craddock, T. J. A., Tuszynski, J. A., & Hameroff, S. (2012). Cytoskeletal signaling: Is memory encoded in microtubule lattices by CaMKII phosphorylation? PLOS Computational Biology, 8(3), e1002421 doi:10.1371/ journal.pcbi.1002421. Emerson, D. J., Weiser, B. P., Psonis, J., Liao, Z., Taratula, O., Fiamengo, A., . . . Dmochowski, I. J. (2013). Direct modulation of microtubule stability contributes to anthracene general anesthesia. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135, 5389–5398. Ghosh, S., Aswani, K., Singh, S., Sahu, S., Fujita, D., & Bandyopadhyay, A. (2014). Design and construction of a brain-like computer: A new class of frequency-fractal computing using wireless communication in a supramolecular organic, inorganic system. Information, 5, 28–100. doi:10.3390/info5010028 Hameroff, S., & Penrose, R. (2014). Consciousness in the universe: Review of the Orch OR theory. Physics of Life Reviews, 11, 39–79. Hameroff, S. R., & Watt, R. C. (1982). Information processing in microtubules. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 98, 549–561. Hameroff, S., Trakas, M., Duffield, C., Annabi, E., Gerace, M. B., Boyle, P., . . . Badal, J. J. (2013). Transcranial ultrasound (TUS) effects on mental states: A pilot study. Brain Stimulation, 3, 409–415. Hameroff, S. R. (2015, November). Is your brain really a computer? Or is it a quantum orchestra tuned to the universe? Interalia Magazine. Lane, R. D., Ryan, L., Nadel, L., & Greenberg, L. (2015). Memory reconsolidation, emotional arousal, and the process of change in psychotherapy: New insights from brain science. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, e1. doi:10.1017/S0140525X14000041 Legon, W., Sato, T. F., Opitz, A., Mueller, J., Barbour, A., Williams, A., & Tyler, W. J. (2014). Transcranial focused ultrasound modulates the activity of primary somatosensory cortex in humans. Nature Neuroscience, 17, 322–329. Leinenga, G., & Götz, J. (2015). Scanning ultrasound removes amyloid-β and restores memory in an Alzheimer’s disease mouse model. Science Translational Medicine, 7(278), 278ra33. doi:10.1126/scitranslmed.aaa2512
[‘Change the Music’ Psychotherapy and Brain Vibrations Stuart Hameroff]
“Kindness is a language that the deaf can hear and the blind can see.” [Mark Twain] The Human brain receives sensory inputs from hearing, seeing, tasting, smelling, feeling, touching, perceiving, processing and integrating senses and activating and memorizing the signals appropriately.
Conscious Pilot: “The truths of the Universe are written out there for all to see, on the Universe itself, and are accessible to us all through the process of inquiry.
“To allow an uncertain faith to stand-in as an answer, where scientific knowledge is required, does us all a disservice; the illusion of knowledge or reaching a conclusion before obtaining the scientific evidence, is a poor substitute for what we might actually learn, if only we ask the right questions.
“Science has not proved beyond a shadow of a doubt the existence of God, but if we use our beliefs as an excuse to draw conclusions that scientifically, we’re not ready for, we run the grave risk of depriving ourselves of what we might have come to truly learn.
For now, the best evidence hypotheses are circumstantial. The truths of Creation and the Universe are out there for all to see and begging discovery. [Can Science Prove The Existence Of God? By Ethan Siegel, Ph.D. astrophysicist, physics and astronomy professor, @startswithabang, Jan 20, 2017 Science Forbes]
In the experiment above this research reporter left the reader hanging with Humans standing still on platform and moving on a train and willfully with some who regularly practiced his Belief, neuroplastically growing their brain’s e-Soul neuronetworks before the introduction of the existence of God and the Human e-Soul. Many are the references for the existence of God, our Creator and the Human e-Soul.
The following are examples of research brain scan images demonstrating the effect of God in Human brains. There are many more, which can be seen at link:;_ylt=A2KLfSWRn81bRMAAkzLBGOd_;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw–?p=Scans+brain+spirituality+prayer+heals+scientists+doctor&fr=ipad
More references for the existence of God:
[Does God Affect Our Brain? National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine]
[How God Changes Your Brain: Breakthrough Findings from a Leading Neuroscientist Paperback – March 23, 2010 by Andrew Newberg M.D. (Author), Mark Robert Waldman (Author)][Andrade C, Radhakrishnan R. Prayer and healing: A medical and scientific perspective on randomized controlled trials. Indian Journal of Psychiatry. 2009;51(4):247-253. doi:10.4103/0019-5545.58288.]
[What Happens During a Prayer from Dr. Issam Nemeh, Science of Creation][Can Prayer Heal? Does prayer have the power to heal? Scientists have some surprising answers. by Jeanie Lerche Davis, WebMD]
[Scientists find religion triggers same area of brain as other pleasure, Researchers scan the brains of people having strong spiritual experiences. By PAUL RATNER 01 Dec, 2016, Big Think]
[Sayadmansour A. Neurotheology: The relationship between brain and religion. Iranian Journal of Neurology. 2014;13(1):52-55].
[God and Your Brain, How He Changes It, by Dale Fletcher, June 13. 2013 Faith and Health Connection]
“The evidence for existence of the Human Soul is equally compelling.
Testimonials from prominent physics researchers from institutions such as Cambridge University, Princeton University, and the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich claim that quantum mechanics predicts some version of “life after death.” They assert that a person may possess a body-soul duality that is an extension of the wave-particle duality of subatomic particles. [The Cosmos News, Published on Dec 24, 2015]
Physicist, Sir Roger Penrose, believes, after death of the physical body, human consciousness lives on as the soul, which is stored in neuron brain cells, as a packet of quantum, subatomic energy.
Dr Hans-Peter Dürr, former head of the Max Planck Institute for Physics in Munich, has said: “What we consider the here and now, this world, it is actually just the material level that is comprehensible….”The beyond is an infinite reality that is much bigger…. “The body dies but the spiritual quantum field continues. In this way, I am immortal.”
Energy never dies [Einstein] and THIS UNIVERSE RESONANT RHAPSODY ENERGY SYMPHONY endures and survives: link [by Micheal B. Minix, Sr., M.D., Aug 1, 2018: [Link]
Our Creator created multiple, fundamental neuroanatomical ‘Brain God Areas’ ‘Mind and Soul ‘in His likeness, encoded for faith and belief.
Darwinian evolution and natural selection established and maintained the neuroanatomical ‘Final Stage of Human Creation’, when willfully neurophysiologically activated.
The encoded, neuro-networked Homo sapien-sapiens species, Modern Anatomical Cognitive Human spiritual, neuroanatomy for religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences, realities and among other massive Mindfulness. [Link:, by Micheal B. Minix, Sr., M.D. Dec 3, 2015]
Activation likelihood estimation (ALE) analyzes of MRI studies suggest that meditation practice induces functional and structural brain modifications, especially in areas involved in self-referential processes, including self-awareness and self-regulation [63] [Ref: Estimating The Intrinsic Dimension In fMRI Space Via Dataset Fractal Analysis, MIT Technology Review] [What’s a Voxel and What Can It Tell Us? A Primer on fMRI, Daisy Yuhas June 21, 2012, Scientific American] [“The Meditative Mind: A Comprehensive Meta-Analysis of MRI Studies. Boccia, Maddalena, Laura Piccardi, and Paola Guariglia.” BioMed Research International 2015 (2015): 419808. PMC. Web. 9 Oct. 2018]
“Dr. Andrew Newberg has scanned the brains of praying nuns, chanting Sikhs and meditating Buddhists. He studies the relationship between the brain and religious experience, a field called Neurotheology. Newberg, the originator, has published many research articles and written a book, ‘Principles of Neurotheology’ that lays the groundwork for a new kind of scientific and theological dialogue.
[Principles of Neurotheology by Andrew B. Newberg, 276 pages 2010] [How God Changes Your Brain: An
Introduction to Jewish Neurotheology CCAR Journal: The Reform Jewish Quarterly, Winter 2019])
“Andrew Newberg, M.D. is an American neuroscientist, Director of Research at the Myrna Brind Center for Integrative Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies and an Associate Professor of Radiology at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, a prominent researcher in the field of nuclear medical brain imaging and Neurotheology, developed neurotransmitter tracers for the evaluation of religiosity and neurological and psychiatric disorders including clinical depression, head injury, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.
There are 55 FUNDAMENTAL BRAIN AREAS ASSOCIATED WITH SPIRITUALTIY / RELIGIOUS THINKING demonstrated by fMRI, while measuring O₂ saturation in blood circulating through brain area and determining the activated brain regions responding to religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences, realities:
left brain right brain frontal brain lobes prefrontal cortex
ventromedial cortex parietal lobe dorsal brain areas
medial temporal lobes anterior cingulate cortex occipital cortex
cerebellum multiple areas of limbic system thalamus
thalamic reticular nucleus ventral tegmental brain septal area
substantia nigra pars compacta arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus
nucleus accumbens pituitary gland ventral cortical axis
caudate nucleus insula bilateral fusiform regions
para-hippocampal gyrus right and left angular gyri
Autopoiesis (Autogenesis) is a Living System with Self-Sustaining (Autonomy) and Continual Self-Creation (Poiesis). Unity is the harmonious, sustainable existence and relationship of 2 divided parts, Autopoietic System and Nature
“A culture based on superstitions will do worse than one based on scientific knowledge and rational thoughts.” Venkatraman Ramakrishnan stated, a physicist and molecular biologist, who was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in chemistry for his research on ribosomes. While many Hindus consider astrology to be an important Vedic science and schedule life events around the movements of the stars, Ramakrishnan has spoken out against this practice in the past. He believes astrology evolved from humans’ desire to search for “patterns, generalize and believe. [In an interview with the Jan 7, 2016 Hindustan Times, he said] [Quantum Consciousness STUART R. HAMEROFF, MD Director, Center for Consciousness Studies Professor Emeritus Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine, University of Arizona and Department of Psychology Banner – University Medical Center Tucson]
“The nature of consciousness remains deeply mysterious and profoundly important, with existential, medical and spiritual implication. We know what it is like to be conscious, to have awareness, a conscious ‘mind’, {{{ our Human Mind open for business }}} but who, or what, are ‘we’ …. who know such things?
“The ‘standard model’, now discouraged, , is that consciousness emerges from complex computation among brain neurons, computation whose currency is seen as neuronal firings (‘spikes’) and synaptic transmissions, equated with binary ‘bits’ in digital computing.
“Consciousness is presumed to ‘emerge’ from complex neuronal computation, and to have arisen during biological evolution as an adaptation of living systems, extrinsic to the makeup of the universe.
“On the other hand, spiritual and contemplative traditions, and some scientists and philosophers consider consciousness to be intrinsic, ‘woven into the fabric of the universe’. In these views, are protoconsciousness, conscious precursors and Platonic forms preceded biology, existing all along in the fine scale structure of reality.
“Dr Hameroff’s research involves a theory of consciousness which can bridge these 2 above approaches, a theory developed over the past 20 years with eminent British physicist Sir Roger Penrose. Called ‘orchestrated objective reduction’ (‘Orch OR’),
“it suggests consciousness arises from quantum vibrations in protein polymers called microtubules inside the brain’s neurons, vibrations which interfere, ‘collapse’ and resonate across scale, control neuronal firings, generate consciousness, and connect ultimately to ‘deeper order’ ripples in spacetime geometry.
“Consciousness is more like music than computation, from all indicators, facts and evidence. The following references are cited for additional reader research.{{ [[The only way an algorithm can tell if you really like a song is by scanning your brain, by Jacek Krywko & Commentary October 18, 2016, Quartz]}}} {{{ [Nozaradan S. Exploring how musical rhythm entrains brain activity with electroencephalogram frequency-tagging. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2014;369(1658):20130393. doi:10.1098/rstb.2013.0393. {{{ [Brain Waves Transformed into Music By Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor | November 14, 2012 Live Science]
“Humans cannot hear the music in another Human Brain. A novel method with which we can sonify the Electroencephalogram (EEG) data recorded in rest state as well as under the influence of a simplest acoustical stimuli, a tanpura drone. The tanpura drone has a very simple yet very complex acoustic features, which is generally used for creation of an ambiance during a musical performance.” Extensive research concerning music on and in the brain is proliferating.
{{{ [Music of Brain and Music on Brain: A Novel EEG Sonification approach by Nag, Sayan; Sanyal, Shankha; Banerjee, Archi; Sengupta, Ranjan; Ghosh, Dipak 12/2017, eprint arXiv:1712.08336]}}} {{{ [10 Pieces of Music Created with Brain Waves, Here’s How to Make Music With Only Your MIND! By Becky Chung Jan 2 2017, Creators] }}} {{{[The Health Benefits Of Music Therapy, By Danielle L’Ecuyer. HelthPrep]}}}
“EEG measures the brain’s electrical activity directly, while other methods record changes in blood flow (e.g., SPECT, fMRI) or metabolic activity (e.g., PET, NIRS), which are indirect markers of brain electrical activity. EEG can be used simultaneously with fMRI so that high-temporal-resolution data can be recorded at the same time as high-spatial-resolution data, however, since the data derived from each occurs over a different time course, the data sets do not necessarily represent exactly the same brain activity. [Wikipedia]
Several EEG Wave patterns have been recognized. Gamma Waves are associated with consciousness and the soul.
Gamma waves
· Gamma is the frequency range approximately 30–100 Hz. carrying out a certain cognitive or motor function. Recently associated with consciousness and the Human Soul, one of the many Human brain neuronetworks.[Niedermeyer E.; da Silva F.L. (2004). Electroencephalography: Basic Principles, Clinical Applications, and Related Fields. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. ISBN 978-0-7817-5126-1] [Oberman, Lindsay M.; Hubbard, Edward M.; McCleery, Joseph P.; Altschuler, Eric L.; Ramachandran, Vilayanur S.; Pineda, Jaime A. (2005). “EEG evidence for mirror neuron dysfunction in autism spectrum disorders”. Cognitive Brain Research. 24 (2): 1908. doi:10.1016/j.cogbrainres.2005.01.014. PMID 15993757]
“Gamma brain waves are the fastest brainwave frequency with the smallest amplitude. They are associated with the “feeling of blessings” reported by experienced meditators such as monks and nuns, and with peak concentration and extremely high levels of cognitive functioning
“Neuroscientists believe that gamma waves are able to link information from all parts of the brain and not only that, but the entire brain is influenced by the gamma wave.
“The gamma wave originates in the thalamus and moves from the back of the brain to the front and back again 40 times per second. This rapid “full sweep” action makes the gamma state one of peak mental and physical performance. Gamma is the brainwave state of being “in the Zone,” that feeling that you can do anything.
“Everyone has gamma brainwave activity, but the amount of gamma waves produced varies. Low amounts of gamma brainwave activity have been linked to learning difficulties, poor memory and impaired mental processing.
“People with very high levels of gamma activity are exceptionally intelligent, compassionate, happy, and have excellent memories and strong self-control. IQ scores of people with high gamma wave activity are correspondingly high.
“High gamma activity also corresponds to a state of peak performance. Elite athletes, top-notch musicians and high achievers in all fields produce far more gamma waves than average.
“The benefits of producing the gamma frequency are:
· Increased memory recall (the 40 Hz frequency is known to regulate memory processing); people with high gamma activity have exceptionally vivid and rapid memory recall.
· Increased sensory perception. Senses are heightened when the brain produces gamma waves. Food tastes better; vision and hearing sharpen; sense of smell becomes more powerful; and your brain becomes far more sensitive to all sensory input. This makes for a much richer sensory experience and a better perception of reality.
· Increased focus; but this enhanced focus is not necessarily aimed at one individual object or task. In the gamma state, your brain is able to process all sensory information faster and more fully with greater sensitivity; and combine the whole scenario into a highly memorable experience. People with high gamma activity can recall everything about any memorable event – the food they ate, the music they heard, the conversations, the names of people they met, the air temperature, etc.
· One of the most remarkable properties of the gamma state is the processing speed: the brain is able to process incredible amounts of information very quickly, remember it, and retrieve that memory later.
· People with high gamma activity are naturally happier, calmer and more at peace. This is Nature’s best anti-depressant (people suffering from depression typically have very low gamma activity).
· Gamma waves are present during REM sleep and visualization.
· Compassion comes from a feeling of one-ness with all creation. This is the “feeling of blessings” and ecstasy that accompanies high levels of gamma brainwave activity. [The Marvelous Properties of Gamma Brain Waves Cheyenne Diaz Feb 2018 MindValley]
Music’s Pentatonic Scale is regarded a pleasing scale of many music genres. Pentatonic are associated specifically to black gospel. The kid of music that goose-bumps the hair on The neck and ‘moves the soul’, possibly DNA encoded 50,000 to 70,000 years ago when Homo sapien-sapiens, modern anatomical humans became cognitive.
One scientist posited the Pentatonic Scale was the original Human vocal communication and music frequency. Many relate the Pentatonic scale to the music and even the moans of slave working in the plantation fields and on the transportation ships from Africa.
The Pentatonic Scale has five notes. “The five-note system that can do no wrong. A lot of music theory is about limiting which notes to use in your song to a small set that sound good together. The earliest set of such notes was called the Pentatonic Scale.
It has 5 notes and looks like the following. Arranging these notes in order of increasing frequency is known as a scale. It’s not important to remember these numbers. Just remember that simpler ratios make better sounding combinations of notes
“Colleagues Travis Craddock, Jack Tuszynski and Hameroff studied how anesthetics act in microtubules to erase consciousness, and with Jay Sanguinetti, John JB Allen and Sterling Cooley, are studying how transcranial ultrasound (TUS) can be used non-invasively to resonate brain microtubules and treat mental, cognitive and neurological disorders. Abi Behar-Montefiore and Ed Xia maintain the website. [STUART R. HAMEROFF, MD Director, Center for Consciousness Studies, Professor Emeritus, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine,, University of Arizona and Department of Psychology, Banner – University Medical Center Tucson, Quantum Consciousness Theorist & Researcher.]
Dr Stuart Hameroff was “the skunk at an atheist convention” [Beyond Belief Conference, Session 4, La Jolla, Salk Institute, November 5-7, 2006]
Hameroff comments: “Most scientists and philosophers assume consciousness emerges from complex computation among brain neurons and synapses acting as indivisible bits, or information states. Penrose and I suggest that consciousness involves processes at deeper levels, specifically sequences of quantum computations (~40 per second) in structures called microtubules inside brain neurons. The quantum computations we propose link to neuronal-level activities, and are also ripples in fundamental spacetime geometry, the most basic level of the universe.
“One implication of our model relates to a possible scientific basis for secular spirituality (unrelated to any organized religious approach). I should say that Roger avoids discussion of such implications, but I’ve been willing to raise this possibility.
“For me, spirituality implies:
· Interconnectedness among living beings and the universe
· A ubiquitous reservoir of cosmic intelligence/Platonic values in touch with our conscious choices and perceptions
· Existence of consciousness after death
“Can these issues be accounted for scientifically? I believe they possibly can.
“Interconnectedness – Conscious minds and unconscious processes may be quantum entangled.
“Cosmic intelligence/Platonic values – Penrose suggested in his 1989 book The emperor’s new mind that Platonic (Spiritual Nonsexual Amicable) values including mathematical truth, ethical values and beauty were embedded in the fine structure of the universe, specifically in fundamental spacetime geometry at the inifinitesimally tiny (and ubiquitous) Planck scale. In a 1996 paper, Penrose and I further suggested that the precursors of conscious experience were also embedded in Planck scale geometry.
“In our theory, conscious choices and perceptions are affected by this universal Platonic information which Penrose termed non-computable influence. I liken such proposed influence on conscious choices to “following the way of the Tao”, or “Divine guidance” “Conscious existence after death – In my view, consciousness occurs at the level of Planck scale geometry amplified to quantum coherence/computation in brain microtubules. When metabolic requirements for quantum coherence in brain microtubules are lost (e.g. death, near-death), quantum information pertaining to that individual may persist and remain entangled in Planck scale geometry.
“Taken as a whole, these ideas may be considered a plausibility argument for scientific, secular spirituality.
“In November 2006 I was invited to a meeting at the Salk Institute in La Jolla, California called “Beyond Belief”. Other speakers and attendees were predominantly atheists, and harshly critical of the notion of spirituality. They included Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Patricia Churchland, Steven Weinberg (the least venal), Neil deGrasse Tyson and others who collectively vilified creationists and religious warriors. But the speakers also ragged on the notion of any purpose or meaning to existence, heaped ridicule on the very possibility of a God-like entity (and those who believed in such an entity), declared that scientists and philosophers should set society’s moral and ethical standards, and called for a billion dollar public relations campaign to convince the public God does not exist.
“Near the end of the first day came my turn to speak. I began by saying that the conference to that point had been like the Spanish Inquisition in reverse – the atheists* scientists were burning the believers.
“And while I had no particular interest in organized religion, I did believe there could be a scientific account for spirituality.
“After pointing out faulty assumptions in conventional brain models for consciousness and summarizing the Penrose-Hameroff theory, I laid out my plausibility argument for scientific, secular spirituality, suggesting cosmic connections and influence in our conscious thoughts occurred via quantum interactions in microtubules.
“I closed with a slide of the DNA molecule which emphasized it’s internal core where quantum effects rule, suggesting a Penrose non-computable influence in genetic mutations and evolution (aimed at Dawkins in the form of a quantum-based intelligent design).
“At the end a few people clapped loudly, but most sat in steely silence. The moderator and conference organizer Roger Bingham said I had enraged nearly everyone in the room. Indeed, I had raised a stink, and felt (happily) like the skunk at an atheist convention. Comments from the audience were negative, but off base. Physicist Lawrence Krauss said my suggestion of backward time effects in the quantum unconscious (indicated by experiments, and required to rescue consciousness from its unfortunate characterization as epiphenomenal illusion) were impossible. He was apparently unaware of the verification of Wheeler’s delayed choice experiments which precisely prove such backward time effects.
“Krauss also questioned the possibility of biological quantum computation at brain temperature, but I pointed to evidence for warm quantum coherence in biological photosynthesis. Neuroscientist
“Terry Sejnowski attempted to criticize my view, but floundered, unable to explain how his conventional approach could explain 40 Hz gamma synchrony EEG (the best measurable correlate of consciousness) without quantum effects.
“Summary—synchronized integration and the “conscious pilot”
“The “conscious pilot” synchronized mobile integration model is a new candidate for the ‘Neural Correlate of Consciousness‘ (NCC). The conscious pilot refers to spatiotemporal envelopes of dendritic gamma synchrony (demarcated by gap-junction-defined “dendritic webs”) moving through the brain as vehicle for a conscious agent which can experience and control otherwise non-conscious (auto-pilot) cognitive functions.
“We start with the assumption that cognitive brain functions including sensory processing, motor control of behavior, learning, memory, and attention all occur either with or without consciousness. Without consciousness, cognitive functions are scientifically explained by neurocomputation in neuronal networks, i.e., the brain’s axonal firings and synaptic transmissions acting like “bit states” and switches in computers. These non-conscious functions are deemed the “easy problems,” “zombie modes,” or “auto-pilot.”27They are not really easy but at least approachable through neurocomputation.
“But consciousness—phenomenal awareness and conscious control—does not naturally ensue from neurocomputation. Science seeks to identify specific neuronal brain processes which underlie or correlate with consciousness—the ‘Neural Correlate of Consciousness‘ (NCC). The best measurable NCC is gamma synchrony EEG, coherent field potential oscillations in the range from 30 to 90 Hz. Gamma synchrony (along with consciousness, apparently) moves and evolves through various global distributions and brain regions.
“But like consciousness, gamma synchrony does not ensue from neurocomputation in synaptic networks. Rather, gamma synchrony occurs via “sideways circuits”—neurons (and glia) inter-connected by electrical synapses called gap junctions which physically fuse and electrically couple neighboring cells. In particular, groups of neurons linked by dendritic–dendritic gap junctions form extensive gamma-synchronized syncytia or “dendritic webs” extending through brain regions.
“Within neurocomputational networks, dendritic webs are laterally connected input/integration layers which can enable collective integration among synchronized neurons. As gap junctions open and close, spatiotemporal envelopes of synchronized neurons (dendritic webs) move and distribute rapidly around the brain as mobile integrators, vehicles for a conscious agent able to experience and control—tune into and take over—otherwise non-conscious auto-pilot neurocomputation. The conscious agent itself may be some finer-scale process extending within neuronal interiors through the dendritic web.28
“As a metaphor, an airplane flies on auto-pilot while the conscious pilot is sleeping or out of the cockpit engaged in other activities. If turbulence occurs, or an alarm sounds, the conscious pilot immediately returns to the cockpit and assumes conscious perception and control of the plane. When the problem resolves, the conscious pilot may again wander off as the auto-pilot computer takes over.
“In the brain, the auto-pilot is neurocomputation mediated by axonal firings and synaptic transmissions in feed-forward and feedback neuronal networks. The conscious pilot is synchronized collective integration (dendritic webs) moving and evolving sideways through input/integration layers of the same neuronal network architecture.29 [Hameroff S. The “conscious pilot”—dendritic synchrony moves through the brain to mediate consciousness. Journal of Biological Physics. 2010;36(1):71-93. doi:10.1007/s10867-009-9148-x.]
“Our theory also chafes proponents of artificial intelligence (“AI”, including advocates of the so-called Singularity) who assume consciousness results from interactions among neurons with no consideration of deeper activities or quantum mechanisms. Along these lines I recently spoke at Google in Silicon Valley, my talk being titled A new marriage of brain and computer – Why the Singularity is bogus. I am not by nature confrontational, but am happy to debate scientists and philosophers who oppose our theory.
“Atheism does not hold the scientific high ground. Secular spirituality based on quantum biology and the physics of spacetime geometry is a viable and important idea. I am not offering or suggesting any proof, just a plausibility argument. [J Biol Phys. 2010 Jan; 36(1): 71–93. Published online 2009 Apr 2. doi: 10.1007/s10867-009-9148-x PMCID: PMC2791805, PMID: 19669425, The “conscious pilot”—dendritic synchrony moves through the brain to mediate consciousness by Stuart Hameroff]
“Abstract: Introduction: Gamma synchrony and the “conscious pilot”
“Cognitive brain functions are accounted for by information processing in networks of neurons, “neurocomputation.” In each neuron, dendrites and the cell body/soma receive synaptic inputs and integrate them to a threshold for axonal firings as outputs—“integrate and fire.” Cognitive brain functions are thus understood as “neurocomputation” in networks of “integrate-and-fire” neurons.
“Despite this understanding, an explanation for conscious awareness eludes modern science. Illustrating this point, philosopher David Chalmers [1] has characterized non-conscious cognitive brain functions as the “easy problems,” including the brain’s abilities to non-consciously discriminate, categorize, and react to sensory stimuli, integrate information, focus attention, and control behavior. Non-conscious easy problem cognitive functions are largely habitual and also expressed as “zombie” modes [2] or “auto-pilot” [3].1 Chalmers explains that the so-called easy problems are not really that easy but at least seem directly amenable to “neurocomputation,” i.e., the brain’s integrate-and-fire neurons and synapses acting like “bit states” and switches in computers. Neurocomputation can explain non-conscious easy problem, zombie mode, and auto-pilot processes.
“The “hard problem” according to Chalmers is the question of how the brain produces conscious control and experience, i.e., phenomenal awareness with subjective feelings, composed of what philosophers call “qualia.” The hard problem refers to the fact that conscious control and experience do not naturally derive from neurocomputation.
“Without addressing the hard problem per se, neuroscientists aim to identify a ‘Neural Correlate of Consciousness‘ (NCC), brain systems active concomitantly with conscious experience [4]. This paper presents a new model of the NCC as a mobile integrator moving through dendritic/somatic input/integration layers of the brain’s neurocomputational networks.
A key point is that non-conscious auto-pilot modes (easy problems, zombie modes) and conscious control and experience (hard problem) are not always separate and distinct. At times, non-conscious auto-pilot modes become driven or accompanied by conscious experience. For example, we often perform complex habitual behaviors like walking or driving while daydreaming, seemingly on auto-pilot with consciousness somewhere else. But when novelty occurs we consciously perceive the scene and assume conscious control—consciousness is able to “tune into and take over” non-conscious processes. So rather than a distinction between non-conscious auto-pilot modes on the one hand and conscious experience on the other, the essential distinction is actually between cognitive neurocomputation which at any given moment is, or is not, accompanied by some added fleeting feature (the “conscious pilot”) which conveys conscious experience and choice.
The best measurable feature correlating with consciousness (i.e., ‘Neural Correlate of Consciousness‘ (NCC)) is coherent electrical activity in a particular frequency band of the electroencephalogram (EEG).2 The EEG records tiny brain-generated voltage fluctuations from scalp or brain surface electrodes, producing a complex continually varying signal.3 An important parameter is the degree of coherence or phase synchrony among voltage fluctuations recorded from different electrodes at any specific EEG frequency. Phase synchrony at various EEG frequencies can occur locally within one brain region, between neighboring and long-range regions, or globally distributed among many spatially separated brain regions.
In the late 1980s, Wolf Singer and colleagues [5, 6] found specific, phase-synchronized EEG in cats’ visual cortex which was strongly correlated with particular visual stimulation. The phase synchrony they found occurred at around 40 Hz, in the gamma frequency band of the EEG, and became known as “coherent 40 Hz” (gamma covering the range from 30 to 90 Hz). Subsequent studies have shown gamma synchrony in various brain locations correlating with conscious perception, motor control, language, working memory, face and word recognition, sleep/wake and dream cycles, and binding—the issue of how neurocomputational representations occurring in different brain regions and at slightly different moments are bound together in a unified conscious percept [7–19].4
Location and distribution of gamma synchrony within the brain can change dynamically, shifting on timescales of hundreds of milliseconds or faster [7, 20]. Specific modalities of conscious content reflect particular locations/distributions of gamma synchrony. For example, conscious smell occurs when odorant molecules induce gamma synchrony among olfactory bulb dendrites [21–23]. With conscious pleasure and reward, gamma synchrony is occurring in ventral tegmentum and nucleus accumbens [24].
When we are conscious of our surroundings, neurocomputational sensory arousal activity ascends via thalamus to cortex and then through other cortical areas in feed-forward and feedback circuits.5 These bottom-up and top-down recurrent neurocomputational networks are proposed to represent the world and mediate consciousness, e.g., in a “global workspace” [25–27]. But thalamocortical arousal is neither necessary nor sufficient for consciousness. We often process sensory information non-consciously while on auto-pilot, e.g., while we drive, walk, or engage in other habitual behaviors. In these situations, thalamocortical arousal and sensory processing continue without consciousness (and without gamma synchrony) [28].6 And consciousness occurs without thalamocortical arousal, e.g., in internally generated conscious states like memory recall and daydreaming owing to ongoing cortical–cortical dynamics [28].
The best measurable correlate of consciousness is long-range (e.g., cortical–cortical) gamma synchrony. In animals and surgical patients undergoing general anesthesia, gamma synchrony between frontal and posterior cortex is the specific marker which disappears with loss of consciousness and returns upon awakening [29, 30].7 In what may be considered enhanced or optimized levels of consciousness, highest amplitude, frequency, and phase coherent gamma synchrony have been recorded spanning cortical regions in meditating Tibetan monks [31].
What are the brain boundaries of gamma synchrony? Using depth electrodes in animals, gamma synchrony has been found between cortical hemispheres and between cortex, thalamus, other sub-cortical regions and even spinal cord [32]. Consciousness may require some critical threshold of gamma-synchronized neurons, e.g., long range (frontal–posterior, bi-hemispheric, corticospinal, ventral tegmentum–nucleus accumbens, etc.), critical number, or distribution. Gamma synchrony and consciousness seemingly redistribute and move together around the brain, able to tune into and assume control of otherwise non-conscious functions.8
As a metaphor, consider a passenger airplane cruising on auto-pilot. The conscious pilot is present but not directly in control nor consciously aware of the cockpit view or instrument readings. Perhaps he/she is reading a magazine, chatting in the main cabin or even sleeping and dreaming. Suddenly turbulence occurs or an alarm sounds. The conscious pilot “tunes in and takes over,” directing his/her attention to the view and instrument readings in the cockpit and assuming motor control of the plane and correcting course or elevation to avoid the turbulence. When the situation is resolved, the auto-pilot resumes monitoring and control, and the conscious pilot returns to previous activities, perhaps visiting with a flight attendant in the galley.
In the metaphorical airplane, the auto-pilot tending to the easy problems is the on-board flight computer and instruments. In the brain, non-conscious auto-pilot modes are accounted for by (e.g., thalamocortical) neurocomputation, i.e., the brain’s neuronal firings and synaptic transmissions acting like “bit states” and switches in computers.
What about the conscious pilot? Gamma synchrony is the logical candidate, correlating with consciousness and moving and redistributing throughout neurocomputational brain networks. Fully alert, attentive consciousness involving thalamocortical sensory arousal accompanied by gamma synchrony is the conscious pilot in the cockpit, perceiving the view and instrument readings and controlling the plane. Daydreaming, conscious memory, and other internally generated states would be gamma synchrony in various cortical areas, hippocampus, nucleus accumbens, etc.—the conscious pilot occupied elsewhere while the auto-pilot flies the plane.9
But gamma synchrony (like consciousness) does not directly ensue from neurocomputation.
“Summary—synchronized integration and the “conscious pilot”
“The ‘conscious pilot’ synchronized mobile integration model is a new candidate for the ‘Neural Correlate of Consciousness‘ (NCC). The conscious pilot refers to spatiotemporal envelopes of dendritic gamma synchrony (demarcated by gap-junction-defined “dendritic webs”) moving through the brain as vehicle for a conscious agent which can experience and control otherwise non-conscious (auto-pilot) cognitive functions.
“We start with the assumption that cognitive brain functions including sensory processing, motor control of behavior, learning, memory, and attention all occur either with or without consciousness. Without consciousness, cognitive functions are scientifically explained by neurocomputation in neuronal networks, i.e., the brain’s axonal firings and synaptic transmissions acting like “bit states” and switches in computers. These non-conscious functions are deemed the “easy problems,” “zombie modes,” or “auto-pilot.”27They are not really easy but at least approachable through neurocomputation.
“But consciousness—phenomenal awareness and conscious control—does not naturally ensue from neurocomputation. Science seeks to identify specific neuronal brain processes which underlie or correlate with consciousness—the ‘Neural Correlate of Consciousness‘ (NCC). The best measurable NCC is gamma synchrony EEG, coherent field potential oscillations in the range from 30 to 90 Hz. Gamma synchrony (along with consciousness, apparently) moves and evolves through various global distributions and brain regions.
“But like consciousness, gamma synchrony does not ensue from neurocomputation in synaptic networks. Rather, gamma synchrony occurs via “sideways circuits”—neurons (and glia) inter-connected by electrical synapses called gap junctions which physically fuse and electrically couple neighboring cells. In particular, groups of neurons linked by dendritic–dendritic gap junctions form extensive gamma-synchronized syncytia or “dendritic webs” extending through brain regions.
“Within neurocomputational networks, dendritic webs are laterally connected input/integration layers which can enable collective integration among synchronized neurons. As gap junctions open and close, spatiotemporal envelopes of synchronized neurons (dendritic webs) move and distribute rapidly around the brain as mobile integrators, vehicles for a conscious agent able to experience and control—tune into and take over—otherwise non-conscious auto-pilot neurocomputation. The conscious agent itself may be some finer-scale process extending within neuronal interiors through the dendritic web.28
“As a metaphor, an airplane flies on auto-pilot while the conscious pilot is sleeping or out of the cockpit engaged in other activities. If turbulence occurs, or an alarm sounds, the conscious pilot immediately returns to the cockpit and assumes conscious perception and control of the plane. When the problem resolves, the conscious pilot may again wander off as the auto-pilot computer takes over.
“In the brain, the auto-pilot is neurocomputation mediated by axonal firings and synaptic transmissions in feed-forward and feedback neuronal networks. The conscious pilot is synchronized collective integration (dendritic webs) moving and evolving sideways through input/integration layers of the same neuronal network architecture.”29
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1Philosopher Ned Block [114] has distinguished access consciousness (“A-consciousness”) and phenomenal consciousness (“P-consciousness”). “A-consciousness” involves cognitive functions which are immediately available/accessible to consciousness but lack phenomenal experience. Block’s A-consciousness is thus seemingly equivalent to non-conscious “easy problems,” “zombie modes,” or “auto-pilot” and his “P-consciousness” comparable to the “hard problem,” “conscious modes,” or “conscious pilot.”
2Neuronal-level origins of the EEG signal are discussed in the next section. Magnetoencephalography also reflects real-time brain activity from scalp or brain surfaces. In another type of approach, needle electrodes implanted into the brain generally record axonal action potential firings or spikes of individual neurons, not EEG which derives from local field potentials ensuing from post-synaptic dendritic activities of many neurons. Other approaches including functional brain imaging, e.g., functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), provide excellent spatial resolution of brain metabolic activity as measured by the BOLD signal related to blood oxygen levels. The BOLD signal may more closely reflect local field potentials and thus post-synaptic dendritic activity rather than axonal spikes [115, 116]. But fMRI and BOLD lack the temporal resolution of EEG.
3For analysis, the complex signal is commonly broken down into activity in particular frequency bands: delta (less than 4 Hz), theta (4 to 7 Hz), alpha (8 to 12 Hz), beta (12 to 30 Hz), and gamma (30 to 90 Hz or higher).
4In the early 1980s, brain synchrony as measured by EEG was proposed as a solution to the binding problem. Von der Malsburg [117] suggested synchronized oscillations among various brain regions bound together disparate content into unified conscious percepts. Consciousness seems to require binding, but does binding require consciousness (do non-conscious cognitive perceptions and actions involve binding)? If gamma synchrony invariably accompanies consciousness and implies binding, then non-conscious “auto-pilot” processes are likely to be unbound [17]. Thus mechanisms underlying gamma synchrony, binding, and consciousness are closely related [82, 118].
5In the “conscious pilot” metaphor, this would be the conscious pilot in the cockpit, monitoring the view and instrument readings and manually controlling the plane.
6As measured by fMRI metabolic activity, thalamocortical activity is reduced in both sleep and anesthesia compared to conscious subjects, prompting proposed equivalence between arousal and consciousness [27]. However, sensory-evoked potentials via thalamocortical arousal circuits are used to monitor spinal cord integrity during spinal surgeries under general anesthesia and thus occur without consciousness. Thalamocortical inputs in our daily life regarding, for example, the touch of shoes on our feet, are largely non-conscious. Purposeful behavior with arousal can occur without consciousness, e.g., when driving while daydreaming or in “zombie-like” patients going into, and emerging from, general anesthesia. “Going into” anesthesia is often accompanied by an excitatory “phase 2” stage, and waking from anesthesia may involve “emergence delirium,” both of which are arousal states without consciousness.
7During anesthesia, increased local unsynchronized gamma frequency EEG activity (“gamma power”) is elicited and enhanced by evoked potentials) [119]. In Gray and Singer’s [5] seminal studies on cats, localized gamma synchrony was observed in visual cortex in response to visual stimuli under very low levels (less than half anesthetic dose) of ketamine, barbiturate, and inhaled anesthesia. Slower (sub-gamma) EEG, local unsynchronized gamma activity [30], and thalamocortical-evoked potentials continue or increase during anesthesia in the absence of long-range gamma synchrony and consciousness.
8“Brainweb” of Varela et al. [120] is comparable, proposing that synchronized integration in various frequency bands in distributed brain regions comprise moments of conscious perception. The “Brainweb” assumes neuronal synchrony and connections occur via recurrent chemical synapses rather than the gap junction mechanisms discussed in this paper.
9Computer worms are another possible metaphor for the conscious pilot, moving and replicating through computational networks.
10Outnumbering neurons in the brain 10:1, glial cells (“glia”) support neuronal information processing but also have excitable membranes, receptors, calcium ion waves, cytoskeletal microtubules, synapses, and gap junctions and are involved in information processing [121, 122]. They are included in gap-junction-connected dendritic webs described in this paper.
11Signals are conveyed by depolarization waves moving along membrane surfaces of dendrites, cell body, and axons, described by the Hodgkin–Huxley [123] equations which relate ionic currents across excitable membranes with voltage potential waves traveling along their surfaces. Depolarization waves in dendrites/cell body (graded, analog) differ from those in axons (all or none, digital).
12Receptor proteins (ligand-gated ion channels) on dendrite and cell body membranes receive synaptic inputs from axons of other neurons via chemical neurotransmitters, inducing ion fluxes and graded/analog voltage patterns (excitatory and inhibitory post-synaptic potentials: “EPSPs” and “IPSPs”) which spatiotemporally integrate throughout the dendritic/cell body membrane to the AIS. When the integrated potential reaches threshold, an abrupt AIS membrane depolarization “fires” an action potential or spike which propagates rapidly and losslessly as a wave along the length of the axon. At the axon terminal, spikes induce release of neurotransmitters into synapses with downstream dendrites and cell bodies in axonal–dendritic networks of integrate-and-fire neurons.
13Coherent spike volleys or axonal firing explosions must be preceded and caused by synchronized dendritic integration activity. Alkire et al. [27] argue generally for brain integration as the substrate of consciousness.
14Many post-synaptic dendritic and somatic receptors are metabotropic, sending signals into dendritic interior cytoplasm and cytoskeleton rather than (or in addition to) changing membrane potentials. These cytoplasmic signals (chemical messengers, ion fluxes) activate enzymes, cause conformational signaling and ionic fluxes along actin filaments, and dephosphorylate microtubule-associated proteins which link and regulate cytoskeletal activity necessary for synaptic plasticity, learning, and memory [124–132]. Dendritic integration is also likely to include influence from dendrites from other neurons and glia via gap-junction-mediated synchrony (“collective integration”).
15The subjective experience of the passage of time may be related to the frequency of conscious moments. When we are excited, perhaps our baseline rate of conscious moments goes up from 40 to 60 Hz, and, subjectively, time slows down [102].
16In hippocampus, memory consolidation depends on “sharp wave–ripple complexes,” rapid 150- to 200-Hz oscillations (“ripples”) mediated by pyramidal cell gap junction connections, riding on slower theta/alpha frequency “sharp waves” [133].
17The seemingly instantaneous depolarization of gap-junction-linked excitable membranes (i.e., despite the relative slowness of dendritic potential waves or spikelets) suggests that even gap junction coupling cannot fully account for the precise coherence of global brain gamma synchrony [56]. Gap junctions are necessary (though not sufficient) to account for precise global gamma synchrony.
18Gap junctions are prominent in embryological formation of cortical circuits [134], then decline markedly in number as the brain matures. Accordingly, gap junctions are generally overlooked in relation to higher cognition and consciousness. But gap junctions do involve primary neurons. Venance et al. [135] showed gap junctions between interneurons and excitatory neurons in juvenile rat brain, and pyramidal cells (in hippocampal slices) share axonal–axonal gap junction coupling [136]. Gap junctions between primary hippocampal neurons play a role in high-frequency oscillations, e.g., 150 Hz [137]. Pruning and sparseness of gap junctions as the brain matures may be necessary for their utility. If each brain neuron were connected by open gap junctions to three or more different neurons, the entire brain would be one uninterrupted synchronized syncytium (Penrose, R—personal communication 1998).
19Connexin-based gap junctions occur between dendrites of neighboring brain neurons, between dendrites and glia, glia and glia, axons and axons, and axons and dendrites—bypassing chemical synapses [138, 139]. Among ten or more different brain connexins, connexin 36 is the primary gap junction protein between brain neuronal dendrites.
20Two examples, previously mentioned: conscious experience of smell occurs when gap-junction-mediated synchrony occurs among olfactory cortex dendrites [21–23]. When consciousness involves sexual feelings, dendritic gap junctions mediate gamma synchrony in brain regions involved in pleasure and reward [24]. Via gap junction openings and closings, gamma synchrony can move around the brain to mediate consciousness.
21Free will implies an additional issue of determinism not addressed here. Some types of volitional agency may be localized, e.g., in right inferior parietal cortex [140].
22Functionalists could argue such underlying process is unnecessary, in which case synchronized dendritic webs per se would solve the problems of conscious experience and control.
23The Penrose–Hameroff model predicts dendritic webs of approximately 100,000 neurons for discrete conscious moments, or frames, occurring every 25 ms in gamma synchrony [101].
24Unity of consciousness relates to binding, e.g., of disparate visual components such as shape, color, motion, and meaning into a unified visual percept. Unity also refers to one conscious self at home in the brain. Notable exceptions are “split-brain” patients whose corpus callosum—a bridge between right and left cortical hemispheres—has been transected (a lesion which also blocks global gamma synchrony). These patients appear to have two separate consciousnesses [141].
25Presumably, other connexin (or pannexin) proteins compensate during development, so the mice may not be completely devoid of gap-junction-mediated synchrony nor consciousness.
26Hosseinzadeh et al. [142] showed that normal rats given the gap-junction-blocking drug carbenoxolone also have impaired spatial learning.
27Block’s “access consciousness” [114] would be included, in this non-conscious group, as phenomenal experience is lacking.
28Functionalists may doubt the need or importance of a finer-scale process, in which case the dendritic web/mobile integrator solves the problem of conscious agent.
29A benevolent computer worm moving through computational circuits is another appropriate analogy.
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Tau proteins interact with tubulin to stabilize Human brain neuron dendrite soma and microtubules and promote tubulin assembly into microtubules. Tau has two ways of controlling microtubule stability: isoforms and phosphorylation.
Abstract: “Alzheimer’s disease is characterized by the deposition of amyloid-β as extracellular plaques and hyperphosphorylated tau as intracellular neurofibrillary tangles. Tau pathology characterizes not only Alzheimer’s disease, but also many other tauopathies, presenting tau as an attractive therapeutic target. Passive tau immunotherapy has been previously explored; however, because only a small fraction of peripherally delivered antibodies crosses the blood-brain barrier, enters the brain and engages with tau that forms intracellular aggregates, more efficient ways of antibody delivery and neuronal uptake are warranted. In the brain, tau exists as multiple isoforms. Here, we investigated the efficacy of a novel 2N tau isoform-specific single chain antibody fragment, RN2N, delivered by passive immunization in the P301L human tau transgenic pR5 mouse model. We demonstrate that, in treated mice, RN2N reduces anxiety-like behavior and phosphorylation of tau at distinct sites. When administration of RN2N was combined with focused ultrasound in a scanning mode (scanning ultrasound),
RN2N delivery into the brain and uptake by neurons were markedly increased, and efficacy was significantly enhanced.
Our study provides evidence that scanning ultrasound is a viable tool to enhance the delivery of biologics across the blood-brain barrier and improve therapeutic outcomes and further presents single-chain antibodies as an alternative to full-length antibodies. [Combined effects of scanning ultrasound and a tau-specific single chain antibody in a tau transgenic mouse model by Nisbet RM1, Van der Jeugd A1, Leinenga G1, Evans HT1, Janowicz PW1, Götz J1. Brain. 2017 May 1;140(5):1220-1230. doi: 10.1093/brain/awx052]
“Stephen William Hawking CH CBE FRS FRSA (8 January 1942 – 14 March 2018) was an English theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author, who was director of research at the Centre for Theoretical Cosmology at the University of Cambridge at the time of his death.[16][17] He was the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge between 1979 and 2009.
“His scientific works included a collaboration with Roger Penrose on gravitational singularity theorems in the framework of general relativity and the theoretical prediction that black holes emit radiation, often called ‘Hawking radiation’.
“Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics. He was a vigorous supporter of the many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics.[18][19]
“Hawking achieved commercial success with several works of popular science in which he discusses his own theories and cosmology in general. Hawking last paper title: [‘Black Hole Entropy and Soft Hair’ Sasha Haco, Stephen W. Hawking, Malcolm J. Perry, Andrew Strominger (Submitted on 3 Oct 2018 (v1), last revised 9 Oct 2018 (this version, v2))]
[16. “Centre for Theoretical Cosmology: Outreach Stephen Hawking”. University of Cambridge. Retrieved 23 June 2013.
[17. “About Stephen”. Stephen Hawking Official Website. Archived from the original on 30 August 2015. Retrieved 23 June 2013.
[18., Gardner, Martin (September/October 2001). “Multiverses and Blackberries”. “Notes of a Fringe-Watcher”. Skeptical Inquirer. Volume 25, No. 5.
[19. Price, Michael Clive (February 1995). “THE EVERETT FAQ” Archived 20 April 2016 at the Wayback Machine.. Department of Physics, Washington University in St. Louis. Retrieved 17 December 2014. [Wikipedia] *********
“Hawking’s final scientific paper described a set of infinitesimal diffeomorphisms, VirasoroL⊗VirasoroR, which act non-trivially on the horizon of a generic Kerr black hole with spin J.
“The covariant phase space formalism provides a formula for the Virasoro charges as surface integrals on the horizon. Integrability and associativity of the charge algebra are shown to require the inclusion of `Wald-Zoupas’ counterterms.
“A counterterm satisfying the known consistency requirement is constructed and yields central charges cL=cR=12J. Assuming the existence of a quantum Hilbert space on which these charges generate the symmetries, as well as the applicability of the Cardy formula, the central charges reproduce the macroscopic area-entropy law for generic Kerr black holes, process of black hole evaporation resulting from the Hawking effect. [High Energy Physics Theory, Stephen Hawking’s final scientific paper released, by Ian Sample, Oct 10, 2018, The Guardian]
“The process of black hole evaporation resulting from the Hawking effect has recently before and after Hawking’s death, generated an intense controversy regarding its potential conflict with quantum mechanics’ unitary evolution.
“A recent set of works by a collaboration of scientists, have revised the controversy with the aims of clarifying some conceptual issues surrounding it, and arguing that collapse theories have the potential to offer a satisfactory resolution of the so-called paradox.
“The collaboration of scientists show an explicit calculation supporting this claim using a simplified model of black hole creation and evaporation, known as the CGHS model, together with a dynamical reduction theory, known as CSL, and some speculative, but seemingly natural ideas about the role of quantum gravity in connection with the would-be singularity. This work represents a specific realization of general ideas first discussed in [1] and a complete and detailed analysis of a model first considered in [2].
“Clarification is convenient to recall one of the early arguments against the information preserving proposal that would rely on things like Planck mass remnants from the black hole evaporation. In those proposals one would need the complete quantum state describing the Hawking thermal radiation and the degrees of freedom of the remnant to be pure.
“The essential argument against these kind of Hawking’s proposals requires our collaboration of scientists to accept the existence of objects with an incredible disparity between their energy content and their number of available degrees of freedom 19.
“It is worth noting therefore that if, as suggested in some proposals, information is fully preserved, via the escape of quantum correlations through the quantum gravity region which resolved the singularity, we would have a very similar situation.
Namely, in those schemes, the picture would be that long after the black hole had evaporated completely, the quantum state describing the complete set of degrees of freedom would be 100% pure, and yet its energy will be essentially associated with the quasi-thermal subset (taking into account the increase of Hawking temperature as the black hole mass decreases), characterizing the radiation at infinity, while the post quantum gravity region would have very small energy content, and yet it will have an exceedingly large number of degrees of freedom available [76].
“Furthermore, even if our collaboration of scientists wanted to consider a scheme whereby information is lost, but only in association with the quantum gravity region, we might face a similar naturalness problem. That is, when considering an hypersurface that passes in the black hole interior just to the past of the singularity (or more precisely, the quantum gravity region) the same issues would arise.
“In other words, the state of the quantum field associated with such hypersurface would be pure, and yet its energy content would be divided into the overwhelmingly large component being carried away towards infinity by the Hawking radiation and the tiny amount remaining in the very low mass black hole that would be there at the very late times.
“The point again would be that these two components would have to have essentially the same number of available degrees of freedom despite being so energetically dissimilar.
“In contrast, in the proposal our collaboration of scientists have considered here the information is erased as the mass of the black hole decreases leading to a more natural type of situation where the available degrees of freedom in a system is bound by some monotonic function of its total energy.
“The discussion above indicates that the picture our collaboration have discussed in this work should be rather robust, however we reiterate that, at this point, what we have presented must be regarded as a toy model. A truly satisfactory and realistic version of these ideas should be based on a generalized theory, adapted generically to quantum field theory on curved spacetimes, which should be fully covariant and in a 4-dimensional setting.
“However, our collaboration of scientists believe that reasonable models with the basic features we have discussed here do offer one of the best hopes for resolving, the long standing question known as the “Black Hole Information Loss Paradox”. [Black Hole Evaporation: Information Loss But No Paradox Sujoy K. Modak,1, ∗ Leonardo Ort´ız,1, † Igor Pe˜na,1, 2, ‡ and Daniel Sudarsky1, § 1 Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Aut´onoma de M´exico, M´exico D.F. 04510, M´exico 2Plantel Casa Libertad, Universidad Aut´onoma de la Ciudad de M´exico, Calzada Ermita Iztapalapa 4163, Distrito Federal, 09620, M´exico ]
“According to Einstein, “cosmic religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research.”
In his opinion, “the goal of a scientist should be to try to begin to understand the universe.”
“Einstein had a deep feeling of awe in front of nature and the universe and stated ‘strenuous intellectual work and the study of God’s Nature are the angels that will lead me through all the troubles of this life with consolation, strength, and uncompromising rigor.” [letter to Pauline Winteler, 1897]
“Some people are convinced that Einstein was an atheist and others believe that Einstein was religious but not in the orthodox way.* Einstein wrote a lot about science and religion. So why don’t we ask him? Einstein was Jewish by birth and after a period of deep religiosity in his youth he did not practice Judaism.’
“However, Einstein was not an atheist as he said himself in an interview in 1929. Einstein had his personal views about religion and he believed in what he called “cosmic religion” where God’s presence was evident in the order and rationality of nature and the universe in all its aspects and expressions. Chaos and randomness are, therefore, not part of nature (“God does not play dice”).”* [Physics and Beyond: “God does not play dice”, What did Einstein mean? 1 September 2014 St. Mary’s University]
Human beings on earth and other aliens in this and other universes, if they exist, are continually surrounded by the presence of God, represented by His Holy Spirit and other energy fields.
Human Faith and Beliefs about God are influenced, motivated and inspired by external and/or internal stimuli from spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences and realities.
Humans’ Faith and Beliefs are also influenced, motivated and inspired by education, persuasions, seeing, hearing, feeling, touching, thinking thoughts and recounting memory about spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences and realities.
These and other sensory stimuli, when human beings willfully activate them, initiate or turn-on the human brain Wi-Fi and router systems, for the communication and reception of His ‘special internet’ comprised of His Holy Spirit and Presence energy waves.
Spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences and realities are different from the brain’s huge congregation of belief neuronetworks.
Dr. Andrew Newberg conducted cutting-edge research utilizing innovative brain scans and found many neural correlates, in the brain, involved in spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences and realities.
There was no single God spot or no one part of the brain for these processes, as once reported. There many neuronetworks in every human brain for God’s purpose*.
The processes for spiritual, religious, meditation faith and belief practices, experiences and realities are extremely complex and involve the interplay of more than 55 brain anatomy parts, millions of neurons and neuron networks.
Conversely, “contemporary analytic philosophers generally use the term ‘belief’ to refer to a certainty or principle, whenever humans assume something to be true. To believe something needn’t involve actively reflecting on it.” Those somethings were regarded as truthful. 7.
Homo sapien-sapiens, modern anatomical cognitive humans were created 50,000-70,000 years ago. The first belief systems and religions began about the same time in the Prehistoric Era. Prehistoric people did not have truthful science on which to rely.
“Archaeological evidence suggests that prehistoric people 10,000 to 4,000 BCE were guided by their beliefs in spirits and sacred places. Cave drawings and traces of their cultural objects indicate that they believed in an afterlife, although they probably did not practice polytheism, or a belief in many gods.” 8.
The earliest form of unorganized religion was polydaemonism (the belief in many spirits), in the Neolithic era 9831 BCE when people began to put spirits together to form gods. 9.
Hinduism, which included Vaishnavism, Shaivism, and Shaktism, and began 5,000 years ago, was considered by experts the oldest organized religion. 10. Most Hindus believe in a personal god or goddess.
Scientists contended that religious experiences began from brain networks that evolved for other purposes, but in time the networks adapted after mutations occurred to accommodate the changes.
All spiritual systems were not found to be religious systems, or religions, and all religions weren’t necessarily intended to be spiritual, as they had been advertised, much too many critics’ chagrin. Humans comprehend religiousness and spirituality, when they understand neuroanatomy and neurophysiology of the brain.
The brain Wi-Fi and router neuroanatomy system traffics and directs neural pathways toward beliefs and triggers the neurophysiology of those beliefs.
The action nuclei areas of the neuro-networks are activated and human mind and body actions occur. The process of evolution, originated by our Creator, not the brain, created beliefs. The brain merely housed the evolutionary cells and tissue. Beliefs evolved neurobiologically.
Researchers concluded that brain activity was not the specific cause of religious experience. Rather, research brain scans i.e. MRI, fMRI, efMRI revealed that associated religious, spiritual, mediation, faith and belief brain activity were produced in response following excitational external stimuli that were presented to human subjects.
The origins of ‘to believe’ and ‘belief-in’ began long before societies described organized religions. ‘To believe’ and ‘belief-in’ systems emerged and evolved from cognitive, social human experiences and external stimuli, and shaped the evolution of the neuroanatomical structures, cells and tissue, and neurophysiology of the human brain.
Dr. Andrew Newberg suggested that “many neural networks are involved in religious phenomena, including experiences and a vast array of beliefs.”
“In our early danger-ridden world, in which our ancestors evolved, a perceived reward from any interpretation of an external event stimulus, that minimized fears, threats and dangers and yielded a survival advantage, the brain encoded in its cellular DNA and, thereafter, that perception became a firm belief and was recorded in memory. Therefrom, the reward reducing dangers resulting in beliefs were genetically coded, believed and remembered in the brain of humans. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Dr. Andrew Newberg said, “The brain is a believing machine because it has to be, because beliefs affect every part of our lives. They make us who we are. Beliefs are the essence of our being.”
“Spirituality and belief do not equate to religious faith,” Newberg said. “All spirituality and belief are not religious. Spirituality and belief can be God-Centered with or without religiosity.” *
The word Believe occurs 143 times in the King James Version of the Bible. Belief occurs 1 time in 1 verse
“But we are bound to give thanks away to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth.” [2 Th 2:13]
Unfortunately and astonishingly, many Western Christians have departed from the sanctified spirit and belief from the truth. They instead practice hate and discrimination, which are 2 untruthful religious “weaknesses of the flesh”. [Rom 6:19]
References: [Utopia Is In Your Mind; Enjoy It, by Nick Bostrom, 11 Dec 2007] [The Spiritual Brain, by Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary, 2008] [Don’t Confuse Spirituality with Righteousness by R.C. Sproul, May 19, 2015] [The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into Our Genes by Dean H. Hamer, Sep 27, 2005] [Why Evolution Is True, August 21, 2013] [Science, Faith, and Belief Systems, by Gerhard Adam, Sept 3, 201] [Belief, Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, First published Mon Aug 14, 2006; substantive revision Tue Mar 24, 2015] [AP World History, Jessica Hawkes] [Henderson’s History Haven] [Oldest Religion, enkivillage] [3. W. Schultz, “Multiple Dopamine Functions at Different Time Courses,” Annual Review of Neuroscience 30 (2007): 259–288] [4. W. Schultz, “Behavioral Dopamine Signals,” Trends in Neurosciences 30, no. 5 (2007): 203–210] [5. J. Yacubian, J. Glascher, K. Schroeder, T. Sommer, D. F. Braus, and C. Buchel, “Dissociable Systems for Gain- and Loss-Related Value Predictions and Errors of Prediction in the Human Brain,” Journal of Neuroscience 26, no. 37 (2006): 9530–9537] [6. J. B. Rosen and M. P. Donley, “Animal Studies of Amygdala Function in Fear and Uncertainty: Relevance to Human Research,” Biological Psychology 73, no. 1 (2006)] [Religion and the Brain, DANA Foundation, Dec 1, 2009]
“The Mind is a miracle.” But the Mind is different from the brain [Handbook Cognitive Neuroscience, Theory of Mind: How brains think about thoughts by Rebecca Saxe, Liane Young, MIT]
The human brain is the neuro-anatomy. The mind is the physiology, which generates the mindsight and mindset.
Central nervous system has an hierarchical organization that reflects evolutionary history. The brain is the organ of the mind just as the lungs are the organs for respiration. The mind cannot be localized to particular areas within the brain, though the entire cerebral cortex and deep grey matter form important components.
“Evolutionary development of the prefrontal cortex is necessary to the emergence of self. In this sense it could be called one of the main locations of the mind. However, this is not to say that self, resides in the prefrontal cortex. Rather, the new structure allows a more complex coordination of what is anatomically a sensori-mindfulness machine.
“The mind is responsible for one’s thoughts and feelings, the seat of the faculty of reason or the aspect of intellect and consciousness, experienced as combinations of thought, perception, memory, emotion, will and imagination, including all unconscious cognitive processes. The term is often used to refer, by implication, to the thought processes of reason. [Pandya SK. Understanding Brain, Mind and Soul: Contributions from Neurology and Neurosurgery. Mens Sana Monographs. 2011;9(1):129-149].
Mind actions, neurophysiology, are thinking, thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, attitudes, patterns, emotions, willpower, past memory, learning memory and imagination, language and communications
Conscious Mind is the state of being aware, perceiving physical facts, mental concepts; general wakefulness/responsiveness; [Mindsight: New Science of Personal Transformation, 2010, Dr. Dan Siegal ] [Does the Brain Control the Mind or the Mind Control the Brain? by Parag + Ayesha Khanna, Bigthink]
Functioning sensorium is the multiple parts of the brain that receive, process and interpret sensory stimuli i.e. the full state of the senses, that send signals for action by the mind. [Stedman’s Medical Dictionary]
Mind uses voluntary willpower for movements, all actions located primarily in the cerebrum of the brain in the outer cortex. The mind has an extensive network of neurons in the cerebral hemispheres.
The external environment and internal environment and memory stimulate sensory input which in turn stimulates neural cells, then stimulate brain cerebrum, which orchestrates behavior.
External and internal environmental changes and present and past memories, factored by time trigger the cerebrum’s mindsight responses [FINAL STAGE OF CREATION BY MICHEAL B. MINIX, SR., M.D. DECEMBER 25, 2015, REPUBLISHED APRIL 10, 2017 45 minutes duration, View and listen on desk top computers, after the link is googled on smart TV’s, ipads and iphones
The “Mind can use brain to perceive itself and the Mind can change actions of brain itself.”
Cerebrum is the largest part of brain and uppermost region of CNS (central nervous system) and contains 1. Cerebral Cortex and 2. several subcortical structures, hippocampus, basal ganglia, olfactory bulb that initiate voluntary human actions.
The Cerebral Cortex (2 R + L Cerebral Hemispheres) are:
FRONTAL (blue) TEMPORAL (green) OCCIPTAL (red) + PARIETAL (yellow) Lobes [Dr. Dan Seigel] Mind Cerebrum [Lobes of the brain NL” by Henry Vandyke Carter – Henry Gray (1918) Anatomy of the Human Body: Gray’s Anatomy, Plate, The Cerebrum, Wikipedia]
A few definitions are in order. Cognitive abilities are brain functions. Cog¬ni¬tion is when a person under¬stands functions in the world. Cognitive abilities are abil¬i¬ties and processes in every human action and brain-based skills for tasks, the sim¬plest to most com¬plex and are associated with the mech¬a¬nisms of how we learn, remem¬ber, problem-solve, pay atten¬tion, the act of perception, attention, decision making, memory, motor skills, and language skills, social skills, visual and spatial processing, executive function.
Men¬tal func¬tions are cog¬ni¬tive abil¬i¬ties that require spe¬cific neu¬ronal net¬works
Like mem¬ory, which occurs in the tem¬po¬ral lobes and parts of the frontal lobes.
Cognition does not equate to knowledge, because knowledge is a memory function.
The “mind is not hard-wired for brain reflexes and programmed behaviors. The mind provides volitional actions, which are thinking, deliberating, selecting behaviors.”[Understanding the Mind, by Dean Hillman Ph. D. NYU Med]
Mind functions are consciously generated and distinct physiological actions carried out by the brain neuroanatomy itself. Brain circuitries are foundations for homeostasis and behaviors and separates mind action physiology from the Brain neuroanatomy.
The mind is a “consciousness producing energy-state” of cerebral cortex and other interconnecting structures, stimulated by 2nd synchronous sensory inputs, which are triggered by the 1st pyramidal neurons of sensory cortex. Sensory stimuli and memories trigger self-awareness.
Sequential sensory signals stimulate cerebral pyramidal cells for cognition
and sequential sensory signals trigger cerebral pyramidal cells for decision-making.
Resent research reveals that the fMRI measures O₂ saturation in blood circulating through brain area scanned and observed radiologically.
Voxel is the basic unit of computed tomography. Most active brain areas utilize most of the O₂. Thus the scanned brain activity with the most decrease ↓O₂ in the area are the most active areas during testing activities and questons.
fMRI are 3 dimensional pixels and the voxels are 5 cubic millimeters of brain size.
Human brains have 100 billion neurons and approximately ~10,000 connections with their adjacent neurons and the total brain operates on only 20 watts of power.
The mind can process 50 independent complex visual-motor systems working parallel at the same time with other neurons at the highest brain level. [Georgiou]
Approximately ~ 50 of these voxel structures are packed with a conglomerate of neurons. Each voxel = 3 x 106 neurons and several x 103 connections and stimulate neighboring neurons [Georgiou] ***********
Approximately ~ 150 x 106 (150 million) neurons at work in the human brain with complex visual-motor tasks at same time [Ref: Estimating The Intrinsic Dimension In fMRI Space Via Dataset Fractal Analysis, MIT Technology Review] [What’s a Voxel and What Can It Tell Us? A Primer on fMRI, Daisy Yuhas June 21, 2012, Scientific American]
Mind mechanisms for good, ethical, moral behaviors began with human Creation, but Few have pondered “Final Stage of Creation” in human brain. So what is it?
God created the cognitive anatomy within human brain. “Let us make man in my image, after my likeness” [Gen 1:26] The brain is hardwired, programed, encoded for faith and belief in God and is willfully activated and stimulated by internal and external spiritual, religious, meditation, faith and belief practices, experiences and realities stimuli.
These stimuli have impacted and affected the human brain by years of Darwinian evolution and natural selection secondary to human trials and tribulations.
These stimuli trigger physiological mind actions developing mindsight and mindsets Creating mindfulness for faith and belief in God.
Homo sapien-sapiens species, modern anatomical, cognitive human created 50,000 to 70,000 years ago with cognition is the “Final Stage of Human Creation”, the neuroanatomy in human brain Created for each human to willfully ‘use it or lose it.’
Positive Spiritual, Religious, Mediation “Mind Action of Creation” cognition begins its actions when willfully initiated. God Created multiple anatomical brain God neuroanatomic regains in the Cerebrum mind and soul in His Likeness and Image. [FINAL STAGE OF CREATION BY MICHEAL B. MINIX, SR., M.D., View and listen on desk top computers, after the link is googled on smart TV’s, ipads and iphones, 45 minutes duration, Link URL]
“As recently as the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, the preposterous general view was that the earth and universe were the same age, about 6000 years, which was only 5 days older than the first humans, who were created on the sixth day according to Genesis.”
“In the May 2008 Gallup poll on evolution, creationism, and intelligent design, 44% of respondents chose “God created human beings in their present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so.”
In actuality, “the earth is about 4.5 billion years old and the universe about 13.8 billion years old according to scientific facts and calculations.”
Civilizations weigh heavily on scientists, medical doctors and their science. The real evil is that about 44% don’t trust the scientific findings of Creation, natural law and the science disciplines that God created for humans to follow. 16.[The Age of the Universe, Measuring Cosmic Time, By Joel R. Primack (professor of physics and astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz and is a member of the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics) and Nancy Ellen Abrams author, musician, lawyer and philosopher, October 17th, 2008]
So human understanding, the truth about Creation, vital accounts, Scientific, Evidenced Based Christianity and research have been incredibly hindered.
“U.S. has plenty of hindrances and challenges ahead these days. The issue of greatest concern to scientists is that Americans know far too little about science.”
Fortunately, for Americans, our scientists and doctors have not allowed scientific illiterate stubbornness to hamper their progress.
“Americans overall are bad at science; scared of math; poor at physics and engineering and resistant to evolution. Science illiteracy is a threat to the nation” Neil deGrasse Tyson, American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator told a South Carolina Convention.
“The consequence of that is that you breed a generation of people who do not know what science is nor how and why it works,” he said. “You have mortgaged the future financial security of your nation. Innovations in science and technology are the (basis) of tomorrow’s economy.”
“Scientific illiteracy, that seems harmless, but it can have devastating effects,”
“It is a not-so-subtle message from the government that math matters,” Tyson said. “If it’s on your currency, it is part of your culture. You think it. You feel it. Whether or not you’re a scientist or a mathematician, you’re not going to be the person to stand in their way when they’re trying to get math and science done.” [Neil deGrasse Tyson: U.S. science illiteracy a serious threat by John Newsom Jan 31, 2017]
“Most adults cannot give simple definitions of concepts like the cell, the molecule, or DNA. “Only about 33% of adults agree with the notion that more than half of human genes are identical to those of mice, and only 38% of adults recognize that humans have almost 98% of their genes in common with chimpanzees.
“Only 35% think the Big Bang describes the early history of our universe.”
“Carl Sagan (1996) estimated that 95% of American adults were scientifically illiterate. [Americans are still scientifically illiterate and scientists still need a PR team by Chris Mooney Jan 29, 2015]
70 % of Americans cannot understand the science in the science section of the New York Times. [Cultural Ignorance and Scientific Illiteracy by Donald Prothero, Aug 14 2013 Skepticblog]
“Ignorance feeds on ignorance.” [Carl Sagan] [216 Million Americans Are Scientifically Illiterate (Part I) February 21, 2007 by David Ewing Duncan MIT Technology Review]
“It’s frightening how common scientific ignorance is among politicians. [Dangers of Scientific Illiteracy, Psychology Today Clifford N Lazarus Ph.D. 4/28/2017]
“Unfortunately, we live a world of dramatic and potentially provocative clashes between scientific facts and ignorant opinions.”
“For instance, we have a theory of gravity and a theory of evolution. These are not unproven guesses, hunches, speculation, or opinions. If you don’t believe me, just step off a roof.
“Similarly, remember the polio outbreak, smallpox epidemic and Dr. Jonas Salk’s revolutionizing polio vaccine.”
“One famous example is that of Galileo Galilei. In the early 1600’s, his telescopic observations of the solar system allowed him to empirically confirm the earlier view of Nicolaus Copernicus that the planets orbited the sun rather than placing the earth, unmoving, at the center of the flat cosmos.
“Not surprisingly, this did not impress the Pope and other members of the Roman Catholic Church who condemned Galileo for heresy because he not only questioned the dogma of the church, but published irrefutable evidence of his conclusions.
Fortunately, rather than being burned at the stake (a common practice when people were accused of heresy, or, for that matter, were merely poor souls suffering from mental illness), Galileo was sentenced to house arrest for the remainder of his life and forced to retract his “blasphemous” claim about the heavens. [The Dangers of Scientific Illiteracy, Apr 28, 2017 Clifford N Lazarus Ph.D., Psychology Today]
Cardinal Baronius, a predecessor of Galileo, said, “The Bible tells us how to go to Heaven not how the heavens go.” [Cerrato, Edoardo Aldo. “How to go to Heaven, and not how the heavens go] [The Dangers of Scientific Illiteracy, Apr 28, 2017 Clifford N Lazarus Ph.D., Psychology Today]
A progressive analogy, similar to Galileo’s is that God’s Power is similar to a Cybernetic, Push-Pull, and Feedback System.
Internal and external human voluntary, willful stimuli that activate specific neuron network human mindful responsibilities are continuously integrated by the Mind.
The stimuli are conducted via the receptor Dendrite, conducted across the cell body, to the Axon for transmission to the next Dendrite in the Network
For example, the daily voluntary method exercising the faith and believe process i.e. reading and learning about God, praying to God, meditation, worshiping God, quiet time thinking about God, spiritual music, other spiritual, religious, meditation stimuli enhance positive feedback, cybernetic process for belief in God and achieve “Mind Action (neurophysiology)” of “Final Stage of Creation.”
Special neurobiological and neurophysiological networks Created in the human brain contain neurotransmitters, neurochemicals and neuro-receptors for the sense of the Divine. The human mind’s God experiences, Spirituality, Religious Thinking discovery “God neurons” and “God neurotransmitters” were reported in the Journal of Neuroethology by d’Aquili, MD (a psychiatrist) and Newberg, MD (a neurologist).
The neuron brain cell signal transmission process: The chemical, electrical and vibration signals are transmitted across the dendrite and microtubules; then across neuron cell body; out of the neuron cell and exit across the axon to the
next dendrite in the network with the message or action intended. These signals produce the EEG (Electroencephalographic).
The Neuron Cell bodies DO NOT PRODUCE the EEG Waves recorded on Scalp
Extracellular nutrition Glucose + O₂ + Cytokines + Survival + Growth Factors + Hormones + Transmitters etc. transported by blood circulation to → Cell Wall Receptors on cell wall surface and trigger myriad of inside the cell signal receptors for cell metabolism, cell shape, gene expression, cell division and survival. [under CC BY-SA 3.0 via Commons transduction_pathways.svg#/media/File:Signal_transduction_pathways.svg]
To be perfectly clear, chemical and electrical activities on the cell body (soma) wall and within the neuron cell bodies DO NOT PRODUCE EEG Waves recorded on Scalp (electroencephalographic).
Many studies on mindfulness meditation, assessed in a review by Cahn and Polach in 2006, have linked lower frequency alpha waves, as well as theta waves, to meditation.[4] Symbols: Α, α, Alpha, a,. Β, β, Beta, b,. Γ, γ, Gamma, g,. Δ, δ, Delta, Θ, θ, Theta,
Much older studies report more specific findings, such as decreased alpha blocking and increased frontal lobe specific theta activity.[5]
Two large, recent comprehensive review works point to poor control and statistical analyses in these early studies and comment that it can only be said with confidence that increased alpha and theta wave activity exists.[4][6] [Cahn BR, Polich J (2006) [Meditation states and traits: EEG, ERP, and neuroimaging studies”. Psychological Bulletin. 132 (2): 180–211] [Kasamatsu KH, Hirai T (1966). “An electroencephalographic study on the zen meditation (Zazen)”. Folia Psychiatrica et Neurologica Japonica. 20 (4): 315–336.] [Chiesa A, Serretti, A (2010). “A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations”. Psychological Medicine. 40 (8): 1239–1252]
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is another highly utilized methodology for studying state changes in meditating brains. fMRI detects subtle increases in blood flow to areas of the brain with higher metabolic activity. Thus these areas of increased metabolic activity indicate which regions of the brain are currently being used to process whatever stimuli presented.
Counter to EEG, the advantage of fMRI is its spatial resolution, with the ability to produce detailed spatial maps of brain activity. It suffers, however, in temporal resolution and cannot measure progressive activity, like the EEG, with much detail.
“Meditation brain trait changes have been observed most often in fMRI neuroimaging studies. In a meta-analysis of 21 neuroimaging studies, eight brain regions were found to be consistently altered, including areas key to meta-awareness (frontopolar cortex/Brodmann area 10), exteroceptive and interoceptive body awareness (sensory cortex and insular cortex), memory consolidation and reconsolidation (hippocampus), self and emotion regulation (anterior cingulate cortex and orbitofrontal cortex), and intra- and interhemispheric communication (superior longitudinal fasciculus; corpus callosum)[13]
“These changes were distinguished by density increases in grey matter regions and white matter pathways in the brains of individuals who meditate in comparison to individuals who do not. Of all areas with reported findings, a greater number of structural changes were found in the left hemisphere.
“There is also evidence to suggest meditation plays a protective role against the natural reduction in grey matter volume associated with aging. One study found evidence that Zen meditators experienced a slower age related decline rate for cerebral gray matter volume in the putamen which plays a role in learning, cognitive flexibility and attentional processing [14]
“This could suggest a better attentiveness in aging meditators versus non-meditators. Long-term meditation practitioners have also shown to have a higher tolerance for pain.[15] This effect has been correlated to altered function and structure in somatosensory cortices and an increased ability to decouple regions in the brain associated with the cognitive appraisal of pain (anterior cingulate cortex and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex).[16]
“The brain state changes found in meditators are almost exclusively found in higher-order executive and association cortices.[13] This supports the notion that meditation increases self-regulation and attentiveness. Recent studies have also investigated how these changes may alter the functionality and connectivity of the default mode network, which is a hypothesized network of brain regions that are active when an individual is engaged in internal tasks such as daydreaming.[17] [Fox, Kieran C.R.; Nijeboer, Savannah; Dixon, Matthew L.; Floman, James L.; Ellamil, Melissa; Rumak, Samuel P.; Sedlmeier, Peter; Christoff, Kalina (June 2014). “Is meditation associated with altered brain structure? A systematic review and meta-analysis of morphometric neuroimaging in meditation practitioners”. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews. 43: 48–73] [Pagnoni G, Cekic M (2007). “Age effects on gray matter volume and attentional performance in Zen meditation”. Neurobiology of Aging. 28 (10): 1623–1627] [Grant, J. A.; Rainville, P. (5 January 2009). “Pain Sensitivity and Analgesic Effects of Mindful States in Zen Meditators: A Cross-Sectional Study”. Psychosomatic Medicine. 71 (1): 106–114[] [Grant, Joshua A.; Courtemanche, Jérôme; Rainville, Pierre (January 2011). “A non-elaborative mental stance and decoupling of executive and pain-related cortices predicts low pain sensitivity in Zen meditators”. Pain. 152 (1): 150–156]
“The Penrose superpositions, as Planck scale separations, is very much like the multiple worlds hypothesis. Except rather than branching off new universes, the Planck length can be defined from three fundamental physical constants: the speed of light in a vacuum, the Planck constant, and the gravitational constant.
“In 1899 Max Planck[4] suggested that there existed some fundamental natural units for length, mass, time and energy. These he derived using dimensional analysis, using only the Newton gravitational constant, the speed of light and the Planck constant.
“The natural units he derived later became known as “the Planck length”, “the Planck mass”, “the Planck time” and “the Planck energy”. The Planck length is the scale at which quantum gravitational effects are believed to begin to be apparent, where interactions require a working theory of quantum gravity to be analyzed.[5] In other words, a 0.005 mm dot is halfway between the Planck length and the size of the observable universe on a logarithmic scale.[11]
“Penrose concluded Planck scale separations are unstable, and will undergo quantum state reduction due to an objective threshold inherent in Planck scale geometry (hence objective reduction, ‘OR’).
In other words, ‘When the particle/wave dual energy state size fits the memistors (microcellular transistors), the gatekeepers into the microtubules, the microtubules will wear them;’ the memistors will reduce/filter them after they are reduced, so to speak.
Moreover Penrose proposed that the choices of such OR (organized reduction) self-collapses are not random, but influenced by what he termed Platonic (compatible) information embedded in Planck scale geometry, ‘when the size fits.’
Such information includes mathematical truth, as well as aesthetic and ethical values. Further, each such event, he concluded, is a ‘moment of conscious awareness.’
“Thus Penrose connected consciousness to the most basic level of measure in the universe i.e. a binary prefix is a unit prefix for multiples of units in data processing, data transmission, and digital information, notably the bit and the byte, to indicate multiplication by a power of 2.
When the shoe fits ‘a moment of conscious awareness’ ‘the most basic measure in the universe’ is generated.
This conclusion states that consciousness emanates from matter, in our case, by the firing of neurons inside the brain.
“Neuroscientist Christof Koch of the Allen Institute for Brain Science, is another supporter of Panpsychism, the entire universe is inhabited by consciousness. Koch says that the only theory we have to date about consciousness is, it’s a level of awareness about one’s self and the world.
“Biological organisms are conscious because when they approach a new situation, they can change their behavior in order to navigate it, in this view. Dr. Koch is attempting to see if he can measure the level of consciousness an organism contains.
“UK physicist Sir Roger Penrose is yet another supporter of Panpsychism. Penrose in the 80’s proposed that consciousness is present at the quantum level and resides in the synapses of the brain. He is famous for linking consciousness with some of the goings on in quantum mechanics.
“Dr. Penrose doesn’t go so far as to call himself a Panpsychist. In his view, “The laws of physics produce complex systems, and these complex systems lead to consciousness, which then produces mathematics, which can then encode in a succinct and inspiring way the very underlying laws of physics that gave rise to it.” [The universe may be conscious, say prominent scientists, by Phillip Perry, 2017, BigThink]
“In 1998 the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) published standards for binary prefixes, requiring that the gigabyte strictly denote 10003 bytes and gibibyte denote 10243 bytes. By the end of 2007, the IEC Standard had been adopted by the IEEE, EU, and NIST, and in 2009 it was incorporated in the International System of Quantities.
“In Quantum Mechanics Coherence, all objects have particle and wave-like properties. Decoherence has been used to understand the collapse of the wave function (dual nature of particles and waves) in quantum mechanics.
“In quantum computing, a qubit (/ˈkjuːbɪt/) or quantum bit (sometimes qbit) is the basic unit of quantum information (sic quigabyte), the quantum version of the classical binary bit physically realized with a two-state device.
“A qubit is a two-state (or two-level) quantum-mechanical system, one of the simplest quantum systems displaying the weirdness of quantum mechanics. Examples include: the spin of the electron in which the two levels can be taken as spin up and spin down; or the polarization of a single photon in which the two states can be taken to be the vertical polarization and the horizontal polarization.
“In a classical system, a bit would have to be in one state or the other. However, quantum mechanics allows the qubit to be in a coherent superposition of both states/levels at the same time, a property that is fundamental to quantum mechanics and thus quantum computing.
“But he lacked a good candidate for biological qubits (quantum bits) in the brain, only suggesting the possibility of superpositions of neurons both firing and not firing.
“In the early 1990s Stuart Hameroff, medical doctor, anesthesiologist and microtubule researcher, suggested to Penrose that tubulin components might be his qubits (quantum bits) and microtubules his quantum computer.
“Porkorny et al found Electrical polar structures inside the cell with energy supply (such as microtubules) can become excited and generate an endogenous electric field. Endogenous electric field can have dominant effect, on directed transport of molecules and electrons such that the probability to reach the target is enhanced in comparison with random thermal motion. [Pokorný J, Hašek J, Jelínek F. Electromagnetic Field of Microtubules: Effects on Transfer of Mass Particles and Electrons. Journal of Biological Physics. 2005;31(3-4):501-514.]
“The 2 teamed, with Hameroff showing how synaptic inputs could ‘orchestrate’ Penrose objective reductions in neuronal microtubules, hence ‘orchestrated objective reduction’(Orch OR).
“They calculated the number of superpositioned tubulins required to reach OR threshold coinciding with physiological brain events such as gamma synchrony EEG, concluding that microtubules in hundreds of thousands of neurons would be required for 40 or more conscious moments, or frames per second.
“Gamma synchrony (30 to 90 cycles per second, hertz, or Hz) is the best measure of conscious awareness. Interestingly, ancient Buddhist texts also reported 40 or more conscious moments, or frames per second.
“Recently two clinical studies used processed EEG brain monitors at the time of death in terminally ill or severely brain-damaged patients from whom support was withdrawn, allowing the patients to die peacefully.
“Because these patients died, we can’t know if they had NDE or OOB experiences, or if the activity actually marked the soul leaving the body, ‘giving up the ghost.’
“But regardless, the mystery is how the energy-depleted brain could muster synchronous neuronal EEG activity, whatever it was. One possible answer is that consciousness and gamma synchrony involve very low energy quantum entanglements which persist while other brain functions have run out of fuel.
“Could consciousness exist outside the body after death? Scientists believe it can. We should point out that Sir Roger Penrose may not agree with our assertions about the soul, and we do not claim to speak for him. Nonetheless his work is essential to our proposal.
“According to Orch OR, under normal conditions in an intact, healthy brain, consciousness occurs as frames or snapshots extending through multiple spatiotemporal levels from networks to neurons to microtubules to quantum forces, down to and including Planck scale geometry.
“When the blood stops flowing and metabolic energy can no longer drive microtubule quantum coherence, quantum information relating to the subject’s conscious experience and memory isn’t necessarily lost or destroyed, but may dissipate to the universe at large, remaining entangled as a unified soul-like entity grounded in Planck scale geometry.
“If the body is resuscitated, the quantum information can return, and the subject may report an NDE or OOB experience. If the body is not resuscitated and the patient dies, the entangled quantum information constituting the subject’s consciousness and memory may persist in spacetime geometry, perhaps entering an embryo in the context of reincarnation.
“Could the universe be empty spacetime geometry and conceivably host consciousness on the loose? {{{ Or, could the universe be empty spacetime and augment ‘resurrected souls’ to reside in a special place and unworthy souls to wonder on the loose? mbmsrmd}}}
“There is ample energy in the form of zero point fluctuations, so the question is whether information can be registered in the nothingness of spacetime, and transcend from Planck scale to biological scale.
“Scientists measuring gravitational waves emanating from the Planck scale detect signals, initially thought to be noise, repeating at different scales (e.g. like octaves) separated by several orders of magnitude (described as holographic, fractal, or scale-free dynamics). The repeating signals range from very fast at very small scales (near the Planck length), upward to as slow as 300 Hz within range of microtubules and other neuronal structures.
“There is also scale-free dynamics in the brain. Self-similar information repeats from a time domain of roughly 10 seconds (0.1 Hz, e.g. a ‘train of thought’) down to tens of milliseconds (gamma synchrony ‘frames’ around 40 Hz). Microtubules have vibrational resonances in the kilohertz (10 to the third power Hz) for tubulin C-termini, megahertz (10 to the 6th power Hz) for tubulin, and gigahertz (10 to the ninth power Hz) for ordered water in hollow microtubule cores.
“So holographic/fractal/scale-free information representation may extend from the Planck scale to the brain, with information repeating every few orders of magnitude.
“Conclusion — A Science of the Quantum Soul”
“Scientists don’t claim proof or final evidence of consciousness after death, but do propose a plausible scientific basis for consciousness after death. Soul and spirituality imply the following, with quantum explanations:
• Interconnectedness among living beings and the universe Conscious minds and unconscious processes may be quantum entangled.
• Divine guidance/ ‘Way of the Tao’ Choices in each conscious event influenced by Vedic/Platonic values embedded in fundamental spacetime geometry.
• Consciousness/Soul after death: Consciousness occurs at the level of Planck scale geometry, and may remain unified after bodily death by quantum entanglement, moving through different scalar ‘astral’ planes.
“Based on the possibility that end-of-life brain activity could correspond with NDE/OBE phenomenology, or even the soul leaving the body, end-of-life patients deserve to have it. Patients and their families should be aware of this when making agonizing decisions about withdrawal of support and organ donation.
“End-of-life EEG brain activity just may be a sign of the soul. [Stuart Hameroff MD Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Psychology Director, Center for Consciousness Studies The University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona] [Deepak Chopra MD Speaker and Author of over 55 books]
Scientists Hameroff and Penrose claim the human brain is a quantum computer, and the informational state of qubits are influenced by the human soul and believe overall brain function derives from quantum level microtubule vibrations.
“The origin of consciousness reflects our place in the universe, the nature of our existence. [Science Daily]
Penrose and Hameroff “recent discovery of warm temperature quantum vibrations in microtubules inside brain neurons,” is a big deal since man-made quantum computers typically require icy conditions in order to function at all.
“They point to research which “suggests that anesthesia, which selectively erases consciousness while sparing non-conscious brain activities, acts via microtubules in brain neurons.”
“From a practical medical perspective, they also believe “treating brain microtubule vibrations could benefit a host of mental, neurological, and cognitive conditions.”
“From a religious perspective, Hameroff believes their Orch OR theory could also account for near death experiences, out of body experiences, and even the afterlife, soul.
“The connection to spacetime geometry also raises the intriguing possibility that Orch OR allows consciousness apart from the brain and body, distributed and entangled in spacetime geometry,” [Hameroff Popular Mechanics]
When he spoke to the Huffington Post he also claimed, “It’s possible that the quantum information can exist outside the body, perhaps indefinitely, as a soul.”
[Human Soul Found? Quantum Theory Of Consciousness ‘Orch OR’ Claims Both Science And Religion Are True, Patrick Frye, Feb 4, 2015, Inquisitor]
“There is possibility that end-of-life brain activity could represent near death experiences (NDEs) and/or out-of-body experiences (OBEs) phenomenology, or even the soul leaving the body. ”End-of-life brain activity may be a sign of the soul.”
1. Parnia S, Spearpoint K, Fenwick PB. Near death experiences, cognitive function and psychological outcomes of surviving cardiac arrest. Resuscitation 2007;74(2):215-21
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10. Hameroff S. The “conscious pilot”-dendritic synchrony moves through the brain to mediate consciousness. J Biol Physics 2010;36(1):71-93
11. Hameroff S, Quantum computation in brain microtubules – The Penrose-Hameroff “Orch OR” model of consciousness. Phil Trans Royal Society London (A) 1998;356:1869-96
12. Hameroff S, Chopra D (2010) Can science explain the soul?
13. Hans P, Dewandre PY, Brichant JF, Bonhomme V. Comparative effects of ketamine on Bispectral Index and spectral entropy of the electroencephalogram under sevoflurane anaesthesia. Br J Anaesth 2005;94(3):336-40
14.End of Life Brain Activity, a Sign of the Soul May 25, 2011, HuffPost
The Penrose-Hameroff theory of the epistemology of consciousness is gaining increasing acceptance by the scientific community. {The theory of knowledge, especially with regard to its methods, validity, and scope. Epistemology is the investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion}.
According to this theory, Conscious moment arises when the universal proto-consciousness is harnessed by way of reduction of global quantum coherence in the brain that builds up starting in the microtubule and indispensably aided by quantum entanglement.
“One must come to the realization that everything we experience is filtered through and interpreted by our mind. Without it, the universe doesn’t exist at all or at least, not without some sort of consciousness observing it. In some physics circles, the prevailing theory is some kind of proto-consciousness field. Is consciousness derived from an invisible field that inhabits our universe?
What is missing in this efficacious paradigm is apparently a source of proto consciousness.
A search for such a universal proto-consciousness naturally leads to the ultimate source of everything, which is the quantum vacuum and the Quantum Field Theory (QFT) that deals with it.
The stunning scientific discoveries of the twentieth century, supported by QFT, reveal that the quantum fields are the primary ingredient of everything in this universe and present in each element of space-time of this immensely vast universe.
This suggests the existence of some sort of self-referral scheme that is responsible for maintaining the delity (duality, deity) of the quantum (f)elds?
For example, the non-Abelian gluon field strongly responds to its own presence.
The self-interaction aspect (Autopoiesis) of the quantum fields would be much more pronounced at fundamentally shorter distances, where gradually increasing unification of the fields is expected to occur.
The attributes of self-interaction, self-coupling, self-organization or self- referral is also the hallmark of proto consciousness. Enter Consciousness-poiesis it is postulated that one of the main characteristics of QM experiments is a contextual and situational bringing-forth (Autopoiesis) of quantum entities from ‘non-presence’ into ‘presence’, from potentiality to actuality. [Kožnjak, Boris Experimental poiesis in quantum mechanics // Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences Entretiens de Zadar: “Science and interpretation”Zadar, Hrvatska, 2010. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, znanstveni)
As Penrose proposes, our brains contrive to harness an as yet undiscovered element embedded in primary reality that is responsible for evoking our awareness.
Could it be plausible to identify this unknown feature to be the robust self-referral that is apparently associated with the quantum (fi)elds for keeping their immutability for all times in spite of their ubiquitous (fl)uctuations with in(fi)nite dynamism? { Infinite dynamism / power of God to make something happen } [215 In Search of a Source of Proto Consciousness Mani L. Bhaumik, PhD ^(Physics and Astronomy, University of California at Los Angeles, CA)]
The physicist Freeman Dyson once said: “Mind is already inherent in every electron and the processes of human consciousness differ only in degree but not in kind from the processes of choice between quantum states which we call “chance” when they are made by electrons.”
With quantum entanglement things begin to change, however. Quantum entanglement is the only process within physics by which two or more fundamental particles can become ‘one system’ of particles in a meaningful way.
And, in practice, billions of particles have been entangled with no theoretical upper bound. We use recent theorems of quantum mechanics that show how sustained quantum entanglement in biological systems is possible despite fast decoherence rates.
As entanglement grows more extensive we show how memory emerges in the entangled system and how choice become possible without collapsing the system.
At a certain point entanglement becomes so extensive that the system’s wave function interacts with itself forming a nonlinear Schrodinger equation, which has known solutions, e.g. Davydov solitons.
Such a nonlinearity may allow NP-complete problems to be solved in polynomial time. This crisscross entanglement topology is conceptually like the system regulating its own magnetic field ala’ the Stern-Gerlach apparatus.
From the 1st person perspective. this feels like the ‘mind’s eye’ and allows the system to choose what choices to make and whether to make a choice or not. This gives rise to free will. This research shows that all of this is consistent with the latest experimental results from Biology and Neuroscience.
The results paint a compelling picture of the evolution of life as a phenomenon of growing quantum entanglement in which more advanced conscious phenomena, like memory, self-awareness, a mind’s eye, and free will emerge with, and dual to, growing quantum entanglement. Advanced Consciouspoesis [217 What if Free Will is Not An Illusion and Can Be Reconciled With the Known Laws of Physics? Michael Elliott (I, Quantum, Hermosa Beach, CA )]
It is a common viewpoint that consciousness arises as some kind of side-effect of complicated computations being carried out within the brain.
Arguments from mathematical logic clearly demonstrate that concepts such as ‘meaning’ and ‘understanding’ cannot be encapsulated by the mere following of computational rules. As a consequence, conscious experience cannot be the result of purely computational physical actions, and must therefore arise from physical processes that are not of a computational character.
The proposal of Orch-OR (orchestrated objective reduction), developed in conjunction with Stuart Hameroff, posits that the key non-computational physical action is that which occurs when a quantum state objectively reduces (or ‘collapses’). { becomes Non-Dynamism-poetic }
This requires, not only a deeper understanding of quantum processes than current theory allows, but also a very high level of quantum coherence taking place in the brain and clearly a very remarkable achievement for a ‘warm and wet’ structure such as a human brain.
Nevertheless, we argue that this must be possible and that neuronal microtubules are likely to be the major structures able to preserve such quantum coherence at the necessary level. [C26 154 219 How can Consciousness Arise within the Laws of Physics? Roger Penrose (University of Oxford, Oxford, London United Kingdom)
“Quantum Pleasure Principle” [^C15 258 The “quantum pleasure principle” – Did life evolve to feel good? Stuart Hameroff (Anesthesiology; Psychology, University of Arizona, Anesthesiology, Center for Consciousness Studies, Tucson, AZ)]
The standard view in evolution is that life developed through behaviors which optimize survival of species. But an organism’s behavior is driven by reward, by seeking conscious pleasure, or avoiding pain.
Evolutionary biology (like most neuroscience and philosophy) considers consciousness and feelings to have emerged from complex computation among brain neurons or simpler systems, but fail to identify an emergent threshold or mechanism.
Panpsychist and Eastern philosophical approaches consider consciousness to be primary and/or ubiquitous, but fail to show how it arose or causally drives biological behavior I.e. probably non-physics
The Penrose-Hameroff ‘Orch OR’ theory suggests self-collapse of quantum wave functions (objective reductions, ‘OR’) occurs ubiquitously, resulting in proto-conscious moments which are random and disconnected, some of which may include pleasurable feelings, and that microtubules in brain neurons ‘orchestrate’ OR moments into full, rich conscious experience.
“It is suggested here that life originated and evolved billions of years ago in the ‘primordial soup’ in which dopamine-like molecules in ‘Oparin micelles’ began to have OR proto-conscious moments. Some of these were pleasurable, and provided a feedback fitness function for self-organization and evolution to optimize pleasure and avoid pain and life developed through behaviors which optimize survival of species.
An organism’s behavior is driven by reward, by seeking conscious pleasure, or avoiding pain. Human evolution continues to optimize pleasure, including hedonism, altruism and spirituality.
Many scientists have long been aware that our earth is immersed in an extremely dense sea of energy, which permeates every nook and cranny of the universe.
Recently it was realized that this huge reservoir could be an available source of valuable dense energy [1].
Our universe is holographic and vortex universe due to the factors of quantum teleportation and quantum entanglement [2].
{Holography is the science and practice of making holograms. Typically, a hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than of an image formed by a lens, and it is used to display a fully three-dimensional image of the holographed subject, which is seen without the aid of special glasses or other intermediate optics.[Wikipedia]}
{In fluid dynamics, a vortex (plural vortices/vortexes)[1][2] is a region in a fluid in which the flow revolves around an axis line, which may be straight or curved.[3][4] Vortices form in stirred fluids, and may be observed in smoke rings, whirlpools in the wake of boat, or the winds surrounding a tornado or dust devil. Vortices are a major component of turbulent flow. [Wikipedia]}
“The transferring of information and energy between cell and cell could be created by torsion wave produced by fundamental particle spin and double helix of DNA.

“The advanced study into the human torsion biofield is advancing human understanding beyond seeing human selves as physical beings to seeing human selfs as bio-energetic and bio-informational beings.
It is believed that everything in the universe is built from quantum building blocks.
In biological macroscopic world, where the warm, wet matter of the body, we cannot feel and detect the signature of the quantum realm, which requires strictly controlled laboratory circumstances.
“This belief is especially true in biology, but frontier scientists across the board, from physics, biology, mathematics, medicine philosophy and other disciplines, say not so.
Human beings may indeed be quantum beings. Experimental results of torsion field have shown that all matter harnesses torsion waves to sustain its existence.
An atom is actually a vortex of quantum vacuum zero point energy, where the negtively charged electron clouds are pressing in towards the positive-charged nucleus via the Biefeld-Brown effect. [218 The Double Helix of DNA and Transferring for Information and Energy by Torsion Field in Quantum Beings Xingliu Jiang , San-sheng Wang (Physics, Beihang University, Beijing, China)]
Microtubules (MTs) are cylindrical protein filaments that play crucial roles in eukaryotic cell functions.
They are particularly important in both axons and dendrites of neurons, hence their prominence in biophysical models of consciousness.
“The building block of microtubules, the heterodimer of alpha and beta tubulin has been well characterized crystallographically, which allowed us to build atomic-level models of tubulin and microtubules.
These models reveal complex electrostatic properties of microtubules, molecular mechanics, structural stability, hydrogen-bond interactions as well as conductive properties in ionic solutions.
This research reports the recent experimental results of the effects MTs, and tubulin dimers have on ionic solution’s AC conductance.
“Using a microelectrode system we have measured the AC conductivity and capacitance in a number of tubulin and microtubule solutions between 1 kHz and 1 MHz range of electric field frequencies. MTs in a low ionic solution increase solution conductance by 6% at 100 kHz, and this effect increases as the concentration of MTs increases. We model the possibility that this effect is due to ions being able to use MTs as a low-resistance cable as predicted in earlier publications.
“Conversely, tubulin dimers decrease solution conductance by 5% at 100 kHz under similar conditions indicating that a transformation from depolymerized to polymerized tubulin corresponds to an insulator-conductor transition with major implications for cell division and the function of neurons.
“We model these effects as being due to tubulin attracting counter-ion charges and lowering their mobility when depolymerized and directing their flows when polymerized. MTs show the ability to modulate the buffer solution’s conductance and capacitance and act as low resistance pathways for ions.
“This has significant implications for biological information processing, especially in neurons, and for intracellular electrical communication in general
Microtubules with alpha and beta tubulin dimers
“A particular effect observed in our experiments shows that microtubules function as Memristors/Memistors.
“Memristors represent the fourth element of the electrical circuits complementing resistors, capacitors and inductors. Hallmarks of memristive behavior include pinched and frequency-dependent I-V hysteresis loops and most importantly, a functional dependence of the magnetic flux passing through an ideal memristor on its electrical charge.

Pinched Hysteresis
“In this research provided both theoretical and experimental evidence that microtubules act according to the definition of a memeristor.
“Their biophysical properties lead to pinched hysteretic I-V dependence as well a classic dependence of magnetic flux on charge.
“In this research estimates of microtubule memristence reveal the significance for neuroscience and nanotechnology.
“Memristor electrical resistance is not constant but depends on the history of current that had previously flowed through the device, i.e., its present resistance depends on how much electric charge has flowed in what direction through it in the past; the device remembers its history — the so-called non-volatility property.[2] When the electric power supply is turned off, the memristor remembers its most recent resistance until it is turned on again.[3][4] [1 Chua, L. O. (1971), “Memristor—The Missing Circuit Element (reprint on CiteSeerX)”, IEEE Transactions on Circuit Theory, CT-18 (5): 507–519, CiteSeerX ] [2.Chua, Leon (1 March 2011). “Resistance switching memories are memristors” (PDF). Applied Physics A. 102 (4): 765–783. Bibcode:2011ApPhA.102..765C] [3.Strukov, Dmitri B.; Snider, Gregory S.; Stewart, Duncan R.; Williams, R. Stanley (2008). “The missing memristor found”(PDF). Nature. 453 (7191): 80–83. Bibcode:2008Natur.453…80S] [4. FAQ, Hewlett-Packard, retrieved 2010-09-03 [Wikipedia} ]
It is widely accepted that consciousness is the ground of being and is the basis of our subjective experiences. It is difficult to accurately express subjective experiences in any language. Eastern experiential accounts of pure consciousness describe it to be highly abstract, immortal, eternal, infinite, extremely blissful and beautiful, incomprehensible through mind and ineffable (inexpressible indefinable).
Hence, descriptions in scriptures are heavily symbolic using metaphors from observable physical reality and hence prone to constraints of interpretation. It is no wonder that highly abstract fields of arts, music, painting, sculpture or poetry and the highly abstract physical mathematical theory of quantum mechanics are also open to multitude of interpretations.
In developing a science of consciousness, it is important to identify powerful scientific metaphors to facilitate greater scientific understanding of experiential states of consciousness.
“This research proposed that the highest abstraction in science through mathematics and quantum physics, enables identification of important features of consciousness and intuition. ^
“The defining characteristics of consciousness, namely, immortal, eternal and infinite, imply consciousness to transcend space, time and cause and have a transcendental existence.
{‘Hypercosmic God’: “Today the John Templeton Foundation announced the winner of the annual Templeton Prize of a colossal £1 million ($1.4 million), the largest annual prize in the world. This year it goes to French physicist and philosopher of science Bernard d’Espagnat for his “studies into the concept of reality”. D’Espagnat, 87, is a professor emeritus of theoretical physics at the University of Paris-Sud, and is known for his work on quantum mechanics. The award will be presented to him by the Duke of Edinburgh at Buckingham Palace on 5 May. D’Espagnat boasts an impressive scientific pedigree, having worked with Nobel laureates Louis de Broglie, Enrico Fermi and Niels Bohr.
De Broglie was his thesis advisor; he served as a research assistant to Fermi; and he worked at CERN when it was still in Copenhagen under the direction of Bohr. He also served as a visiting professor at the University of Texas, Austin, at the invitation of the legendary physicist John Wheeler. But what has he done that’s worth £1 million?
The thrust of d’Espagnat’s work was on experimental tests of Bell’s theorem. The theorem states that either quantum mechanics is a complete description of the world or that if there is some reality beneath quantum mechanics, it must be nonlocal; that is, things can influence one another instantaneously regardless of how much space stretches between them, violating Einstein’s insistence that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light.}
To bridge the physical with the transcendental, it is important to identify, the interfaces as
• stillness: between time and eternity;
• emptiness: between space and infinity;
• and silence: between cause and immortality. [PL9 4.03 Space, time and the nature of reality 222 The Key to Science of Consciousness Lies in the Mathematical Abstractions of Zero and Infinity Shobha Bhasin , Sant Saran; Sukhdev Roy (Management, Rutgers University, Newark, NJ )]
“It is a common viewpoint that consciousness arises as some kind of side-effect of complicated computations being carried out within the brain, and that the details of the actual physical process taking place have little relevance.
“However, there are good reasons to believe that, although many computational processes are indeed involved in brain activity (such as in the cerebellum), these are not what are responsible for the phenomenon of consciousness.
“Arguments from mathematical logic clearly demonstrate that concepts such as ‘meaning’ and ‘understanding’ cannot be encapsulated by the mere following of computational rules.
“As a consequence, conscious experience cannot be the result of purely computational physical actions, and must therefore arise from physical processes that are not of a computational character. [C20 260 The Science of Quantum Soul and a New Theory of Consciousness Study? Soam Prakash , Preetam Pyari (Department of Zoology, Dayalbagh Educational Institute , Agra, India)]
Consciousness science has been established in 2016. The measurement of consciousness still remains to be unsolved. The measurement problem is inhibiting although noninvasive technology like SQUID measurements have been proposed by Sahni and Satsangi (2011,12,13,14,15,16).
“The human soul now appears discovered in the terms of one scientist and has also been photographed.” (Prakash 2012, 2016). A consciousness theory of Quantum nature of Soul was proposed also by (Chopra and Hameroff, 2012).
“Quantum Biology is an emerging field. “Magnetoreception (also magnetoception) is a sense which allows an organism to detect a magnetic field to perceive direction, altitude or location. This sensory modality is used by a range of animals for orientation and navigation, and as a method for animals to develop regional maps.” [Wiltschko, F.R. & Wiltschko, W. (2012). “Chapter 8 – Magnetoreception”. In Carlos López-Larrea. Sensing in Nature. Springer]
Scientists decoded transfer in ‘magnetoreception’ in birds, photosynthesis mechanism in plants with excitation functions and charge transfer and olfactory functions. The schematic diagram provided by Satsangi (2014, 15, 16) with the system science approach (fig-1, 2, 3, 4) could be a measurement tool of consciousness provided the theory proposed by Hameroff on quantum theory of consciousness (2016) is acceptable.
“The conceptual diagram proposed by Satsangi could be integrated with Hameroff quantum theory and shall provide the desideratum for the measurement of consciousness.
“The origin of consciousness reflects our place in universe, the nature of existence. Did consciousness evolve from complex computations among brain neuron? Or is consciousness a spiritual domain required to maintain? “Perhaps it accommodates both.”
Satsangi and Hameroff suggested human consciousness derives from quantum vibrations in microtubules, which are made of alpha and beta tubulin protein polymers inside the neurons’ cytoskeleton dendrites and soma, which govern neuronal and synaptic functions, and connect brain processes to self-organizing processes and quantum reality.”
This research review journalist concluded that human consciousness is comprised of human brain NeuroNetworks, which manifest neurophysiological “open for business’ actions and is one of many different omnipresent types of consciousness energy field networks in the universe.
“The stimuli for consciousness span the entire universe. The brain and mind mini-computer’s receptors, distributors, mini-Wi-Fi and mini-routers for stimuli from various consciousness domains are not universal, but specific. The brain and mind contributions to the universe of consciousness appear specific.
“Energy vibrations throughout the universe can storm or drizzle onto and into every big and little animate and inanimate material or energy substrate and be received or ignored depending on the character of the signal.
“While consciousness itself spans the entire universe, each domain of networks objective, purpose, function and procedure are probably at time similar and at times different.
The potential for consciousness stimuli reception, distribution and sensory integration is infinitesimal in large and small universes, outer space, astrophysics, planets, humans, worms, fly specs, atomic, subatomic, matter, energy and infinitesimal in the Theory of Everything.
The extremely complex Human brain and mind biophysical NeuroNetworks are similar to an orchestra and the Human body NeuroNetworks are resemble a marching band. The specific Consciousness brain biophysical NeuroNetworks are comparable to the piano in the orchestra. Each string on the piano’s soundboard has a specific vibrational frequency, akin to piano notes abcdefg, sharps and flats, for different consciousness actions.

Piano Soundboard
“Complex human Consciousness stimuli, different from less complex categories’ stimuli’, are from all Consciousness energy frequencies, vibrations and diurnal rhythms, which trigger both neurochemicals and hormones in the brain and body, unlike other non-biophysical Consciousness types.
“When Consciousness NeuroNetworks are stimulated, received, integrated, processed and activated human Consciousness is the ‘state of awareness’, when ‘the lights are on’ and the mind and brain are ‘open for business’.
“The universe, Milky Way Galaxy, solar system and earth, comparable to many other large and small ever-present energy field domains, are always’ open for business’ and relentlessly bombarded with resonant and disharmonious vibrational energy stimuli, and are armed with transistors, switches or gates, for electronic signals, which allow specific energy signal passage and direction, store good matches in memory and reroute the misdirected.
“Our ‘Participatory Universe’ [American physicist John Wheeler] is always alive with quantum entangled heartbeats and Consciousness and our ‘Participatory Universe’ is constantly, resonantly, oscillating and conducting connections and communications with ever-present energy field domains.
“Similarly, Human Consciousness stimuli are stimulated, received, integrated, processed and activated and routed and then physiologically actioned with intended cause i.e a ‘Conscious Awareness Physiological (Action) Moment’ which can also if appropriately be stored in memory.
“Many theories abound but most agree that Consciousness has to involve the integration of activity from several brain NeuroNetworks, allowing Humans to perceive surroundings as one single unifying experience, ‘Conscious Awareness Physiological (Action) Moments’, ‘Human Moments of Consciousness’, ‘Human Bits of Consciousness’, rather than isolated sensory perceptions i.e reading, prayer, shooting a basketball, driving a car, love-making, singing, every thinking, doing action etc.”
“Francis Crick, a pioneering neuroscientist, early in his career identified the structure of DNA, just days before he died.
“in July 2004, Crick was working on a paper that suggested our Consciousness needs something akin to an orchestra conductor to bind all of our different external and internal perceptions together.”
“With his colleague Christof Koch, at the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, hypothesized that this conductor would need to rapidly integrate information across distinct regions of the brain and bind together information arriving at different times.”
“For example, the Moments of Consciousness concerning the beauty of a rose. The complex ‘Consciousness Rose Moments’ would incorporate information about the smell and color of a rose, its name, and a memory of its relevance, all ‘Moments’ bound into one conscious experience when a handed a rose on Valentine’s day.” Multiple ‘Consciousness Rose Moment’ NeuroNetworks, connected together about one common subject in one common experience.
“Crick and Koch suggested that the claustrum, a thin, sheet-like structure that lies hidden deep inside the brain, was perfectly suited to this job.
A Universe ‘Conscious Awareness Physiological (Action) Moment’ or ‘Universe Moment of Consciousness’ might be a ‘Big Bang’, Supernova, Black Hole engulfing a neighboring Black Hole, Universe Expansion, Gravitational Waves, Holy Spirit Vibrations from our God etc.
• When a Single Human and Universe Conscious Awareness Physiological (Action) Moment’, or Bit, and an artificial intelligence computer Bit
• derived from different kinds of Energy stimuli
• trigger the Human Brain, our Universe and computer
• Bits (Bytes) are aggregated into a collection of NeuroNetworks of multiple Bits (Bytes) or Gigabits (Gigabytes). [Penrose-Hameroff Theory]
Our UNIVERSE IS truly A RESONANT RHAPSODY ENERGY SYMPHONY with Consciousness as the conductor, binding all of our different external and internal stimulations and perceptions together and rapidly binding together information arriving at different times and rapidly integrating the information across distinct regions of Human brains, our Universe and artificial intelligent computers.
Our God is with certainty a magnificent Symphony Director.
“In a study published by Mohamad Koubeissi at the George Washington University in Washington DC, he and his colleagues describe how they managed to switch a woman’s consciousness off and on by stimulating her claustrum. The claustrum appears to be the orchestra conductor. (Philosophical Transactions of The Royal Society B, [ Consciousness on-off switch discovered deep in brain by Helen Thomson 2 July 2014 New Scientist]
The Claustrum
“A patient had epilepsy. The Koubeissi team used deep brain electrodes to record signals from different brain regions to work out where her seizures originated. One electrode was positioned next to the claustrum, an area that had never been stimulated before. Stimulation of the claustrum switched Consciousness on and off, confirming the Crick and Koch Hypothesis.
“We may have found the key……Consciousness is created via many structures and networks but we may have found the ignition key,” the claustrum. [A pilot study of the role of the claustrum in attention and seizures in rats. Bayat, A.,Joshi, S.,Jahan, S.,Connell, P.,Tsuchiya, K.,Chau, D.,Syed, T.,Forcelli, P.,Koubeissi, M. Z.; Epilepsy Res.. 2018 Jan 13] [Electrical stimulation of a small brain area reversibly disrupts consciousness.Koubeissi MZ, Bartolomei F, Beltagy A, Picard F; Epilepsy Behav. 2014-08-01]
“Other research explained Anesthesia suppression of consciousness by synthesis of 2 Paradigms depending on the type anesthetic;” both probably contribute to on and off switch of consciousness:
“In the “bottom up” paradigm, anesthetics suppress consciousness by modulating sleep-wake nuclei and neural circuits in the brainstem and diencephalon, lower level brain anatomy, that have evolved to control arousal states.
“In the “top-down” paradigm: anesthetics suppress consciousness by modulating the cortical and thalamocortical circuits, upper level brain anatomy, involved in the integration of neural information. [Bottom-Up and Top-Down Mechanisms of General Anesthetics Modulate Different Dimensions of Consciousness, Mashour GA, Hudetz AG. Front Neural Circuits. 2017; 11:44. Epub 2017 Jun 20]
“Science is now claiming that Quantum Theory process Consciousness moves to another universe at death. (Spirit Science, 13 Jan, 2014). This research review journalist believes with other medicine and science researchers that the e-Soul, a Consciousness modality, departs the human at death.
“Even though The Human Soul has been discovered and been photographed (Prakash2012), Some scientists hesitate to accept it. But many others do. Many of the objections have been offered by Physicists, non-Biologists.
“The Soul being a functional unit of consciousness, the instrument and meditation practices have become a methodology. Many scientists hesitate to accept it and do experiments themselves to validate it. That is Consciousness of ‘Human Nature’.
The Reality is very illusive when not accepted; otherwise it becomes how they see an object subtle at Plank’s level.
“Quantum Mechanics is an affirmation of the traditional natural sciences almost completely forgotten, dual encounters with beings of the world (theoria / poiesis) and corresponding forms of knowledge (episteme theoretike / episteme poietike). [Kožnjak, Boris Experimental poiesis in quantum mechanics // Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences Entretiens de Zadar: “Science and interpretation”Zadar, Hrvatska, 2010. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, znanstveni)
“The nature and randomness of autopoeisis in the universe, is a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself. [208 The Possibility of Quantum Walks on a Microtubule Surface by Saatviki Gupta , Nandita Gupta, PhD; Arun Kumar Gupta, PhD (Physics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute , Delhi, India)]
“Conscious moments arise when the universal proto-consciousness is harnessed by way of reduction of global quantum coherence in the brain starting in the microtubule and indispensably aided by quantum entanglement.
“One must come to the realization that everything Humans experience is filtered through and interpreted by our mind. Without it, the Universe doesn’t exist at all or at least, not without some sort of consciousness observing it.
“In some physics circles, the prevailing theory is some kind of proto-consciousness field: Is Consciousness derived from an invisible energy field that inhabits our universe? Does the Universe have parallel Neurological-like System?
“Quantum fields are the primary ingredient of everything in this universe and present in each element of space-time of this immensely vast universe.
“The self-interaction aspect (Autopoiesis) of the quantum fields would be much more pronounced at fundamentally shorter distances, where gradually increasing unification of the fields is expected to occur.
“The attributes of self-interaction, self-coupling, self-organization, self-reproduction and self- referral are also the hallmarks of proto consciousness i.e. Consciousness-poiesis
“A postulation posed is that one of the main characteristics of QM experiments, conducted on cold, dry, non-biological equipment in laboratories, is a contextual and situational bringing-forth (Autopoiesis) of quantum entities from ‘non-presence’ into ‘presence’, from potentiality to actuality. [Kožnjak, Boris Experimental poesies in quantum mechanics // Académie Internationale de Philosophie des Sciences Entretiens de Zadar: “Science and interpretation”Zadar, Hrvatska, 2010. (predavanje, međunarodna recenzija, znanstveni)
Quantum Entangled, Dualistic Particle/Photons, distanced far apart, have non- causative correlations i.e. there are no causes for relationships and share secret correspondence.
Subatomic particles and energy are the smallest possible form of universe ‘synchronicity’ aka New Relativity.
Sympathetic Resonance aka Sympathetic Vibration ala Oscillation are harmonic phenomenon abiding by ‘Entanglement Area Law’ and form a dualistic ‘cooperative dance’, scientists call quantum entanglement
‘Entanglement Area Law’ has been observed in black holes. “Entanglement Area Law (EAL),” says Adrian Del Maestro, a physicist at the University of Vermont, who co-led research, “is a law that appears at both the vast scale of outer space and at the tiny scale of atoms.”
“EAL is ‘weird’ and points to a deeper understanding of reality.” Scientists discovered EAL controls the bizarre behavior of black holes out in space and controls cold helium atoms studied in earth based laboratories. [C. M. Herdman, P.-N. Roy, R. G. Melko, A. Del Maestro. Entanglement Area Law in superfluid 4He. Nature Physics, 2017; DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS4075]
Is EAL manifest when 2 or more humans exhibit ‘entangled minds’? When 2 or more humans exhibit entangled prayer? When human minds exhibit ‘Holy Spirit ‘ and ‘soul’ entanglement? When the soul is manifest and departs the human physical body after death? Many of us medicine and science researchers believe.
Anesthesia suppression of consciousness confirms Consciousness is a Science. [Science of Participatory Holistic Consciousness, Micheal B. Minix, Sr., M.D. Aug 16, 2018]
“In the well-known process where a photon converts into an electron and an antimatter electron, the photon field vibrations are transferred to the electron field, and two sets of vibrations are set up, one consistent with an electron vibration and the other consistent with the antimatter electron.
“This idea of fields and vibrations explains how the universe works at a deep and fundamental level. These fields span all of space. Some fields can “see” other fields, while being blind to others.”
“The photon field can interact with the fields of charged particles but cannot see gluon or neutrino fields. On the other hand, a photon can interact indirectly with the gluon field, first by making quark vibrations which then make gluon vibrations.
“It’s kind of like when two quarrelling siblings use a third to pass messages.” [Don Lincoln, Ref. next slide]
Electron Field (white checkered bump+field) on Right. Photon Field (blue checkered bump) released from Electron field Left
“Everything, and I mean everything, is just a consequence of many infinitely-large fields vibrating. The entire universe is made of fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony. Physicists are trying to understand the melody.” * said Don Lincoln [Quantum Physics The Good Vibrations of Quantum Field Theories by Don Lincoln, 5 Aug 2013, The Nature of Reality, KET]
“He continued God understands: these powers that be are ordained of God
“Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of Holy Spirit.” [Rom 15:3] “For the kingdom of God is not in word, but in power.” [1 Co 4:20] “And God hath both raised up the Lord and will also raise up us by his own power.” [1 Co 6:14 ] God is analogous-to and similar to a Cybernetic, Push-Pull, Feed Back, Power Grid System Comprised of Vibration and Resonance Energy System
The heartbeats of the universe are vibrations, analogous to a Grand Piano Soundboard. Our Divine Hypercosmic God is a Power Station. [Dr. d’Espagnat awarded Templeton Prize, 1 million pound sterling, March 16, 2009, by United Kingdom Templeton Foundation for work using theoretical physics to predict reality of a hypercosmic God, who exists outside of the physical universe, possibly in another universe or 5th dimension]
The Energy Types employed by God are: kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, chemical energy, radiant energy, nuclear binding energy, heat, work, thermal, elastic energy, gravitational energy, electrical, magnetic, rest energy, etc.
“Einstein first realized that empty space is not just nothing-ness. Space has amazing properties. Because energy is a property of space itself.
”Energy will not be diluted as space expands. As more space comes into existence, more of this energy-of-space will appear.”
“As a result, this form of energy will cause the universe to expand faster and faster.
“An explanation for dark energy is that it is a new kind of dynamic energy fluid, plasma or field, something that fills all of space but something whose effect on the expansion of the universe is the opposite of that of matter and the normal pull of gravitational energy.
“Entire universe is made of energy fields playing a vast, subatomic symphony.”[D. Lincoln, physicist]
Once and forever Created, evidence based facts are inherent and essential to Scientific Evidenced Based Christian language.
Many doctors, physicists and other scientists are Christians, who read and interpret the ’Holy Bible’ with scientific language and natural principles. God created science and knowledge for a purpose. [M. Pravica, physicist]
Jesus didn’t object to questioning and scientific learning i.e. doubting. Jesus said, “Thomas because thou hast seen me, thou believed.”[John 20:296] (Apostle Thomas was the only scientist in New Testament who sought fact based evidence that Jesus was alive.
God’s Holy Spirit universal interactions and Creation energy sources are similar to a Symphony, a Rhapsody of Resonating Cybernetic, Feedback Energy Fields, like a Baby Grand Piano vibrating and resonating soundboard notes that trigger the vibrations of the same note on another piano in an adjacent room.
“Dark Matter is actually dark, meaning that it is not in the form of stars and planets that we see. Observations show that there is far too little visible matter in the universe to make up the 27% required by the observations. It is not in the form of dark clouds of normal matter, matter made up of particles called baryons, subatomic particles, such as a nucleon or hyperon, that has a mass equal to or greater than that of a proton.
“Dark matter is not antimatter, because we do not see the unique gamma rays that are produced when antimatter when it overpowers matter.
Scientists ruled out large galaxy-sized black holes as basis of Dark matter on the basis of how many gravitational lenses are seen. Gravitational lenses are regions of space containing a massive object whose gravitational field distorts electromagnetic radiation passing through it in a similar way to a lens, sometimes producing a multiple image of a remote object.
High concentrations of matter bend light passing near them from objects further away, but not enough lensing events is seen to suggest that such objects make up the required 25% dark matter contribution.”
“Most scientists believe Dark Matter is made up of other, more exotic particles like axions or WIMPS (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles). [NASA Science Beta]
Now begins the description of Human Life Cycle and human interaction in the Physical Universe. By asking the Question: What is the Meaning, Purpose and Harmony of Life?
The widespread, non-scientific model for Creation, the Christian Religion, and the history of Jesus began about 2018 years ago, 13.8 years after the beginning of Scientific Creation and about 1500 years before science was discovered, about 500 years ago.
Of course quantum information processing is not possible in the warm wet brain. ……That idea would require the assistance of neuroscience / neurobiology.
It’s challenging enough to do quantum processing in a carefully controlled physics laboratory environment, never mind the warm, wet, complicated mess that is human biology, where maintaining coherence for sufficiently long periods of time is well-nigh impossible.
But scientists have discovered that migratory birds, with warm, wet, complicated messy brains have a “quantum compass” enabling them to exploit Earth’s magnetic fields for navigation, or that the human sense of smell could be rooted in quantum mechanics. We humans witness bird and other animal migrations and botanical annual regularities near every day.
Over the past decade, however, growing evidence suggests that certain biological systems might employ quantum mechanics.
There is, however, one “loophole” – offered by nuclear spins – that must be closed before acknowledging that we are merely clever robots.
Alleged neural quantum processing with nuclear spins seemingly requires fulfillment of many unrealizable conditions: for example, a common biological element with a very isolated nuclear spin to serve as a qubit, {{{ A qubit is a two-state quantum-mechanical system, such as the polarization of a single photon: here the two states are vertical polarization and horizontal polarization. In a classical system, a bit would have to be in one state or the other [Wikipedia].
If a photon can exist in two states; a particle and a wave then this could be the basis for a qubit . A qubit is a {Dual} two state quantum mechanical system.
For a photon to exist as both a wave and a particle would be like water existing as a solid and liquid at the same time. Temperature is responsible for the existence of a solid and liquid at the same time. If this is true for water, then it is possible that temperature is responsible for the existence of a two-state quantum mechanical system (the qubit). [The Chameleon of Quantum Culture: Wave-Particle Duality by Joel Taylor on December 6, 2012 Scientific American]}}} a mechanism for quantum entangling qubits, a mechanism for quantum memory storage and processing, a quantum to biochemical transduction that modulates neuron firing rates, among others.
One strategy, guided by these requirements, is one of reverse engineering seeking to identify the bio-chemical substrate and mechanisms hosting such putative (alleged) quantum processing. Remarkably, a specific neural (duality) qubit and a unique collection of ions, molecules and enzymes is identified, revealing an apparently single path nuclear spin quantum processing in the brain. [206 Are we quantum computers, or merely clever robots? Matthew Fisher (Physics, UC Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA )]
This research examines the possibility of information processing taking place on the surface of microtubules (MTs) through ‘Random Quantum Walks’ which could provide a possible explanation for quantum computations happening at that scale, even in an inhospitable biological environment.
Schrodinger hypothesized that as the scale of a system (gets smaller) goes down, quantum effects start to appear.
Of the many computational concepts that are used as the basis for algorithms, the ‘Random Walk’ is commonly used to model classical algorithms and is based on an extremely simple premise.
According to the basic principle, a starting point is selected on an undirected graph followed by selecting a neighboring point or node at random
and moving to it. This process is repeated until a termination condition is fulfilled.
The final random sequence of nodes travelled on the graph is then called the ‘Random Walk’.
This algorithm is very versatile and has been used to explain excitation energy transfer in light harvesting complexes in biological processes such as photosynthesis. According to the explanation, the electronic excitation performs a ‘Random Walk’ among the hundreds of molecules in the antenna complexes till it either decays to its ground state or is trapped by a reaction center.
The classical laws of probability are applied to analyze the chance of a certain path being chosen and some final node being reached. An analogous version of this algorithm exists called a ‘Quantum Walk’ in which the classical probability law is modified such that now a probability amplitude is assigned to each possible path in the ‘Random Walk’.
Now, it is assumed that both possible paths are taken simultaneously until one of the wave functions collapses. Based on this idea it is proposed that electrical excitations travelling within MTs {Microtubules} may transfer between tubulin dimers following a ‘Quantum Walk’ algorithm.
The output of a given walk could be channeled through surface MAPs into the next MT and continue as a new Quantum Walk through it and so on.
Additionally, according to previous reports on photosynthetic complexes, electronic coherence is possible even in biological environments and this supports the possibility of Quantum Walks on MTs.
Biogenesis: Timing-wise, the first mitotic cell division of the Zygote begins 1 to 2 hours after fertilization, depending on the temperature and species.
Autopoiesis (meaning ‘self” creation, cell division, mitosis) refers to a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself. Illustration is division into 2 daughter cells with nuclei in a late stage of nuclear division. Tubulin orange. Chromosomes blue. (16 January 2009 Lothar Schermelleh
Such a concept may lead {from the stimulation of an excitation pulse to a reaction measured from Neuron Networks and calculated mathematically} to an emergent phenomena which grows from the scale of an excitonic pulse on to tubulin dimers, Microtubules and finally can be macroscopically observed at the scale of a neuron or a network of neurons while allowing an extremely high density randomness mathematically.
Scientists presented the scale-discrepancy between satellite observations from the space and field measurements at local stations, in order to discuss the scale-dependency of self-organizing universe.
{The term autopoiesis (from Greek αὐτo- (auto-), meaning ‘self’, and ποίησις (poiesis), meaning ‘creation, production, the process of mitosis, example of an autopoiesisn’) refers to a system capable of reproducing and maintaining itself. [Wikipedia]
It is named ‘leaving the nature as it is’ as opposed to artificial frame, societal regulation, direction or intentional aim. Without any aim, any deliberate effort, any human intervention or any prejudice, Taoists attempted to reach the intrinsic and primordial nature in mind. ]208 The Possibility of Quantum Walks on a Microtubule Surface by Saatviki Gupta , Nandita Gupta, PhD; Arun Kumar Gupta, PhD (Physics, Dayalbagh Educational Institute , Delhi, India)]
Autopoiesis (meaning reproduction, cell division, mitosis) refers to a Created system in our Universe capable of reproducing and sustaining itself. Our Universe itself is an example.
The Heartbeat of the Universe is in Sympathetic Resonance with all Creations from Vibrations and Oscillations in harmonic phenomena abiding by ‘Entanglement Area Law’ (EAL) a dualistic ‘cooperative dance’, scientists call quantum entanglement. ‘THIS UNIVERSE IS A RESONANT RHAPSODY ENERGY SYMPHONY.’
‘EAL’ is a law that appears at both the vast scale of outer space and at the tiny scale of atoms” [Maestro]
‘EAL’ is at work in Human brain cells (neurons), microtubules, in living cell mitosis, particles/waves, all physics and biological dividing phenomena, increasing and expanding incorporating laws of Biophysics.
Physics’ Mathematical ‘Paradoxes Lost’ were mindfully found, when realizing that Einstein’s General Relativity Model and Quantum Mechanic Model, which are currently incompatible physics models, “fundamentally different theories that have different formulations for more than a century, actually have equalities.
Quantum rules allow connections forbidden by classical physics and are theoretically unified with the Hamerhoff-Penrose Biofield Model, heretofore, missing Biogenesis piece.
Universe Quantum Autopoiesis, self-replication, might explain questions concerning i.e.:
a. our universe’s autonomous expansion
b. human souls’ emergence from the human body when the heart stops
c. origin of mass
d. strong charge and parity problem (particle were interchanged with its antiparticle CP-symmetry)
e. neutrino oscillations
f. matter-antimatter asymmetry
g. nature of dark matter and dark energy
h. mathematics of Standard Model of Physics
i. singularity
Similar to cell division that normally results in two daughter cells each having the same number and kind of chromosomes as the parent nucleus, typical of ordinary tissue growth, but in certain circumstances dissimilarity results.
“A universe develops when a space is severed into two. Unity is defined. The description, invention and manipulation of unities is at the base of all scientific inquiry.” [Maturana, H.R., Varela F.J. (1980) Introduction. In: autopoiesis and Cognition. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science, vol. 42. Springer, Dordrecht]
Autogenesis (Autopoiesis) system is considered to be autopoietic and thus meeting the criteria to be considered living if the system is characterized by all 6 of the following criteria:
• Bounded system (demarcated from the environment)
• Complex individually identifiable components within the boundary
• Mechanistic system driven by cybernetically regulated energy fluctuations
• Self-referential (referenced) system boundaries internally determined
• Self-producing system intrinsically produces its own components
• Autonomous self-produced components are necessary and sufficient to produce the system
[Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (1980). Varela et al. (1974) [Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living (1980). Varela et al. (1974), by Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela in their book]
Two new Autopoiesis disciplines are developing Autopoiesis mathematics and computer models. Sophisticated, but not impossible, mathematics are encouraging. Mathematical physicists are working diligently.
Mathematics that relies on what happens to particles in so-called spacetime rips, gravity fluctuations i.e. occur during the birth of a black hole, event horizons and Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity Paradoxes Lost, will advance understanding. [by Eugenie Samuel Reich, Nature magazine on October 30, 2012, Scientific American]
“A ‘Wormhole’ is a hypothetical “shortcut” through the universe, where its two ends are each in separate points in spacetime.
“In a newly published study, an MIT physicist details how the creation of 2 entangled quarks simultaneously gives rise to a wormhole connecting the Universe pair.
“The theoretical results support the idea that the laws of gravity holding together the universe may not be fundamental, but arise from quantum entanglement.
“Quantum entanglement is one of the more bizarre theories to come out of the study of quantum mechanics — so strange, in fact, that Albert Einstein famously referred to it as “spooky action at a distance.”
“Entanglement involves two particles, each occupying multiple states at once, called ‘superposition’. Both particles may simultaneously spin clockwise and counterclockwise. But neither has a definite state until one is measured, causing the other particle to instantly assume a corresponding state. The resulting correlations between the particles are preserved, even if they reside on opposite ends of the universe.
“What enables particles to communicate instantaneously, seemingly faster than the speed of light, over such vast distances? Physicists 2013 proposed ‘wormholes’, or gravitational tunnels.
Scientists showed by creating two entangled black holes, then pulling them apart, they formed a wormhole, ‘shortcut’ through the universe, connecting the distant black holes.
An MIT physicist found looked at through the lens of string theory, the creation of two entangled quarks, the building blocks of matter, simultaneously gives rise to a wormhole connecting the pair of black holes.
The theoretical results suggest the laws of gravity holding together the universe may not be fundamental but arise from something else: quantum entanglement.
Julian Sonner, senior post doctorate in MIT’s Laboratory for Nuclear Science and Center for Theoretical Physics, published results in the Journal Physical Review Letters, together with a related paper by Kristan Jensen of the University of Victoria and Andreas Karch of the University of Washington.
Gravity is a ‘tangled web’. Ever since quantum mechanics was first proposed more than a 100 years ago, the main challenge for physicists in the field has been to “explain gravity in quantum-mechanical terms.”
While quantum mechanics works extremely well in describing interactions at a microscopic level, it fails to explain gravity, a fundamental concept of Einstein’s Relativity, which describe the macroscopic world.
Resulting in a major barrier in the reconciliation of reconciling Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. Physicists have tried in vane to develop a theory of ‘Quantum Gravity’ which would marry the two fields.
“There are some ‘Quantum Gravity questions are not understood.
“A Theory of ‘Quantum Gravity’ would suggest that classical gravity is not a fundamental concept, as Einstein first proposed, but rather emerges from a more basic, quantum-based phenomenon. In a macroscopic context, this would mean that the universe is shaped by something more fundamental than the forces of gravity.”
The concept of entanglement. one of the fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics directly conflict with General Relativity: 2 entangled particles ‘communicating’ across vast distances, would have to do so at speeds faster than that of light, a violation of Einstein’s laws of physics.
The bombshell, using the entanglement concept to build up Space-Time (Spacetime) may be the major step in reconciliation of the laws of Quantum Mechanics and General Relativity. That would be a “wowzer”.
“Tunneling to the fifth dimension. In July, physicists Juan Maldacena of the Institute for Advanced Study and Leonard Susskind of Stanford University proposed a theoretical solution in the form of 2 entangled black holes.
“When the black holes were entangled, then pulled apart, the theorists found that what emerged was a ‘wormhole’ a tunnel through space-time that is thought to be held together by gravity. The idea seemed to suggest that, in the case of ‘wormholes’ gravity emerges from the more fundamental phenomenon of entangled black holes.”
Following-up on work by Jensen and Karch, Sonner investigated the postulation at the level of quarks, subatomic particles of matter. What emerged from 2 entangled quarks, when he first generated quarks using the Schwinger effect was a concept in quantum theory that enables the creation of particles out of nothing.
Precisely called the ‘pair creation’ which allows 2 particles to emerge from a vacuum, or soup of transient particles. Under an electric field, Sonner saidt, “it catches a pair of particles” before they disappear back into the vacuum. Once extracted, these particles are considered entangled.
“Sonner mapped the entangled quarks onto a 4-dimensional space, considered a representation of space-time. In contrast, gravity is thought to exist in the next dimension as, according to Einstein’s laws, it acts to “bend” and shape space-time, thereby existing in the 5th dimension.”
“To see what geometry may emerge in the 5th dimension from entangled quarks in the 4th dimension, Sonner employed holographic duality, a concept in string theory. While a hologram is a two-dimensional object, it contains all the information necessary to represent a 3-dimensional view. Essentially, holographic duality is a way to derive a more complex dimension from the next lowest dimension.
‘Using holographic duality
Ø Sonner derived the entangled quarks
Ø and found what emerged was a ‘wormhole’ connecting the 2
Ø implying that the creation of quarks simultaneously creates a ‘wormhole’
Ø More fundamentally, suggests gravity may emerge from entanglement
Ø More so, the geometry, or bending, of the universe as described by classical gravity, may be a consequence of entanglement, such as that between pairs of particles strung together by tunneling wormholes.
“It’s the most basic representation yet that we have where entanglement gives rise to some sort of geometry,” Sonner says.
“What happens if some of this entanglement is lost, and what happens to the geometry? There are many roads that can be pursued, and in that sense, this work can turn out to be very helpful.” Sonner.
[Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement, Julian Sonner, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 211603, 2013; DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.211603] [Study Shows Creation of Entanglement Simultaneously Gives Rise to a Wormhole TOPICS: Entanglement MIT Quantum Mechanics Quantum Physics Spacetime
Ernest (Ernie) Simmons research attempts to relate theology and science in a mutually beneficial way. Theology must take the results of contemporary science seriously, said Simmons.
Ø “Science provides the clearest, current understanding of the world to which God is to be related.” *
Ø Because the discoveries of Quantum and Relativity Theories in Physics, the last 100 years, has dramatically shifted the understanding of the world.
Ø “Change rather than permanence, irreconciliation, has become foundational.”
Ø Peer reviewed Scientific Facts are Certainty
Utilizing several quantum physics concepts, such as entanglement (non-local, relational holism) and superposition (quantum coherence) as metaphors to talk about the understanding of God as Trinity in relation to the subatomic world resulted in the book The Entangled Trinity: Quantum Physics and Theology.
Since that work, there is increasing evidence that these same quantum phenomena can possibly be “scaled up” to the biological level, creating the emerging field of ‘Quantum Biology’. Quantum phenomena may be essential for such diverse processes as photosynthesis and bird migration.
Christian theology ({{{Neurotheology mbmsrmd}}}) may be able to express the faith and belief commitment, “that God is at work ‘in, with, and under’ the biological processes of life, in a way coherent with contemporary understanding.”
‘Contemporary understanding of Christian faith and belief in God’ is fundamental and unshakeable, because 85% of U.S. citizens are ‘scientifically illiterate’ [Neil deGrasse Tyson]. Therefore, coherent understanding might not be achievable and only mutual existence on earth of Christian Neurotheology and fundamental Christianity are realistic.
Earnest Simmons work at the Collegeville Institute, is entitled ‘The Entangled Creation’ an assimilation of Quantum Biology and Theology, which this research journalist and scientist refer to as Neurotheology.
Sir John Polkinghorne, an example of Simmons, is a theoretical physicist who entered an Anglican seminary and became a priest, who published The Faith of a Physicist, where he follows the Nicene Creed and responds to the scientific questions within each article of the creed.
Another enlightenment is God After Darwin and Deeper than Darwin by John Haught who demonstrates that “far from being the enemy of theology, evolutionary theory can assist theology in connecting to the wider, rapidly changing, world.”
An ordained Lutheran Pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, previously in the American Lutheran Church, who served parishes in Minnesota, Southern California, earned a Ph.D. in theology, and western North Dakota before coming to Concordia College. Simmons said, “I have understood myself as a pastor called to the specialized ministry of education on behalf of the church.”
[Ernest Simmons on The Entangled Creation: Quantum Biology and Theology.”, by Susan Sink, May 25, 2018]
In Conclusion, this journalist turns to the question asked by physicist Joel Primack and his wife, attorney and science reporter, Nancy Abrams: “Are we humans the handiwork of a loving God, who planned the universe or just insignificant, minute fly-specks marooned on an isolated lonely rock in endless space?” [in their book ‘The New Universe and the Human Future’]
For the answer, this journalist likewise questioned “What are the Meaning and Purpose of life?”
French: D’où venons-nous ? Que sommes-nous ? Où allons-nous?
Where do we come from? Who are we? Where are we going?
[Paul Gauguin 1897, U.S. Public Domain]
Research is rapidly advancing understanding. “For the first time, scientists have managed to show quantum entanglement, which Einstein famously described as “spooky action at a distance”, also happens between Macroscopic objects, a major step forward in our understanding of quantum physics.”
“Quantum entanglement links particles in a way that they instantly affect each other, even over vast distances. On the surface, this powerful bond defies classical physics and, generally, our understanding of reality, which is why Einstein found it so “spooky”. But the phenomenon has since become a cornerstone of modern technology.
“Still, up until now, quantum entanglement has only been demonstrated to work at the smallest of scales, in systems based on light, atoms, and sub-atomic particles, in a binary unit prefix for multiples of units notably the bit and the byte in data processing, data transmission, and digital information, with cold, dry laboratory equipment.
“Any attempt to increase the sizes, during experimental research, has caused problems with stability, with the slightest of environmental disturbances breaking the connection.
“But new research changes all of this, by demonstrating that this “spooky action” can indeed be a reality between Massive objects. But all are possible. Stay tuned.
“The next step will be to test whether vibrations are being teleported between the two objects and then even further environmental alterations.
“Our work qualitatively extends the range of entangled physical systems and has implications for quantum information processing, precision measurements, and tests of the limits of quantum mechanics,” write the researchers.[Einstein’s ‘Spooky Action’ Has Just Been Demonstrated on a Massive Scale For The First Time, This is blowing our minds by DAVID NIELD, 25 APR 2018, Science Alert]
In addition, “for the first time scientists have managed to analyze and compare Multipartite and Bipartite Quantum Entanglement.
“Results revealed the first examples which implied that Multipartite Entanglement Outperforms Bipartite entanglement, when limitations on the local system sizes matter in both the static setting and the dynamic setting.
“Further research will be needed to establish more general connections between the system sizes for common resource states and properties differentiating Multipartite and Bipartite Quantum Entanglement. [Multipartite entanglement outperforms Bipartite entanglement under limited quantum system sizes Hayata Yamasaki,1, ∗ Alexander Pirker,2 Mio Murao,1 Wolfgang D¨ur,2 and Barbara Kraus2 1Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, 7–3–1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 2 Institut fur Theoretische Physik, Universit¨at Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 21a, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria (Dated: August 2, 2018)]
Moreover, “researchers at ETH Zurich demonstrated what quantum computers will actually be able to achieve in the future. [17] [16] This research compares deep learning and machine learning. Both offer ways to train models and classify data.
“Physicists have shown that quantum effects have the potential to significantly improve a variety of interactive learning tasks in machine learning. [14]
“A Chinese team of physicists have trained a quantum computer to recognize handwritten characters, the first demonstration of “quantum artificial intelligence”.
“Physicists have long claimed that quantum computers have the potential to dramatically outperform the most powerful conventional processors. The secret sauce at work here is the strange quantum phenomenon of superposition, where a quantum object can exist in two states at the same time. [13]
“One of biology’s biggest mysteries i.e. how a sliced up flatworm can regenerate into new organisms, has been solved independently by a computer. “The discovery marks the first time that a computer has come up with a new scientific theory without direct human help. [12]
“A team of researchers working at the University of California and one from Stony Brook University have for the first time created a neural-network chip that was built using just memristors.
“Published in the journal Nature, scientists describe how they built their chip and what capabilities it has. [11] A team of researchers used a promising new material to build more functional memristors, bringing us closer to brain-like computing.” Memristors importance has been discussed in Hameroff-Penrose Orch-OR”
“Both academic and industrial laboratories are working to develop computers that operate more like the human brain. Instead of operating like a conventional, digital system, these new devices could potentially function more like a network of human brain nerve cells, neurons. [10] [Chemical Processes with Quantum Computers by George Rajna Category: Quantum Physics [386] viXra:1707.0408 [pdf] 2017-07-31]
More and more whowzers are forthcoming.
“Humans are vibrant, living, dancing energy holograms (three dimensional images) with energy vibrations of all known and measurable electromagnetic spectra, including eyesight reception,” with their own unique energy signature. [Ernest Emery Richards]
Humans, our universe, all its contents, the Holy Spirit and the Soul appear to be regulated by Multipartite and/or Bipartite, Massive, Macroscopic and/or small Atomic, Subatomic, Biological and Autopoiesis Quantum Entanglement Energy Area Law.
Now the Soul. Human beings are charged with advancement of The Meaning and Purpose of Life, accomplished with the pursuit of Perfection of ‘His Image’ and ‘His likeness’, which progresses, when the 50+ neuroanatomical Brain areas are willfully activated and stored in neuroanatomical microtubules, otherwise, in part, known as Souls, which God Created.
The illusory Mathematical ‘Paradoxes Lost’ will be confirmed, when Physics’ Mathematical Masterminds unite the Paradoxes: Multipartite, Bipartite, Large, Massive, Macroscopic, Small, Atomic, Subatomic, Biological, Autopoiesis, Quantum Entanglement and Relativity into 1 compatible Bio-Physics reality.
Resolution and reconciliation will come to pass, when mathematicians meet the challenge and find ways to free each discipline with newly released key equations and coexistent, mathematical unification of all the scientific methods. [Relativity versus quantum mechanics: the battle for the universe by Corey S. Powell, Oct 29, 2015 issue 29 of Nautilus]
“As a whole the Universe contains all the questions and all the answers.” The Symphonic Universe, the Creation of our loving God, has several identified intentions. **********************
Modern Anatomical Cognitive Humans (MACH) are intended by our Creator. MACH are chosen for the Meaning, Purpose and Dominion of mammalian Life. God programed and encoded, the Human Brain Neuroanatomy, and programed and encoded the Brain actions, the Neurophysiological Resonant Rhapsody Mindset, and programed and encoded His intention for willful activation of spiritual, religious, faith and belief in God practices, experiences and realities.
The Meaning and Purpose of ‘Creation Entanglement’ is human beings enter Eternal Life (Hope for ‘where we are intended’) by striving for perfection of ‘His Image’ and ‘His likeness’ thru obedience to God and His Word. [John 14:6]
1. [Utopia Is In Your Mind; Enjoy It, by Nick Bostrom, 11 Dec 2007]
2. [The Spiritual Brain, by Mario Beauregard and Denyse O’Leary, 2008]
3. [Don’t Confuse Spirituality with Righteousness by R.C. Sproul, May 19, 2015]
4. [The God Gene: How Faith Is Hardwired into Our Genes by Dean H. Hamer, Sep 27, 2005]
5. [Why Evolution Is True, August 21, 2013]
6. [Science, Faith, and Belief Systems, by Gerhard Adam, Sept 3, 201]
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15. [Religion and the Brain, DANA Foundation, Dec 1, 2009]
16. [The Age of the Universe, Measuring Cosmic Time, By Joel R. Primack (professor of physics and astrophysics at the University of California, Santa Cruz and is a member of the Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics) and Nancy Ellen Abrams author, musician, lawyer and philosopher, October 17th, 2008]
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46. [How We Won the Hominid Wars, and All the Others Died Out, paleoanthropologist Rick Potts, Evolution, 2011 issue, by Jill Neimark Feb 23, 2012]
47. [The Future of Homo Sapiens, by professor Jacob Palme, First version 29-May-2006, last revision 23-Mar-2014]
48. [Neurobiology of Spirituality, E. Mohandas, M.D., Mens Sana Monogr, 2008 6 (1) 63-80]
49. [African-American spirituality: a concept Newlin K1,KnaflK,Melkus GD.,ANS Adv Nurs Sci.2002 Dec;25(2):57-70]
50. [Spiritual assessment in African-Americans: a review of measures of spirituality used in health research by Lewis LM1, J Relig Health. 2008 Dec;47(4):458-75]
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52. [Taste uncoupled from nutrition fails to sustain the reinforcing properties of food, Beeler JA, McCutcheon JE, Cao ZF, Murakami M, Alexander E, Roitman MF, Zhuang X. (2012). European Journal of Neuroscience DOI: 10.1111/j.1460-9568.2012.08167.x]
53. [Artificial Sweetener: Tastes Great, But Unfulfilling, by Rob Mitchum in Brain, Drug Abuse, Neuroscience, Nutrition, Obesity August 7, 2012]
54. [Reid GBR, Hetherington R (2010). The climate connection: climate change and modern human evolution. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p. 64. ISBN 0-521-14723-9]
55. [Meredith M (2011). Born in Africa: The Quest for the Origins of Human Life. New York: PublicAffairs. ISBN 1-58648-663-2]
56. [Armitage SJ, Jasim SA, Marks AE, Parker AG, Usik VI, Uerpmann HP; Jasim; Marks; Parker; Usik; Uerpmann (January 2011). “The southern route “out of Africa”: evidence for an early expansion of modern humans into Arabia”. Science 331 (6016): 453–6. Bibcode: 2011Sci. 331. 453A doi:10.1126/science.1199113.PMID 21273486]
57. Human Evolution: A Neuropsychological Perspective. By John L. Bradshaw. Pg 185
58. Race (human classification) for more on H. s. sapiens
59. “Fossil Reanalysis Pushes Back Origin of Homo sapiens”. Scientific American. February 17, 2005.
60. McDougall, Ian; Brown, Francis H.; Fleagle, John G. (17 February 2005). “Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia”. Nature 433 (7027): 733–736. Bibcode: 2005 Natur. 433..733M. doi:10.1038/nature03258.PMID 15716951.
61. Matthew H. Nitecki, Doris V. Nitecki. Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans. Springer, Jan 31, 1994
62. Major Events in the History of Life. Edited by J. William Schopf. Pg168.
63. [Migration, by Clive Cookson, Science Editor, Bradshaw Foundation]
64. [Psychosocial Factors that Influence Abstinence and Sexual Activity Among African American Adolescent Girlsby Gwendolyn Childs, ProQuest, 2007 – 107 pages]
65. [De Fruyt, F.; Van De Wiele, L. & Van Heeringen, C. (2000). “Cloninger’s Psychobiological Model of Temperament and Character and the Five-Factor Model of Personality”. Personality and Individual Differences 29 (3): 441–452. doi:10.1016/S0191-8869(99)00204-4]
66. [Cloninger, C.R.; Svrakic, DM; Przybeck, TR (December 1993). “A psychobiological model of temperament and character”. Archives of General Psychiatry 50 (12): 975–90.doi:10.1001/archpsyc.1993.01820240059008. PMID 8250684]
67. [MacDonald, D.A.; Holland, D. (2002). “Examination of the psychometric properties of the temperament and character inventory self-transcendence dimension”. Personality and Individual Differences 32 (6): 1013–1027. doi:10.1016/S0191-8869(01)00107-6]
68. [Wikipedia]
69. [GLOBAL NEURAL GROUND STATE: COHERENT BRAIN MECHANISMS ASSOCIATED WITH TRANSCENDENTAL CONSCIOUSNESS Alarik T. Arenander, Ph.D. Director Brain Research Institute Institute for Science, Technology and Public Policy 641-472-7000 x3310 email:, Transcending Brain, Alaric 4/96, version 2.1]
70. [Changing the World Through A Shared Cosmology, Nancy Abrams and husband Joel Primack, July 8, 2011, Cabrillo College Music Recital Hall in Aptos, CA (Santa Cruz County). ]
71. [Taub, D. (2010) Effects of Rising Atmospheric Concentrations of Carbon Dioxide on Plants. Nature Education Knowledge 3(10):21]
72. [ 1.Portier CJ, et al. 2010. A human health perspective on climate change: a report outlining the research needs on the human health effects of climate change. Research Triangle Park, NC: EnvironmentalHealthPerspectives/NationalInstituteof EnvironmentalHealthSciences.doi:10.1289/ehp.1002272 Accessed November 17, 2012]
73. [2. Ries, J. B., Cohen, A. L., & McCorkle, D. C. (2009). Marine calcifiers exhibit mixed responses to CO2-induced ocean acidification. Geology, 37(12), 1131-1134]
74. [3. Manuel, J. 2008. Drought in the Southeast: Lessons for water management. Environews: Spheres of influence.Apr 116(4):A168-A171]
75. [Climate Education for K-12, North Carolina State]
76. [A God That Could Be Real, Nancy Ellen Abrams, author, musician, lawyer and philosopher, released in March 2015. Twitter: @cosmicsociety]
77. [Dopamine Functions, By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD, June 22, 2015, Medical News AZoNetwork]
78. [Vaishnavi, Sandeep; Jesse Calhoun; Anjan Chatterjee (February 2001). “Binding Personal and Peripersonal Space: Evidence from Tactile Extinction” (PDF). Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 13 (2): 181–189. doi:10.1162/089892901564243. Retrieved 6 May 2012]
79. [The Previc, Persinger, and d’Aquili-Newberg Models of Religious Experience]
80. [God, Dopamine, and 3-Dimensional Space, The Ingenious Theories of Fred Previc, Charles Brack Feb, 2008,]
81. [The role of the extrapersonal brain systems in religious activity, Consciousness and Cognition Science Direct, Fred H. Previc, Vol 15, Issue 3, September 2006, Pages 500–539]
82. [World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines” World Health Organization. October 2013]
83. [Dopamine receptor signaling in the forebrain by Rodolfo Savica, MD, MSc and Eduardo E. Benarroch, MD Neurology August 19, 2014 vol. 83 no. 8 758-767]
84. [The physiology, signaling, and pharmacology of dopamine receptors, Beaulieu JM1, Gainetdinov RRPharmacol Rev. 2011 Mar; 63(1):182-217. Epub 2011 Feb 8]
85. [African-American spirituality: a concept analysis.byNewlin K1, Knafl K,Melkus GD., ANSAdvNursSci.2002Dec;25(2):57-70.]
86. Matthew H. Nitecki, Doris V. Nitecki. Origins of Anatomically Modern Humans. Springer, Jan 31, 1994
87. Major Events in the History of Life. Edited by J. William Schopf. Pg168.
88. Human Evolution: A Neuropsychological Perspective. By John L. Bradshaw. Pg 185
89. The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, edited by David M. Buss, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. Chapter 14, Commitment, Love, and Mate Retention by Lorne Campbell B. and Bruce J. Ellis.
90. “Evolutionary psychology: the emperor’s new paradigm” by D. J. Buller in Trends Cogn. Sci. (2005) Volume 9 pages 277-283.
91. The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature by Geoffrey F. Miller inPsycoloquy (2001) 12,#8.[page needed]
92. Evolution of human music through sexual selection by G. F. Miller in N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, & S. Brown (Eds.), The origins of music, MIT Press, (2000). pp. 329-360.
93. Sexual selection and mate choice in evolutionary psychology (PDF) by C. Haufe in Biology and Philosophy doi:10.1007/s10539-007-9071-0
94. Griffith J. 2011. What is Love?. In The Book of Real Answers to Everything ISBN 9781741290073http://www.
95. Sussman, Robert W. (2004). The Origins and Nature of Sociality. Transaction Publishers. p.432.ISBN 978-0-202-30731-2.
96. Fisher HE, Aron A, Brown LL (December 2006). “Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice”. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 361 (1476): 2173–86.doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1938. PMC 1764845. PMID 17118931. The sex drive evolved to motivate individuals to seek a range of mating partners; attraction evolved to motivate individuals to prefer and pursue specific partners; and attachment evolved to motivate individuals to remain together long enough to complete species-specific parenting duties. These three behavioral repertoires appear to be based on brain systems that are largely distinct yet interrelated, and they interact in specific ways to orchestrate reproduction, using both hormones and monoamines. … Animal studies indicate that elevated activity of dopaminergic pathways can stimulate a cascade of reactions, including the release of testosterone and estrogen (Wenkstern et al. 1993; Kawashima &Takagi 1994; Ferrari & Giuliana 1995; Hull et al. 1995, 1997, 2002; Szezypka et al. 1998; Wersinger & Rissman 2000). Likewise, increasing levels of testosterone and estrogen promote dopamine release …This positive relationship between elevated activity of central dopamine, elevated sex steroids and elevated sexual arousal and sexual performance (Herbert 1996; Fiorino et al. 1997; Liu et al. 1998; Pfaff 2005) also occurs in humans (Walker et al. 1993; Clayton et al. 2000; Heaton 2000). … This parental attachment system has been associated with the activity of the neuropeptides, oxytocin (OT) in the nucleus accumbens and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the ventral pallidum … The activities of central oxytocin and vasopressin have been associated with both partner preference and attachment behaviors, while dopaminergic pathways have been associated more specifically with partner preference.
97. Slater, Lauren (February 2006). “Love”. National Geographic. Retrieved 19 November 2009.
98. “The neurobiology of love” by S. Zeki in FEBS Lett. (2007) Volume 581 pages 2575-2579.doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2007.03.094 PMID 17531984
99. McGregor IS, Callaghan PD, Hunt GE (May 2008). “From ultrasocial to antisocial: a role for oxytocin in the acute reinforcing effects and long-term adverse consequences of drug use?”. Br. J. Pharmacol. 154(2): 358–368. doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.132. PMC 2442436. PMID 18475254. Recent studies also highlight remarkable anxiolytic and prosocial effects of intranasally administered OT in humans, including increased ‘trust’, decreased amygdala activation towards fear-inducing stimuli, improved recognition of social cues and increased gaze directed towards the eye regions of others (Kirsch et al., 2005; Kosfeld et al., 2005; Domes et al., 2006; Guastella et al., 2008).
100. Miller GM (January 2011). “The emerging role of trace amine-associated receptor 1 in the functional regulation of monoamine transporters and dopaminergic activity”. J. Neurochem. 116 (2): 164–176.doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.07109.x. PMC 3005101. PMID 21073468.
101. Bancroft J (September 2005). “The endocrinology of sexual arousal”. The Journal of Endocrinology 186(3): 411–27. doi:10.1677/joe.1.06233. PMID 16135662.
102. Donatella Marazziti; Domenico Canale (Aug 2004). “Hormonal changes when falling in love”.Psychoneuroendocrinology 29 (7): 931–936. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2003.08.006. PMID 15177709.
103. Lewis, Thomas; Lannon, Richard; Amini, Fari (2000). A General Theory of Love. Vintage Books USA.ISBN 978-0-307-42434-1.
104. Reward, Motivation, and Emotion Systems Associated With Early-Stage Intense Romantic Love by Arthur Aron1, Helen Fisher, Debra J. Mashek, Greg Strong, Haifang Li and Lucy L. Brown in Journal of Neurophysiology (2005) Volume 94, pages 327-337.
105. Bartels, Andreas; Zeki, Semir (27 November 2000). “The Neural Basis of Romantic Love”.NeuroReport (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 11 (17): 3829–3834. doi:10.1097/00001756-200011270-00046. PMID 11117499. Retrieved 27 March 2012. Lay summary – BBC News (5 July 2000).
106. S. Ortigue; F. Bianchi-Demicheli; A. F. de C. Hamilton; S. T. Grafton (Jul 2007). “The Neural Basis of Love as a Subliminal Prime: An Event-related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study”.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (7): 1218–1230. doi:10.1162/jocn.2007.19.7.1218.
107. The Handbook of Evolutionary Psychology, edited by David M. Buss, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. Chapter 14, Commitment, Love, and Mate Retention by Lorne Campbell B. and Bruce J. Ellis.
108. “Evolutionary psychology: the emperor’s new paradigm” by D. J. Buller in Trends Cogn. Sci. (2005) Volume 9 pages 277-283.
109. The Mating Mind: How Sexual Choice Shaped the Evolution of Human Nature by Geoffrey F. Miller inPsycoloquy (2001) 12,#8.[page needed]
110. Evolution of human music through sexual selection by G. F. Miller in N. L. Wallin, B. Merker, & S. Brown (Eds.), The origins of music, MIT Press, (2000). pp. 329-360.
111. Sexual selection and mate choice in evolutionary psychology (PDF) by C. Haufe in Biology and Philosophy doi:10.1007/s10539-007-9071-0
112. Griffith J. 2011. What is Love?. In The Book of Real Answers to Everything ISBN 9781741290073.
113. Sussman, Robert W. (2004). The Origins and Nature of Sociality. Transaction Publishers. p. 432.ISBN 978-0-202-30731-2.
114. Fisher HE, Aron A, Brown LL (December 2006). “Romantic love: a mammalian brain system for mate choice”. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Lond., B, Biol. Sci. 361 (1476): 2173–86.doi:10.1098/rstb.2006.1938. PMC 1764845. PMID 17118931. The sex drive evolved to motivate individuals to seek a range of mating partners; attraction evolved to motivate individuals to prefer and pursue specific partners; and attachment evolved to motivate individuals to remain together long enough to complete species-specific parenting duties. These three behavioral repertoires appear to be based on brain systems that are largely distinct yet interrelated, and they interact in specific ways to orchestrate reproduction, using both hormones and monoamines. … Animal studies indicate that elevated activity of dopaminergic pathways can stimulate a cascade of reactions, including the release of testosterone and estrogen (Wenkstern et al. 1993; Kawashima &Takagi 1994; Ferrari & Giuliana 1995; Hull et al. 1995, 1997, 2002; Szezypka et al. 1998; Wersinger & Rissman 2000). Likewise, increasing levels of testosterone and oestrogen promote dopamine release …This positive relationship between elevated activity of central dopamine, elevated sex steroids and elevated sexual arousal and sexual performance (Herbert 1996; Fiorino et al. 1997; Liu et al. 1998; Pfaff 2005) also occurs in humans (Walker et al. 1993; Clayton et al. 2000; Heaton 2000). … This parental attachment system has been associated with the activity of the neuropeptides, oxytocin (OT) in the nucleus accumbens and arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the ventral pallidum … The activities of central oxytocin and vasopressin have been associated with both partner preference and attachment behaviours, while dopaminergic pathways have been associated more specifically with partner preference.
115. Slater, Lauren (February 2006). “Love”. National Geographic. Retrieved 19 November 2009.
116. “The neurobiology of love” by S. Zeki in FEBS Lett. (2007) Volume 581 pages 2575-2579.doi:10.1016/j.febslet.2007.03.094 PMID 17531984
117. McGregor IS, Callaghan PD, Hunt GE (May 2008). “From ultrasocial to antisocial: a role for oxytocin in the acute reinforcing effects and long-term adverse consequences of drug use?”. Br. J. Pharmacol. 154(2): 358–368. doi:10.1038/bjp.2008.132. PMC 2442436. PMID 18475254. Recent studies also highlight remarkable anxiolytic and prosocial effects of intranasally administered OT in humans, including increased ‘trust’, decreased amygdala activation towards fear-inducing stimuli, improved recognition of social cues and increased gaze directed towards the eye regions of others (Kirsch et al., 2005; Kosfeld et al., 2005; Domes et al., 2006; Guastella et al., 2008).
118. Miller GM (January 2011). “The emerging role of trace amine-associated receptor 1 in the functional regulation of monoamine transporters and dopaminergic activity”. J. Neurochem. 116 (2): 164–176.doi:10.1111/j.1471-4159.2010.07109.x. PMC 3005101. PMID 21073468.
119. Bancroft J (September 2005). “The endocrinology of sexual arousal”. The Journal of Endocrinology 186(3): 411–27. doi:10.1677/joe.1.06233. PMID 16135662.
120. Jump up^ Donatella Marazziti; Domenico Canale (Aug 2004). “Hormonal changes when falling in love”.Psychoneuroendocrinology 29 (7): 931–936. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2003.08.006. PMID 15177709.
121. Lewis, Thomas; Lannon, Richard; Amini, Fari (2000). A General Theory of Love. Vintage Books USA.ISBN 978-0-307-42434-1.
122. Reward, Motivation, and Emotion Systems Associated With Early-Stage Intense Romantic Love by Arthur Aron1, Helen Fisher, Debra J. Mashek, Greg Strong, Haifang Li and Lucy L. Brown in Journal of Neurophysiology (2005) Volume 94, pages 327-337.
123. Bartels, Andreas; Zeki, Semir (27 November 2000). “The Neural Basis of Romantic Love”.NeuroReport (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins) 11 (17): 3829–3834. doi:10.1097/00001756-200011270-00046. PMID 11117499. Retrieved 27 March 2012. Lay summary – BBC News (5 July 2000).
124. S. Ortigue; F. Bianchi-Demicheli; A. F. de C. Hamilton; S. T. Grafton (Jul 2007). “The Neural Basis of Love as a Subliminal Prime: An Event-related Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study”.Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 19 (7): 1218–1230. doi:10.1162/jocn.2007.19.7.1218.
125. [The “God” Part of the Brain: A Scientific Interpretation of Human Spirituality and God, Matthew Alper, Sep 1, 2008 – Science]
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